by Donald J. Trump for President 2024:10 時間前にライブ配信

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LIVE: President Trump in Glendale, AZ





















































しかし、警察官を常に悪者扱いすることで、国民の信頼が損なわれています。警察官に対する頑固さ、無礼、攻撃的な態度や行動が助長されています。彼女の名前は何でしたっけ?同志カマラでした。それがそうでした。カマラ カラ 同志でした。私たちが知っているのは、彼女が警察の予算削減を支持していたこと、そして警察を再考したいと思っていたことです。それが何を意味するのかわかりません。彼女は、公共の安全を低下させ、コミュニティを安全でなくす過激な運動の一部です。対照的に、トランプ大統領の最初の任期中は、彼は常に私たちを支えてくれました。






1:10:30 トランプ大統領は、国境で​​毎日行われている数百万ドル規模の違法取引を阻止するだろう。カマラ同志のおかげで、国境は開放されたが、彼女が豊かにした唯一のグループは、世界中の160か国以上に拡大した。メキシコの麻薬カルテルだ 彼らは人間を利用し、人身売買し、犬のように扱うことでこれを行った 。

この国の違法薬物の流入は歴史上類を見ない そして彼らは、私たちのコミュニティに害を与え、子供たちを殺している違法な電子タバコも持っている。これらはすべて中国から輸入されているカルテル これは止めなければならない 。


カラ・ハリス、国境は故意に破壊され、米国国境は不法移民で国を溢れかえらせるために壁を撤去し、捕獲と解放を実施し、メキシコでの滞在を終了させ、事実上 氷を閉鎖した 。

これらのエージェントを最前線から引き離し、事務処理やおむつ交換などの行政業務に就かせた 一方、我が国の正面玄関は大きく開いている。トランプ大統領はこれを止めるだろう 真剣な質問がある。

国境は カマラ、南の国境に向かっているかどうかはわからないが、ドナルド・トランプ大統領は 国境を視察したか ?




平均して毎日5,000人以上の不法移民が国に解放されている 我が国では彼らが誰なのか、どこから来たのかはわからない。38か月連続で彼らの行方すらわからない。今月の国境での接触件数は、トランプ政権下での最高月よりも高かった 。これは故意に行われていないと言うことはできない。なぜなら故意に行われているからだ。 


2023年だけでも、90万人以上の不法移民が裁判日を待つために米国内陸部に釈放され、誰も彼らがどこにいるのか知らない。それはメサ市全体だ 我々の国に流入しているのはこれだけだ。違法薬物がこの国に流入していることについて我々が知っているのはそれだけだ。驚くべき速度で流入しており、国境で阻止されたのはわずか5人だけだ お分かりだ 皆さん、ここで終わらせてください この国は私たちの家族であり、私たちのコミュニティであり、私たち一人ひとりが大切にしているすべてのものだ 。




皆さん 法執行機関の法と秩序を支持しているのは誰なのかは明らかです。

それはトランプ大統領です 。


法の支配に対する揺るぎないコミットメントは、男性も女性も毎日命をかけて います。

ですから、国家安全保障を支持し、理事会を守りたいなら トランプに投票してください! 

法執行機関と安全なコミュニティを支持するなら トランプに投票してください! 



ありがとうございます。神のご加護がありますように! [拍手]




トランプ:どうもありがとうございます 素晴らしい推薦です。とても意味のあることです。最後に、カムラ・ハリスと悪徳ジョー・バイデンからホワイトハウスを取り戻した瞬間から、悪徳は 4ドル札、以前は3ドル札、今は4ドル札だと言っています。 私たちは、この国の歴史上最も素晴らしい4年間を迎えることになると信じています。 初日から 私は国境を封鎖し、移民の侵入を阻止します。 私たちはアメリカ史上最大の強制送還作戦を実行します国境を強く信じていた1950年代のドワイト・D・アイゼンハワー大統領よりも大きい インフレを克服し、アメリカを再び手頃な価格にします 再び手頃な価格の国になります アメリカを世界有数のエネルギー生産国にします はるかに近いところさえありません。私がいつも言っているように、私たちは サウジアラビアやロシアを含む世界のどの国よりも 足元に液体の金を持っています そしてそれを使って国民の税金とエネルギーコストを削減します 1年間でエネルギー料金を50%以上削減します それはここにあり、国中のどこにでもあります 1:16:27 それには暖房、エアコン、電気、車のガソリンが含まれます 私はアメリカをかつてないほど製造業の超大国にします 私たちはアメリカに雇用を取り戻す 私たちはもはや外国に私たちの雇用を奪わせたり、私たちの富を盗ませたりすることは許しません。私たちは自国で製品を作り、外国から買うものよりもはるかに少ない量を買います 今私たちはそれを実現しようとしています 彼らと取引するために税金を払わせる他の国々 彼らが米国に製品を送るとき、私たちは同じ税金を課されます それはトランプ相互貿易法と呼ばれ、中国や他の国が私たちに100%の税金や関税を課すなら 私たちは彼らに100%または200%の相互関税を課します 偉大なウィリアム・マッキンリー大統領の言葉を借りれば、共和党の保護関税政策は私たちの国民の生活をより甘く、より明るく、より明るく、より明るく、より明るくしました そしてそれは私たちの市民権と私たちの文明がこれまでに得た最高のものであり、私たちの人々の運命はより良いものになるべきです自国を大事にし、まずは産業を大事にしなければなりません まずは国を大事にしなければなりません そろそろ時期が来ており、来年の1月20日から実現します 私はメキシコ、中国、その他の国が米国に自動車を販売することを許しません。ミシガン州やサウスカロライナ州を含む米国全土の自動車労働者に損害を与えます。全米自動車労働組合の皆さん、トランプに投票してください。なぜなら、私はこれまでこの国で見たこともないほどの自動車生産を取り戻すつもりだからです 私はばかげた電気自動車の義務化を終わらせ、ハリス・バイデン政権の規制を廃止し、自動車製造業をこれまで以上に大きく、より良く、より強くします 1:19:00 以前 そして、もしあなたがコンマに頼っていたら、3年以内に自動車産業はなくなり、私が白紙に戻ったとき、あなたは二度と自動車を作ることはないでしょう下院では、労働者に対する大規模な減税法案を可決し、先ほど言ったようにチップには課税しません。つまり、レストランの従業員、バーテンダー、接客業の従業員、キャディー、理髪店の運転手、その他チップ収入に頼っている人のチップは100%あなたのものとなり、政府から嫌がらせを受けることがなくなります。そして、私は、削減や変更なしに、あなたの社会保障とメディケアのために戦い、守ります。年齢を繰り上げるつもりはありません。彼らは5年繰り上げたいと言っていますが、私たちはそうしません。ダーリン、いつ社会保障を受けられるのでしょうか。彼らは5年繰り上げました。私には無理です。彼らにはそうなるでしょう。彼らはあなたの社会保障を破壊するでしょう。そして、高齢者の社会保障給付には課税しません。彼らはひどいことで私たちの高齢者と他のすべての人を破壊しました。インフレが起きて、社会保障で小額のお金が支給され、税金を払わされる。分からない 私たちにはそれは必要ありません。私たちにはできるのです。液体の金など、他にもたくさんあるのです。液体の金を探しに行くのです。無駄で不必要な支出を削減し、グリーンニュース詐欺を終わらせ、そのお金を道路や橋、本物のインフラに使い、借金を返済します。国民に何の利益ももたらさない大規模なインフレを引き起こした偽のインフラはやめましょう 私はウクライナの戦争を解決し、中東の混乱を終わらせ、ストライキを通じて平和を回復します。そうすれば実現します。




















皆さんに神のご加護がありますように 神のご加護がありますように ありがとう 本当にありがとう


アリゾナに 神のご加護がありますように

[音楽] [拍手]


arsonists and Killers people died including Shawn Michael Tillman a

dangerous repeat offender who went on to shoot and kill a Minnesota man six times

in the head he shot him six times in the head and torso and Camala let him out let him go


while Camala Harris was Da of sanctuary City San Francisco so 20 years ago maybe


the greatest city in the world today it's unlivable she ignored the pleas of


victim's family please please let us do please don't do this to us and refuse to

seek the death penalty against an Del legal alien MS13 gang member one of the

worst murderers they've seen in years who murdered an innocent man and his two

sons and didn't even remember he did it as California attorney general she

redefined child sex trafficking assault with a deadly weapon and rape of an

unconscious person as a nonviolent crime comrade Camala Harris destroyed

singlehandedly with some help from the worst governor in our nation Gavin

nusum both San Francisco and California itself he's a

terrible Governor what a governor for years but you know she might have picked

a worse one if you look at the numbers in Minnesota we hope we're going to win

Minnesota you know it hasn't been once since 1972 Richard Nixon but we're doing

well there too but the governor is horrible you know what he did he approved a bill to give tampons in every

young man's bathroom

right think of that this is what we have this is our vice president our potential

president tampons in boys

bathrooms for years Camala Harris has pushed

legislation to strip police officers of protection trying to bankrupt them and ruin their lives for doing their jobs no

protection no immunity no nothing nothing she even endorsed defund the

police I will never defund the police I will only fund the police and fund them

with plenty of money and pride I will always back our law

enforcement heroes in blue we are pleased to be joined tonight by the president of the Arizona Police

Association Justin Harris oh no he's not a relation Justin are your

relation last name is Harris spelled the same I'm very concerned about this I'm not

really but Justin Harris is a great gentleman who has a special announcement

Justin would you please come up thank

you an I'm not worried about it

thank ++[Applause]


you well good evening everyone I'm a little concerned about that illegal immigration chart you put up there was

that a spike in Immigration or the inflation sort of both kind of both right wonderful job those Democrats are

doing my name is Justin Harris I'm a veteran police Sergeant here in Arizona with 25 years of experience of service

and I also have the privilege and the honor to serve as the State president of the Arizona Police Officers



Association the Arizona Police Officers Association is the largest law enforcement Association in the state of

Arizona and we represent over 12,000 law enforcement professionals the men and

women that currently serve serve in our communities each and every day at the local County state and federal law

enforcement levels we cover the entire State and on behalf of the Arizona Police Association we are proud to

welcome president Trump to the great state of

Arizona and to the wonderful city of Glendale home of Luke Air Force Base

folks these men and women and Luke fly those beautiful F-16 Fighting Falcons of

The 309th Fighter Squadron and those beautiful beautiful F35

Lightnings nothing like hearing those jets flying overhead which that's the sound of freedom and American



Ingenuity also also a special thank you to the Glendale mayor Jerry wirers and the entire city council for their

unwavering support and advocacy for our police officers active duty military and

our veterans you're not going to find stronger advocates for our military or

veterans and our police officers anywhere in the world other than glendell thank you mayor and

councel also I want to give a special than thanks you to the men and women of the Glendale Police Department the best

and most professional Police Department in the country okay thank

you with a special thanks to police chief Chris Briggs and the other eight West Valley Coalition departments that

allowed us to use their Law Enforcement Officers here today to keep us all safe thank you gentlemen and women

law enforcement today is perhaps the most complex occupation on Earth it's an honorable profession of service and

commitment to others those who step in the gap between good and evil and to protect

our communities and we do so knowing the risk officers are required to make Split

Second decisions under the most uncontrolled chaotic and stressful

situations often at Great risk to their own personal safety

given the literally millions of contacts between officers in the communities annually with a few exceptions officers

make those decisions correctly as trained and in accordance with the law but high profile does not mean high

frequency currently in this day and age of instant information social media and videos there's an unrealistic

expectation of absolute profession or Perfection it is not possible to be perfect every time because we hire from

the human race people are not perfect good people can make

mistakes however the constant orchestrated villainization of police officers has eroded The public's trust

it has encouraged an air of obstinance disrespect and assault of attitudes and behavior towards police

officers what was that name we call her was that comrade Kamala was that what it

was camela Cala comrad well what we do know is she supported

defunding the police and the best term is they wanted to reimagine policing I

don't know what that means she is part of the radicalized movement to degrade Public Safety and make her communities

less safe in contrast under President Trump's first term in office he always

had our backs thank you for that [Applause]

he never rushed to judgment and he never ever in a lifetime called to defund the


ever and we owe him a dead of gratitude for that let's also forget when President

Donald Trump was President he closed the borders and locked the door



borders are Cala Harris open the door and let everybody

in borders all borders arala Harris is allowing millions of illegal immigrants

into this country turning each and every state into a border state and flooding

American streets with drugs and crime the Democrats haven't quite

figured this out yet but it's not right rocket science but open borders equals more crime close the



border and my gut tells me that there's

a gentleman standing up here on stage today that's going to do exactly that 


President Donald Trump has in the past and will again make America great

Again by tackling lawlessness



headon ceasing the endless flow of illegal immigrants across our Southern border 

and enduring ensuring the police departments across your country have the funding the training and equipment

necessary to do our jobs and he's not going to reimagine us doing that



president Trump will stop the multi-million doll elicit trade 

that occurs each and every day at the border thanks to comrade Kamala with these open borders the only group that

she's enriched is the Mexican cartels which have expanded over 160 countries across the world 


they've done this

 by using human beings and human trafficking and treating them like dogs

 the flow of illegal drugs in this country is unmatched in history 

and they also have illegal vaping devices that are harming our communities and killing our kids all being imported from China through the cartels

 this has to stop


 Cala Harris as borders are deliberately obliterated the US border to flood the country with illegals they canceled the wall they implemented Catch and Release and terminated remain in Mexico and effectively shut down


 pulling those agents off of the front line putting them in administrative duties to do paperwork

and change diapers

 meanwhile the front door of our country is wide open president Trump will stop this 



I've got a serious question question has the borders are 

Kamala even toward the southern border didn't think so has president Donald Trump

toured the Border 

yes he has 

and I heard the cartels went running on average there's over 5,000 illegal immigrants are being released

into the country every day

 our country we don't know who they are don't know where they came from we don't even can't even account for them for 38 straight months the month monthly border encounters have been higher than even the highest month seen under the Trump Administration 


you can't tell me this isn't being done deliberately because it is。

 in 2023 alone more than 900,000 illegal immigrants were released into the interior of the US unaccounted for waiting for court dates and nobody knows where they're we at that's the the entire city of Mesa 


flowing into our countries and that's the only ones we know about illegal drugs are flowing into this country at an alarming rate with only 5 descent being intercepted at the border


 you got it



 folks let me finish up here please


this country are our family our communities and everything that each of us holds dear

 in near to our hearts cannot endure another four years of a clueless president

 that cares more about the color of her curtains than the safety and prosperity of our great country and its people 


it is clear who supports law enforcement law and order、and that's president Trump

 his unwavering shown commitment to the rule of law the men and women to place their

lives on the line every day so if you support National Security and want to secure our board

vote Trump !


if you support law enforcement and safe communities vote Trump !

if you support getting our country back on track and making America great again vote Donald J Trump for president!


and this is why the Arizona Police Association and our 12,000 members family and friends are proud to extend

our endorsement 

to Donald J Trump for president of the United States of America thank you God bless !!!!







TRUMP :thank you very much

 wow that's a great endorsement means a lot so just in closing I want to say that from the moment we take back the White House 

from kamla Harris and crooked Joe Biden crooked is

 a $4 Bill used to say $3 bill now we say $4 bill 


I believe we're going to have the four greatest years  in the history of our country 


starting on day one 

I will seal the border and stop 

the migrant in invasion of our country 。

we will carry out the largest deportation operation in American history larger even than president Dwight D Eisenhower in the 1950s 

who was a big believer in borders

 we will defeat inflation and we will make America affordable again 


you're going to have anaffordable country again 


we will make America the dominant energy producer in the world 

by far it won't even be close remember as I always say we have

more Liquid Gold under our feet than any other country

 in the world including Saudi Arabia including Russia 

and we will use it to reduce taxes and energy costs for our people we will reduce

 your energy bills in one year by more than 50%


that's here and that's everywhere    in the country


and that includes heating air conditioning electricity and gasoline for your car 


I will turn the United States into a manufacturing superpower 


more than it has ever been ever ever ever before


 we will bring back jobs to America 


we will no longer allow foreign countries to take our jobs 

and to steal our wealth we will make our own products and we will buy far less from foreign countries that we are buying 


right now we're going to make it

here other countries that make us pay a tax to do business with them 

we'll be charged the same tax when they send their product into the United States

 it'll be called the Trump reciprocal trade act and if China or any other country charges us a 100% tax or tariff

then we will charge them a reciprocal tariff of 100 or 200%



 in the words of a great President William McKinley the protective tariff policy of the Republicans has made the lives of our countrymen sweeter 


brighter brighter brighter brighter 

and it's the best our citizenship and our civilization can ever have better Destiny for our people we ought to take

care of our own Nation and we have to take care of our Industries first 


we have to take care of our country first

 it's about time and it's going to happen starting on January 20th of next year



 I will not let Mexico China or any other country sell cars 

into the United States to the detriment of our Auto Workers all over our country including in Michigan and South Carolina United Auto Workers you're going to vote for Trump because I'm going to bring you

back more Auto production than you've ever seen in this country before



 I will end the ridiculous electric vehicle mandate cut every job killing regulation of the Harris Biden Administration and make our auto manufacturing business bigger better and stronger than it is has ever been




 and if you relied on comma there would be no Auto industry within three years you'll never make another car 


when I am back in the white house we will pass large tax cuts for our workers and there will be as I said no tax on



and that means if you're a restaurant worker 


a bartender Hospitality worker caddy Barber mover driver or anyone else who relies on tip

income your tips will be 100% yours to keep you will no longer be harassed 


by your government 


and I will fight for and protect your Social Security and your Medicare with no cuts and 

no changes

 in age we're not going to move it up they want to move it up 5 years we not doing it darling when do we get our

social security well they just moved it Up 5 years you're not going to happen with me it's going to happen with them

they're going to destroy your Social Security


 and we will have no tax on Social Security benefits for seniors they destroyed to our seniors and everyone else with their horrible inflation and then they give you small dollars with Social Security and they want you to pay tax I don't know 


we don't need it we can do it we have so

much else including that Liquid Gold oh we're going to go hunting for liquid gold we will cut wasteful and

unnecessary spending and we will terminate the green news scam and spend that money on roads Bridges real infrastructure and paying down debt no fake infrastructure that has caused massive inflation with no benefit whatsoever to our population 

I will settle the war in Ukraine and I will end the chaos in the Middle East and I will St we will restore peace through strike and it will happen quickly 


I will have that war ended before I go to the White House on


January 28th


 I will have the war in Ukraine Ended 

as President elect 


and we will end the weaponization of government against the American people including myself by the way

they've weaponized the government against the political opponent can you imagine but you just say oh we won the

big case down in Florida everyone said oh they weaponized it they got their justice department to go after their

political opponent 

but they're not doing well I'm the only one that ever happenedto where my numbers went up what do you think about that Mr congressman I don't think it's ever happened they go after me and my numbers go up somebody's got to explain this 

we will rebuild our cities including Washington DC making 

them safe clean and beautiful once again

and we will keep the US dollar as the world's Reserve currency because right now it is under

siege and this is how we will end the era of inflation Mayhem and misery under Camala 


and crooked Joe and unleash safety Prosperity peace for Americans of

every race religion color and Creed together we will deliver low taxes low1:22:39


 low energy cost low interest costs low inflation 。


and that's for everyone we're talking about everyone we want to make sure everyone can afford groceries a car

and a home 


we will stop The Invasion end migrant crime support our great police。

 strengthen our military build a missile defense shield around

our country keep critical race Theory and transgender Insanity out of our、schools and we will keep men out of women's sports 



we will defend the Second Amendment re and we're going to restore those people don't allow it 



the fake news doesn't allow 

it we will restore free speech in our country and we will secure our

elections Mr Congressman 


everyone will prosper every family will Thrive

 and every day will be filled with joy and opportunity and hope but for for that to happen we must defeat kamla Harris a new name 


we must stop her country destroying liberal agenda once and for all we have to put an end to it so get your friends get your family register volunteer and get out to vote 


we want a landslide that is too big too Rigg too big too。Rigg 。right right Deb


 on November 5th we will save ourcountry we will save our economy we will rescue our middle class we will reclaim

our sovereignty and restore our borders we will put America First and we will take back our country and together we will make America powerful again we will make America wealthy

again we will make America strong again so strong 



we will make America proud again we will make America safe again 


we will make America free again and we will make America great again



 God bless you all God bless you thank thank you very much thank you


Arizona God bless you [Applause] [Music]

[Music] [Applause]




all young man there's no need to feel down I said Young

pick yourself off the ground I said young man cuz you're in a new town

there's no need to be unhappy young man

there's a place you can go I said young man when you're short on your door you1:26:12can stay there and I'm sure you will find many ways to have a good

time it's fun to stay at the y MCA it's fun to stay it y

MC they have every for your me to enjoy you can hang out with all the boys it's

hard to stca it's F to stay I

YCA you can get yourself clean you can have a good meal you can do whatever you

feel young man are you listening to me I said

young man what do you want to be I said young man you can make real your dreams

but you got to know this one thing no man does it all by himself I said a

young man put your on the shelf and just go there