India Rules Sex With a Child Bride Is Always Rape in a Massive Win for Girls’ Rights



It’s a landmark change to India’s marital rape laws.

India’s top court has ruled that sex with a child is always rape, quashing a clause that allowed men to have sex with underage girls if they were married to them. 

The Supreme Court’s landmark decision on Wednesday closed a legal loophole that has historically allowed perpetrators of rape to escape punishment.

While the age of consent in India is 18, there was a clause in India’s rape laws that lowered the age of consent to 15 if the girl was married. 

But the court has now ruled that the clause is “discriminatory, capricious, and arbitrary”, and “violates the bodily integrity of the girl child”. 

Take action: No Girl Should Be Forced to Marry. Tell Bangladesh to Close the Loophole on Child Marriage







“This is a landmark judgement that corrects a historical wrong against girls,” Vikram Srivastava, the founder of campaign group Independent Thought, told the BBC. “How could marriage be used as a criteria to discriminate against girls?”

Girls under 18 will now be able to report their husbands for rape, as long as they lodge a complaint within a year of it happening. 

“The judgement is a step forward in protecting girls from abuse and exploitation, irrespective of their marital status,” Divya Srinivasan, from women’s rights organisation Equality Now, told Global Citizen. 

“This positive decision by the Supreme Court will hopefully encourage the Indian government to protect all women by removing the marital rape exemption in all cases,” she said. 

Read more: Men Will Suffer If Marital Is Outlawed, India Government Argues

Commentators say the ruling will be difficult to enforce in the country, however, due to the high rates of child marriage. 

India is ranked 10th in the world for child marriage, with an estimated 47% of girls married by the time they turn 18, according to the campaigning organisation Girls Not Brides

Girls are often seen as an economic burden, particularly in poor, rural areas, and many parents marry off their children in the hope of improving their financial security. 

There is also a shame associated with pre-marital sex that can lead to girls’ parents forcing them to marry their rapists, according to news agency AFP

Read more: Palestinian Girl, 14, Escapes Child Marriage After Being Sold to Man 20 Years Her Elder

Child marriage is a serious barrier for the girls involved, often leading to them dropping out of school to focus on their domestic responsibilities, or suffering health problems from giving birth at a young age.

キャンペーングループIndependent Thoughtの創設者である

Vikram Srivastavaは、






女性の権利組織「Equality Now」のDivya Srinivasan氏は、次のように述べています。







キャンペーン団体Girls Not Bridesによると、














Maryland Passed a Bill to Strip Rapists of Parental Rights
The law will allow victims to terminate their rapists’ rights to children conceived from the rape.
A shred of justice is finally being restored to women who become pregnant as the result of rape in Maryland.

After nearly a decade of campaigning and nine failed legislative proposals, both the Maryland Senate and House approved a bill allowing courts to terminate the parental rights of rapists to a child conceived as a result of their crime this week, the Baltimore Sun reported.

The bill nearly passed last year, but ultimately died when the all-male panel of lawmakers appointed to reconcile the Senate’s and House’s different versions of the bill failed to do so, the Washington Post reported.




But politicians and advocates have been determined not to let history repeat itself and allow justice to elude victims of sexual assault any longer.

Senate PresidentThomas V. Mike Miller Jr., a Democrat, said he was determined that the bill should pass, and that “If necessary it’s going to be six women on the conference committee somehow to make sure it does pass.”

There are still a few steps left in the process — the Senate and House must still approve each other’s bills and then the governor needs to sign the final bill — but Gov. Larry Hogan has said he “will sign it into law the moment it reaches [his] desk,” the Baltimore Sun reported.

Once official, the law would require a rape victim to provide “clear and convincing evidence” that she was sexually assaulted and that the termination of the perpetrator’s parental rights would be in the best interest of the child, the Washington Post reported. Parental rights can already be similarly terminated in Maryland in instances of child-abuse, even without a criminal conviction.

Read more: Joe Biden Shared a Powerful PSA About Sexual Assault That Everyone Needs to See

In seven US states, including Maryland, the law currently does not protect rape victims who are impregnated by their assailants from child custody fights, according to CNN.

While this law represents a major win for rape victims in Maryland, it does not guarantee justice to survivors of sexual assault.

In 2012, 18.2% of women in Maryland said they had been raped or attempted to be raped at some point in their lives, according to government data. And the Maryland Coalition Against Sexual Assault estimates that tens of thousands of children are sexually assaulted in the state every year.

In Maryland, as in several other states, a child can be married before she turns 18 if she is pregnant, even if she is pregnant as a result of rape. This means that a child as young as 15 could be forced to marry her rapist if she is pregnant in Maryland, and that both she and her child might not be protected by this new law.

Read more: This Is What It’s Like to Be a Mom at 10 and Married at 11 in Florida

Bills to end child marriage in the state have been proposed over the last two years, but have yet to succeed. However, Del. Vanessa Atterbeary, who introduced the bills, has said she’s not giving up and will try again this year, according to the Daily Record.



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続きを読む:Joe Bidenが、性的暴行について強力なPSAを共有し、誰もが見る必要がある











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