



Colonos: The trial for the rape of the 12-year-old girl in Colonos begins today

January 8, 2024

by Kelsey


2024 年 1 月 8 日





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コラムの12歳少女に対する性的暴力と搾取という大々的に報道された事件の被告人に対する裁判が今日から始まる。 この事件の主な被告はイリアス・ミチョスと未成年者の母親(37)で、12か月の一時拘留が終了し、4月に18か月の期間が終了する予定である。


この事件では、当局によれば、未成年者の想像を絶する殉教に対して刑事責任を負っているとされるミホスとその子の母親のほかに、重要な役割を果たしているのは、3人目のポン引きとされるいわゆる「マイケル」にあると考えられている。 オンライン申請を通じてその少女を宣伝した。

当初、この事件に対するアテネの合同陪審裁判所の最初の会議は、デグレリ通りにある新設の平和裁判所の一室で行われ、その後、裁判はアテネ裁判所の1階の部屋D4で行われる予定である。 ルカレオス通りにあるアピールの。





未成年者に対する加重売春婦の罪は、12歳の少年の母親も起訴されているが、軽犯罪委員会の判事らによると、この母親は児童ポルノという顕著な事件の追加罪でも裁判されることになるという。 情報システムを通じた入手と所持。児童ポルノ素材の制作は未成年者の使用に関連しており、子供のヌード写真を男性2人に有料で送信したとされている。

3人の被告は23人の被告席で「顧客」として裁判を受けることになる。 そのうち18人は金を払って少女と性的行為を行ったが、残りは被害者が「デート」をやめたか、未成年者のポルノ資料を所持していたため続行しなかった。

主な被告側からの情報によると、法廷で少女の取り調べは行われる予定だが、検察は少女が当局に提出した供述調書の朗読を求める予定で、これに同意する見込みはない。 確実にドアが閉まった状態で未成年者が自分の目の前で見つかるように承認するか、それともこの手続きは子供にとって苦痛を伴う可能性があると判断して承認しないかを裁判所が決定するのは裁判所である。 そのため、彼は再び被害を受けるリスクを少しも負うことがありません。


議会のほぼ300ページで、管轄司法評議会の判事らは、母親が店の掃除をしていたときに、主被告の店に行く途中だった少女に恐怖がどのように展開したかを説明している。 判事らは2022年4月に言及し、イリアス・ミチョスは「清掃の名目で未成年者を自分の店の倉庫に連れ込み、所持していた銃やナイフを見せびらかして彼女の生命と身体の健全性に対する恐怖と懸念を引き起こした後、 彼女が自分の淫らな行為を容認しなければ、彼女または彼女の家族を殺すか、彼女が自分に恋愛感情を抱いているという噂を広めると脅して、彼はなんとか彼女の抵抗を曲げた。」

遺書によれば、これがこの子の殉教の始まりとなった。 ある殉教事件では、子供が人里離れた場所、地下鉄の駅の近く、さらには売春宿の室内で、通常50ユーロを支払った「顧客」を満足させるために車に乗せられて運転されたことが詳細に描写されている。

12歳の少女の母親について、弾劾の遺書を発行した裁判官は、「彼女は未成年の娘を売春に強制し、売春を助長し、促進し、彼女を促し、強制しただけでなく、彼女の行為と不作為によって、 問題の状況を継続するための適切な条件と状況、つまり、彼女に直接促すだけでなく、その出所を確認せずに彼女に許可することによって、彼女と彼女の家族の日常生活のためのお金を見つけるように絶えず強制的に要求することによって。 彼女は若いにもかかわらず、長期間家を空けることになりました。」



The two protagonists of what the 12-year-old girl experienced will sit in court for serious crimes involving sexual violence and prostitution of the child

It starts today trial of the defendants in the highly publicized case of sexual violence and exploitation of him 12 year old girl from Column. The main defendants in the case are Ilias Michos and the 37-year-old mother of the minor, with completed 12 months of temporary detention and with the time for completing 18 months to be completed in April.

A total of 26 defendants will sit in the dock.

In the case, apart from Mihos and the child’s mother, who, according to the authorities, bear the criminal responsibility for the unimaginable martyrdom of the minor, an important role is attributed to the so-called “Michael” who as a third pimp allegedly promoted the little girl through an online application.

Initially, the first meeting of the Joint Jury Court of Athens for this case will take place in a room of the newly built Peace Court, on Degleri Street, and then the trial will be held in room D4 of the ground floor of the Athens Court of Appeal, on Loukareos Street.

This room was judged to ensure the appropriate conditions for the trial of a multi-person trial, with a large number of defendants, prosecution and defense witnesses, as well as advocates.

The serious accusations of rape and pimping of the girl, the “clients” and the presence of the victim in court

The accusations facing Elias Michos and the mother of the 12-year-old girl, who, according to the case file, are to blame for the shocking course of the girl in the hell of “dates of horror”, are serious.

THE Michos is facing felony charges for the acts of wild sexual violence, distinguished pimping at the expense of a minor and possession and distribution of material child pornography.

The charge of aggravated pimping against a minor is also held by mother of the 12-year-old, who, however, according to the judges of the Misdemeanor Board, will also be tried for the additional charge of the distinguished case of child pornography, procurement and possession through information systems, where the production of child pornography material is connected to the use of a minor, as it is alleged that sent nude photos of her child to two men, for a fee.

The three defendants are framed in the dock 23 men to be tried as “customers”. 18 of them paid and performed sexual acts with the little girl, while the rest either did not proceed because the victim left the “date”, or had pornographic material of the minor in their possession.

According to information from the side of the main accused, the examination her minor in court, which is not expected to be agreed to by the Prosecution, who will ask to read the statements the girl has given to the authorities. The court it is he who will decide whether to give his approval, so that the minor can be found, certainly with the doors closed, before him or if he will decide that the procedure could be painful for the child and will not give approval in his personal presence victim, so that he does not run the slightest risk of re-victimization.

The will for the horror experienced by the 12-year-old

In the almost 300 pages of the parliament, the judges of the competent judicial council describe how the horror unfolded for the girl, who was going to the shop of the main accused, as her mother was cleaning the business. Judges refer to April of 2022 so Ilias Michos “led the minor to warehouse of his shop under the pretext of cleaning and, after causing her fear and concern for her life and bodily integrity by displaying a gun and knives in his possession, as well as threatening that if she did not tolerate his lewd acts, he would kill her or her family or spread the word that she desires him romantically, he managed to bend her resistance.”

This, according to the will, was the beginning of the child’s martyrdom. One martyrdom which is described in detail with the child being driven in cars in isolated places, near Metro stations or even in rooms brothels to satisfy “customers” who usually paid 50 euro.

For mother of the 12-year-old, the judges who issued the will of impeachment note that “she forced her minor daughter into prostitution, fostered and facilitated her prostitution, urging and forcing her, but also creating, by her actions and omissions, the appropriate conditions and circumstances for the continuation of the situation in question, that is, by urging her directly, but also asking her constantly and imperatively to find money for the daily living of herself and her family, without checking its origin and by allowing her to be absent for long periods of time intervals from their home, despite her young age”.

According to the judges, the 37-year-old “he encouraged and facilitated her sexual intercourse with various men» her daughter.

As for “Michael“in the case file it is stated that he was promoting the 12-year-old’s mobile phone to members of a specific group chat to “meet” the child: “the defendant in question made sure to inform the prospective “clients” to clarify to the minor, when they went to the appointments, that it was “from Michalis”, so that he would receive part of the amount as a fee for ” brokerage”.

The positions of the protagonists

The protagonist of the fetid case, Ilias Michos, is said to have maintained the same attitude before the Court that he had since his arrest, in October 2022, following a complaint by a relative of the 12-year-old girl. Michos had apologized, claiming that his involvement “only” concerns the approximately 5 “intercourses” he had with the 12-year-old “with her consent”. The well-known businessman of Colonos, apologizing, allegedly denied the pimping, stated that he had nothing to do with the “horror dates” in cars and brothels, while he seems to have estimated that the minor’s prostitution was the fault of her mother. After Miho’s apology, an arrest warrant was issued for the mother and the 37-year-old was taken to the Prosecutor’s Office for an apology, who, in agreement with the competent Prosecutor, deemed her a temporary prisoner. The defendant, according to his defense, expects that in court the case will be presented in the dimension it has and that he will be tried only for what he has actually done.

For her part, the 37-year-old defendant denies what the authorities attribute to her, claiming that she had no involvement in the tragedy that her child experienced, a claim that her minor daughter repeats in all her statements. The accused is supported from the first moment by her adult children, who unreservedly consider their mother innocent. The mother repeatedly mentions that when she realized what her daughter was experiencing from Ilias Michos “I was the first to start collecting incriminating evidence against him in order to save my child”. The woman seems to argue that it was her fault that she did not realize what her child was experiencing, while emphasizing that she filed a complaint with Anilikon when she realized what was happening.

It should be noted that the case involves other persons for whom a second interrogation is being conducted. Overall in this case and in the case under investigation by the Investigator, the accused reach 40with the vast majority in custody.

The case file on the “horror of Colonos” was separated months ago, so that no issues would be raised with the pre-trial detention limits of the 26 who will be in court today and to be able to continue the investigation of other persons named by the 12-year-old as “clients”. at the appointments of savagery.

Source: Skai