
Clinton Military Tribunal: Day 5 CONVICTION!


 Michael Baxter


クリントン軍事法廷:5日目有罪判決! マイケル・バクスター著-20 2103年4月16日


 「はい、しかし主にではありません。追跡するのは簡単すぎます。多くの場合、貧しい国から来ました」とアベディンは答えました。 「あなたはこれらの子供たちをどのように割り当てたかをこの法廷に伝えますか?」ハニンク副提督が尋ねた。
大統領候補を暗殺するために共謀。 彼女が審判の間ずっと持っていたように、評決が読まれた間、クリントンは不気味に沈黙を保ちました、そして、役員は彼女が彼女の犯罪のために死刑を受け取ることを勧めました。ハニンク副提督はクリントンに、軍がどのように刑を執行するかを優先するかどうか尋ねたが、それでも彼女は話すことを拒否した。 
「あなたは助言を拒否しました。あなたは自分を守ることを拒否しました。したがって、この法廷は、被告であるヒラリー・ロダム・クリントンが死ぬまで首に吊るされることを決定した」とハニンク副提督はきっぱりと言った。 「判決は、タップスの後、4月26日に実行されます。」 フーマ・アベディンは、まだ決定されていない日付で、彼女自身の軍事法廷に直面するだろう、とRRNは学んだ。 

A military tribunal on Thursday convicted former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on charges of murder, conspiracy to commit murder, accessory to murder, child trafficking, endangering a minor, treason, and sedition.

The two male, one female panel of officers cast a unanimous verdict shortly after Vice Adm. John G. Hannink, who prosecuted the military’s case against Clinton, showcased his final witness for the prosecution, Clinton’s former strategist and lover, Huma Abedin.

In exchange for leniency and a plea deal, Abedin testified she and Clinton had “shared” underage children with her estranged ex-husband, Anthony Weiner. Pressed to clarify her definition of the word “shared,” Abedin qualified her answer by saying they had “practiced” lewd and lascivious behavior on underprivileged minors Clinton had imported into the United States.

“American children?” Vice Adm. Hannink asked.

“Yes, but not primarily. They’re too easy to track. More often than not from poor countries,” Abedin replied.

“Would you tell this tribunal how you appropriated these children?” Vice Adm. Hannink asked.

“Hillary used her government credentials. She had carte blanche, as a Secretary of State, former Secretary of State and former First Lady. It was easy for her to bring orphaned children in from places like, say, Syria, Afghanistan, or Iraq. No one asked questions. No one to look for them,” Abedin replied callously.

Asked to quantify their exploits, Abedin said she couldn’t count the number of underage boys and girls Clinton had brought to the United States under the pretense of providing them with a fruitful life, but she told the tribunal there had been “many,” most of whom were later “sold or donated” to influential members of the Clinton cabal.

“Who are the people?” Vice Adm. Hannink asked.

“We never knew, exactly. It’s not like Hillary peddled them herself. She had someone handle that, and I don’t know the person’s name,” Abedin replied.

“And yet she still refuses to speak,” Vice Adm. Hannink observed.

He asked the tribunal whether they had heard enough; that the military had presented overwhelming evidence of Clinton’s atrocities against the United States and humankind. Unlike a conventional criminal trial, he reminded the commission, a unanimous verdict was not needed to convict Clinton on any of the charges. A majority vote, he said, would satisfy justice.

The tribunal arrived at a guilty verdict after deliberating only five minutes. They found Clinton guilty on all charges the military had laid out—the murders of Seth Rich, Vince Foster, and Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia; trafficking and abusing minors from Haiti and other third-world nations; conspiring to assassinate a presidential candidate.

As she had throughout the tribunal, Clinton stayed eerily silent as the verdict was read and the officers recommended she receive the death penalty for her crimes. Vice Adm. Hannink asked Clinton if she had preference in how the military carried out her sentence, but still she refused to speak.

“You refused counsel. You refused to defend yourself. This tribunal therefore decides that the defendant, detainee Hillary Rodham Clinton, be hanged by the neck until dead,” Vice Adm. Hannink said flatly. “The sentence will be carried out on April 26, after Taps.”

Huma Abedin will face her own military tribunal, at a date yet to be decided, RRN has learned.

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Clinton Military Tribunal: Day 1


Update: Clinton Military Tribunal: Day 3

Update: Clinton Military Tribunal, Day 2, Part 2

Hillary Clinton’s military tribunal resumed on Monday morning at Guantanamo Bay, following a 72-hour pause that began Thursday afternoon when a disheveled Clinton collapsed to the floor in what seemed like an epileptic seizure. But on Saturday GITMO’s medical staff gave Clinton a clean bill of health, saying she had likely feigned illness to stall the trial.

At 10:00 a.m. Monday, Vice Adm. John G. Hannink’s opening comments derided Clinton’s behavior.

“Hillary Rodham Clinton knows she is guilty. Otherwise, she wouldn’t pretend to be sick to delay these proceedings. This woman is thoroughly evil, corrosive, bereft of morality,” Vice Adm. Hannink said, addressing the three-officer tribunal that will ultimately decide Clinton’s fate.

Veering from the context of Thursday’s interrogation, Vice Adm. Hannink leveled accusations against Clinton that we at RRN had not heard before.  He produced documentation connecting Clinton and the Clinton Foundation to the disappearance of 23 Haitian and 3 American children who were presumably orphaned in the aftermath of a massive earthquake that killed an estimated 220,000 people on the island nation in 2010.

Since the incident involved American citizens, it was the tribunal’s duty to judge Clinton’s culpability in the matter, Vice Adm. Hannink said.

The three American children—ages 4,7 and 12—belonged to a humanitarian couple doing missionary work on the island nation. A day after the quake, Haitian authorities found the children and the corpse of an older Haitian woman, apparently the babysitter, in the rubble of their collapsed home. The parents had been volunteering at a village west of Port-au-Prince, near the quake’s epicenter.

Haitian authorities spent a week searching in vain for the missing parents, but concluded the couple must have perished in the quake.

Vice Adm. Hannink told the Tribunal that on Jan 24, 2010 Hillary Clinton, then Secretary of State, contacted Haitian President René Préval and said she wished to aid parentless children whose lives the earthquake had shattered.

Vice Adm. Hannink showed the tribunal a chain of email correspondence between Clinton and Préval. In one letter, Clinton stated explicitly that the overture to care for orphaned children was made on behalf of the Clinton Foundation, not the U.S. government, and that the Foundation would find foster homes for the children until such time they could be properly adopted.

“Préval belived she was sincere, and when he told her about the 3 American kids, she told him she’d take care of them too. But Clinton had ulterior motives, the evidence shows. She never ran this through the State Department, of which she was in charge. No, the Clinton Foundation chartered a boat to get those kids off the island, a boat that picked them up in Haiti and then vanished from the face of the planet. Neither State nor Health and Human Services has any record of the American children setting foot on American soil. Not the Haitian children, either. Where did they all go? Did they vanish into thin air? You made the offer, your name is on the emails, your Foundation arranged transportation. Do you have anything to say?”

Clinton, who hadn’t uttered a word since the proceedings began, said, “You’d have to ask the Clinton Foundation.”

“You are the Foundation,” Vice Adm. Hannink retorted. “The Clinton Foundation is a foundation in name only. You and it are the same entity.”

Clinton sat bone still and lapsed into silence.

Then Vice Adm. Hannink introduced a material witness, former Clinton Foundation accountant Bethany Greenbaum, who via ZOOM testified to Clinton’s criminality. The Clinton Foundation, she said, had paid IYC Yacht Solutions, which runs from Spain, $3,000,000 for a week-long yacht rental.  Greenbaum called the 145’ Bliss a “party boat” with hot tubs, a sauna, and a loaded minibar.

“I know the ship was delivered to Miami with orders to sail for Haiti. Beyond that, I don’t know anything, and I was smart enough to not ask questions,” Greenbaum told the tribunal.

“But the defendant, Hillary Rodham Clinton, approved the expenditure?” Vice Adm. Hannink asked.

“Yes. Yes, she did,” Greenbaum replied.

After a brief recess, Vice Adm. Hannink said Italian authorities and IYC Yachting refused to cooperate in the military’s investigation of Hillary Clinton.

“We thought they’d help, but they didn’t. The defendant was a powerful and protected woman. Consider this: The average cost for renting a luxury yacht for a week in 2010 was, give or take, 300 grand. Yet Clinton paid ten times that much. Why? She certainly isn’t charitable, or a philanthropist. She paid for their silence, that’s what she bought for $3,000,000,” Vice Adm. Hannink postulated.

“Hillary Clinton in 2010 was arguably the most powerful woman on the planet. As Secretary of State, she wielded practically limitless power. As a government official, she could’ve rescued those children using official channels, but she was running a side business. The military argues that Clinton trafficked those children for personal profit, probably much more than the $3,000,000 she spent getting them out of Haiti. This is what you three officers must decide,” Vice Adm. Hannink continued.

He ordered recess until 2:30 p.m.

Update: Clinton Military Tribunal, Day 2 Part 2

(I will provide updates as often as possible)

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Clinton Military Tribunal: Day 2

Update: Clinton Military Tribunal: Day 3

Update: Clinton Military Tribunal, Day 2, Part 2

Hillary Clinton’s military tribunal resumed on Monday morning at Guantanamo Bay, following a 72-hour pause that began Thursday afternoon when a disheveled Clinton collapsed to the floor in what seemed like an epileptic seizure. But on Saturday GITMO’s medical staff gave Clinton a clean bill of health, saying she had likely feigned illness to stall the trial.

At 10:00 a.m. Monday, Vice Adm. John G. Hannink’s opening comments derided Clinton’s behavior.

“Hillary Rodham Clinton knows she is guilty. Otherwise, she wouldn’t pretend to be sick to delay these proceedings. This woman is thoroughly evil, corrosive, bereft of morality,” Vice Adm. Hannink said, addressing the three-officer tribunal that will ultimately decide Clinton’s fate.

Veering from the context of Thursday’s interrogation, Vice Adm. Hannink leveled accusations against Clinton that we at RRN had not heard before.  He produced documentation connecting Clinton and the Clinton Foundation to the disappearance of 23 Haitian and 3 American children who were presumably orphaned in the aftermath of a massive earthquake that killed an estimated 220,000 people on the island nation in 2010.

Since the incident involved American citizens, it was the tribunal’s duty to judge Clinton’s culpability in the matter, Vice Adm. Hannink said.

The three American children—ages 4,7 and 12—belonged to a humanitarian couple doing missionary work on the island nation. A day after the quake, Haitian authorities found the children and the corpse of an older Haitian woman, apparently the babysitter, in the rubble of their collapsed home. The parents had been volunteering at a village west of Port-au-Prince, near the quake’s epicenter.

Haitian authorities spent a week searching in vain for the missing parents, but concluded the couple must have perished in the quake.

Vice Adm. Hannink told the Tribunal that on Jan 24, 2010 Hillary Clinton, then Secretary of State, contacted Haitian President René Préval and said she wished to aid parentless children whose lives the earthquake had shattered.

Vice Adm. Hannink showed the tribunal a chain of email correspondence between Clinton and Préval. In one letter, Clinton stated explicitly that the overture to care for orphaned children was made on behalf of the Clinton Foundation, not the U.S. government, and that the Foundation would find foster homes for the children until such time they could be properly adopted.

“Préval belived she was sincere, and when he told her about the 3 American kids, she told him she’d take care of them too. But Clinton had ulterior motives, the evidence shows. She never ran this through the State Department, of which she was in charge. No, the Clinton Foundation chartered a boat to get those kids off the island, a boat that picked them up in Haiti and then vanished from the face of the planet. Neither State nor Health and Human Services has any record of the American children setting foot on American soil. Not the Haitian children, either. Where did they all go? Did they vanish into thin air? You made the offer, your name is on the emails, your Foundation arranged transportation. Do you have anything to say?”

Clinton, who hadn’t uttered a word since the proceedings began, said, “You’d have to ask the Clinton Foundation.”

“You are the Foundation,” Vice Adm. Hannink retorted. “The Clinton Foundation is a foundation in name only. You and it are the same entity.”

Clinton sat bone still and lapsed into silence.

Then Vice Adm. Hannink introduced a material witness, former Clinton Foundation accountant Bethany Greenbaum, who via ZOOM testified to Clinton’s criminality. The Clinton Foundation, she said, had paid IYC Yacht Solutions, which runs from Spain, $3,000,000 for a week-long yacht rental.  Greenbaum called the 145’ Bliss a “party boat” with hot tubs, a sauna, and a loaded minibar.

“I know the ship was delivered to Miami with orders to sail for Haiti. Beyond that, I don’t know anything, and I was smart enough to not ask questions,” Greenbaum told the tribunal.

“But the defendant, Hillary Rodham Clinton, approved the expenditure?” Vice Adm. Hannink asked.

“Yes. Yes, she did,” Greenbaum replied.

After a brief recess, Vice Adm. Hannink said Italian authorities and IYC Yachting refused to cooperate in the military’s investigation of Hillary Clinton.

“We thought they’d help, but they didn’t. The defendant was a powerful and protected woman. Consider this: The average cost for renting a luxury yacht for a week in 2010 was, give or take, 300 grand. Yet Clinton paid ten times that much. Why? She certainly isn’t charitable, or a philanthropist. She paid for their silence, that’s what she bought for $3,000,000,” Vice Adm. Hannink postulated.

“Hillary Clinton in 2010 was arguably the most powerful woman on the planet. As Secretary of State, she wielded practically limitless power. As a government official, she could’ve rescued those children using official channels, but she was running a side business. The military argues that Clinton trafficked those children for personal profit, probably much more than the $3,000,000 she spent getting them out of Haiti. This is what you three officers must decide,” Vice Adm. Hannink continued.

He ordered recess until 2:30 p.m.

Update: Clinton Military Tribunal, Day 2 Part 2

(I will provide updates as often as possible)

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Clinton Military Tribunal: Day 3


On Tuesday Vice Adm. John G. Hannink, who is prosecuting the military’s case against Hillary Clinton at Guantanamo Bay, brought up the decades-old death of Vince Foster, a former colleague of Clinton’s at the Rose Law Firm in Little Rock, Arkansas, who came to D.C. as part of a cabal of Arkansas loyalists who joined the Clinton administration.

Then-President Bill Clinton had appointed Foster Deputy White House Counsel, tasking him with vetting administration officials. But Foster had a string of failures. Clinton’s first two picks for attorney general had to withdraw because they had hired illegal immigrants, and Foster got mired in a scandal involving the firing of several of the Clinton’s friends in the White House Travel Office.

On July 20, 1993, Foster was found dead at Fort Mercy Park in Virginia, with three gunshot wounds to the back of his head. An official investigation ruled his death a suicide, suggesting Foster took his life because he had disappointed Bill and Hillary.

“What she did to Seth Rich, she did to Vince Foster. There is no statute of limitations on murder,” Vice Adm. Hannink told the panel of three officers.

From a manila envelope Hannink emptied a piece of paper that had been shredded and reassembled with scotch tape.

“This was Vince Foster’s alleged resignation letter, which an official inquiry into his death called a suicide note. There’s a problem, though. The handwriting is not Vince Foster’s. It’s a clever forgery. The military had four handwriting analysis experts compare it to known samples of Foster’s penmanship. All four found subtle nuances proving Foster had not written it,” Vice Adm. Hannink said.

Then he slid another sheet of paper from the envelope, saying he couldn’t reveal its original source but that forensic experts had authenticated the handwriting as belonging to Vince Foster. The letter, he said, was discovered shortly after Foster’s murder and kept hidden in a bank safety deposit box until President Donald J. Trump mysteriously obtained it in August 2017.

Part of the letter read: “If anything happens to me, I hope this letter will be found. To be perfectly clear, I am not suicidal, and should I turn up missing or dead, look no further than Hillary and President Bill Clinton. They know I know. In June last year (1992) Hillary, who is really in charge of what’s going on, embezzled $23,000,000 from the Department of Veteran Affairs and deposited it, spread across their many undisclosed bank accounts, many offshore. I made the mistake of asking my “friends” for a thin slice of that cake. I ought to have known better. They are as greedy as they are evil. I’m not sure my promise of keeping silent will be good enough. I hope I’m wrong.”

Donald J. Trump, Vice Adm. Hannink told the tribunal, sat on the letter because he wanted to give the military time to build an ironclad case against Clinton, even though Trump had hinted at Foster’s murder during his presidency.

Indeed, Trump had voiced an opinion. In 2017, Trump said Foster may have been murdered because he had “intimate knowledge of what was going on” and that Hillary Clinton may have played a role in Foster’s death. Trump also noted that Vince “knew everything that was going on, and then all of a sudden he committed suicide.” The circumstances surrounding Foster’s Death, Trump observed, were “very fishy” and the theories about foul play “very possible.”

“President Trump wanted to nab Clinton right away but was wise enough to hold off until we completed our investigation. Guess what? We obtained the Department of Veteran Affairs records of that year and, after much scrutinizing, found a $23,000,000 discrepancy, just as Foster claimed. We cannot prove where that money went. OMB records say it was repurposed for ‘miscellaneous procurement expenses.’ Whatever that gibberish means,” Vice Adm. Hannink said.

He asked Clinton if she had anything to say, but, as she has throughout the tribunal, she smirked and refused to speak.

“Well, someone has something to say,” Vice Adm. Hannink said, casting a menacing glare in Clinton’s direction.

Bernard William Nussbaum, an American attorney best known for having served as White House Counsel under President Bill Clinton, joined the proceedings via videoconference.

“Mr. Nussbaum, will you tell this tribunal exactly what you told me when you were deposed,” Vice Adm. Hannink said.

“I’m an old man, an old man with too many secrets and too many regrets. On June 14, 1993, I overheard Hillary Clinton tell the White House Staff Secretary, John Podesta at the time, that something needed to be done about Vince Foster because he had become a grave threat to both her and Bill. A bit over a month later, of course, he was found dead,” Nussbaum said.

“And your memory is clear on this?” Vice Adm. Hannink asked.

“Unfortunately, yes. It’s been ingrained in my memory since I heard it,” Nussbaum replied.

Vice Adm. Hannink presented his argument to the tribunal—that Clinton ordered Foster’s death because he either was blackmailing her or was simply a loose end that needed tidying up. Clinton, he contended, was likely responsible for hundreds or even thousands of deaths.

“But it’s not your job to convict her for all those, which would take a lifetime to fully investigate. You need to decide guilt on one, just one of these charges, to guarantee this detainee life, or what she has left of it, in prison or capital punishment. Conspiracy to commit murder or treason, any will do,” Vice Adm. Hannink said.

He added more would come and put the tribunal on hiatus until Wednesday afternoon.

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Clinton Military Tribunal: Day 4

Update: Clinton Military Tribunal: Day 5 Conviction!

Wednesday’s proceedings at Guantanamo Bay began with Vice Adm. John G. Hannink showing the three-officer panel a series of email exchanges between Hillary Clinton and her campaign manager, John Podesta, that occurred on September 28, 2016 and October 10, 2016—the evenings after the first and second presidential debates, respectively. The emails, he pointed out, were not sent or received from Clinton’s infamous private email server—which had been long dismantled by then—but rather a public, free email service called Yandex, an alternative to Gmail. The email content, Vice Adm. Hannink opened, would illustrate how Clinton’s arrogance and Hubris—bolstered by her co-conspirators—imbued her with a misguided sense of invulnerability.

“How the military obtained these emails is less important than the content contained here. What’s paramount is digital forensics conclusively proved that these unencrypted messages originated from the detainee’s laptop with an internet protocol address tied to her Chappaqua, NY home,” Vice Adm. Hannink said.

The first email, sent from Clinton to Podesta was timestamped September 28, 2016, 6:45 p.m. In it, Clinton expressed anger at the number of people in the debate audience who seemed to favor Trump’s vision for America over hers.

Vice Adm. Hannink recited the brief message to the tribunal. “He [Trump] is a pompous fool, but his message resonates, dangerously, with his fucking mob of deplorables. The idiot speaks, and they listen. Not worried but we should’ve kept a closer watch. We must keep a closer watch now. Accidents happen.”

“Thirty minutes later, Podesta replied to Clinton,” Vice Adm. Hannink said, reading from a printed copy of Podesta’s response. “They’ve happened before and can happen again. That’s why people must be careful to avoid accidents.”

Vice Adm. Hannink admitted the message, without further context, was nothing more than a mishmash of doublespeak that could be interpreted as nebulously as a daily horoscope. But when taken in context with the October 10, 2016 email swap, Clinton and Podesta’s veiled innuendos suddenly became overt threats against a presidential candidate.

“Authored by Clinton, this letter was sent to Podesta the evening after the second presidential debate. And I’ll read: Still can’t believe that fucker said I’d be in prison when he becomes president. Like he could send me to prison, or become president, for that matter. And those idiots giving him a thunderous applause. His money doesn’t make him invincible. I’m giving serious consideration to acid-washing—I love when he uses phrases he doesn’t understand—him out of existence. He doesn’t stand a chance of ever touching me. We can do it. Thoughts?”

Vice Adm. Hannink looked at a handcuffed Clinton, asking if she cared to speak on her behavior. She turned her dark, smoldering eyes on him but said nothing, observing the same reticence she has since the tribunal began.

“Your silence speaks volumes, detainee Clinton, and you do not intimidate this commission,” Vice Adm. Hannink said. “Podesta sent her a reply an hour later: I don’t know if you’ve been drinking tonight. Careful with words. He’s not a nobody, and it would require tedious precautions to remove him from the stage. Might need a plumber.”

“I argue they tacitly conspired to murder Donald Trump,” Vice Adm. Hannink continued. “Still, reasonable officers like yourselves probably recognize that verbal and written threats are commonplace in today’s society, especially on social media. The Secret Service in four years investigated over 132,000 threats made against Donald Trump. And those people aren’t here facing a tribunal. Clinton, as Trump’s rival at the time, must be held to a higher standard than the average disgruntled Trump hater. In addition, she had a back and forth with Podesta, and that equals conspiring. Still, there’s more.”

He asked the military police guarding the chamber doors if the military’s witness was ready to testify. The M.P.s left the room a moment and returned with none other than John Podesta, shackled at the wrists and donning a white prison jumpsuit. As reported previously, U.S. Special Forces operating on Trump’s authority had arrested Podesta and his wife, Mary, on Easter Sunday.

The M.P.s seated Podesta directly opposite Clinton. Clinton opened her eyes to narrow slits, like knife cuts, peering intently at her former friend and campaign manager.

Vice Adm. Hannink continued: “Detainee Clinton, this man faces his own tribunal soon, but, unlike you, he is willing to talk. I want yes or no answers, detainee Podesta, so please do not expound on answers unless I tell you to. The emails aside, did Hillary Clinton explicitly tell you, in face and in person, that she intended to have Donald Trump assassinated?”

“Yes,” Podesta said, his voice a tremulous whisper.

“Please tell this tribunal, and now you may qualify your answer, exactly what Clinton said,” Vice Adm. Hannink asked.

“Hillary and I got together in Chappaqua, it was three days after debate number 2, and she asked me to hire someone to kill Trump. In the end we never did it, too risky, but for days she kept nagging me incessantly to take care of it. She was ready to pay $5,000,000,” Podesta said.

Vice Adm. Hannink asked Podesta whom he had planned to hire.

“She has many ex-agency—CIA—friends. I had a list of four or five,” Podesta said. “I paid one 2.5, wired to an offshore account, and would’ve paid the remainder on completion of the contract.”

“On Hillary Clinton’s instructions,” Vice Adm. Hannink asked.


Hannink asked the name of the would-be assassin, and Podesta said he was promised he wouldn’t have to disclose the names of contract killers with whom he and Clinton had associated.

“Was it Hillary Clinton’s idea to call it off?” Vice Adm. Hannink asked.

“No, it was mine. In fact, I thought it so risky, I went behind her back to abort it. The guy kept the 2.5, per the arrangement,” Podesta replied.

“And you’re not fabricating testimony because you’ve been guaranteed a sentence less than capital punishment in exchange for your cooperation?” Vice Adm. Hannink said.

“What I’ve said today is the truth. Hillary Clinton is a murderous, narcissistic, vicious woman,” Podesta said, and was escorted from the tribunal chamber.

In closing, Vice Adm. Hannink told the tribunal he would present his final evidence on Thursday afternoon and urged the officers judging the military’s case against Clinton to carefully and meticulously weigh each piece of evidence.

The commission, he said, would resume Thursday at noon (EST.)

According to RRN’s sources, Podesta’s tribunal is slated to begin on Tuesday, May 4.

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Clinton Military Tribunal: Day 5 CONVICTION!

A military tribunal on Thursday convicted former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on charges of murder, conspiracy to commit murder, accessory to murder, child trafficking, endangering a minor, treason, and sedition.

The two male, one female panel of officers cast a unanimous verdict shortly after Vice Adm. John G. Hannink, who prosecuted the military’s case against Clinton, showcased his final witness for the prosecution, Clinton’s former strategist and lover, Huma Abedin.

In exchange for leniency and a plea deal, Abedin testified she and Clinton had “shared” underage children with her estranged ex-husband, Anthony Weiner. Pressed to clarify her definition of the word “shared,” Abedin qualified her answer by saying they had “practiced” lewd and lascivious behavior on underprivileged minors Clinton had imported into the United States.

“American children?” Vice Adm. Hannink asked.

“Yes, but not primarily. They’re too easy to track. More often than not from poor countries,” Abedin replied.

“Would you tell this tribunal how you appropriated these children?” Vice Adm. Hannink asked.

“Hillary used her government credentials. She had carte blanche, as a Secretary of State, former Secretary of State and former First Lady. It was easy for her to bring orphaned children in from places like, say, Syria, Afghanistan, or Iraq. No one asked questions. No one to look for them,” Abedin replied callously.

Asked to quantify their exploits, Abedin said she couldn’t count the number of underage boys and girls Clinton had brought to the United States under the pretense of providing them with a fruitful life, but she told the tribunal there had been “many,” most of whom were later “sold or donated” to influential members of the Clinton cabal.

“Who are the people?” Vice Adm. Hannink asked.

“We never knew, exactly. It’s not like Hillary peddled them herself. She had someone handle that, and I don’t know the person’s name,” Abedin replied.

“And yet she still refuses to speak,” Vice Adm. Hannink observed.

He asked the tribunal whether they had heard enough; that the military had presented overwhelming evidence of Clinton’s atrocities against the United States and humankind. Unlike a conventional criminal trial, he reminded the commission, a unanimous verdict was not needed to convict Clinton on any of the charges. A majority vote, he said, would satisfy justice.

The tribunal arrived at a guilty verdict after deliberating only five minutes. They found Clinton guilty on all charges the military had laid out—the murders of Seth Rich, Vince Foster, and Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia; trafficking and abusing minors from Haiti and other third-world nations; conspiring to assassinate a presidential candidate.

As she had throughout the tribunal, Clinton stayed eerily silent as the verdict was read and the officers recommended she receive the death penalty for her crimes. Vice Adm. Hannink asked Clinton if she had preference in how the military carried out her sentence, but still she refused to speak.

“You refused counsel. You refused to defend yourself. This tribunal therefore decides that the defendant, detainee Hillary Rodham Clinton, be hanged by the neck until dead,” Vice Adm. Hannink said flatly. “The sentence will be carried out on April 26, after Taps.”

Huma Abedin will face her own military tribunal, at a date yet to be decided, RRN has learned.

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