News: 30 Members Of The NAACP Arrested Again For Tresspassing In Jeff Sessions Office

By Lance Schuttler

474 people have been arrested ^---引用--


474 people have been  arrested in California in a 3 day sting operation called


” Over 30 federal, state and local law enforcement agencies and task forces participated in the operation, which saved 28 children and 27 adults.


“You are worthy of more. And we will work tirelessly with our partners…to provide you services and help you rebuild your life,” Sheriff Jim McDonald said, addressing the victims during a news conference on Tuesday.

あなたはもっと価値がある。 そして、私たちはあなたの人生を再建するために、あなたのサービスを提供し、あなたの人生を再建するのを助けるために、パートナーとしっかりと協力していきます」とジン・マクドナルド保安官は火曜日の記者会見で被害者に取り組んだ。 

While this is a massive success for the movement to end human and child trafficking, there remains much work to be done. This huge operation will once again bring more conversation around this topic and the need for this issue to be taken even more seriously by the public. 

これは、人身売買を終わらせる動きが大成功を収めていますが、まだ多くの作業が残っています。 この巨大な活動は、この話題の周りでより多くの会話をもたらし、この問題が公衆によってさらに真剣に受け止められる必要性を再びもたらします。

Child and human trafficking is extremely real and is prevalent, even in higher levels of governance, politics and finance.


This latest operation makes it clear too that the alleged Pizza-gate story is one that should not be dismissed without due investigation. 


We can’t just ignorantly dismiss something because we don’t want to believe it isn’t happening and that it might involve high level politicians and well known elites. We as a society owe all victims of this terrible crime thorough investigations into possible or suspected trafficking cases.




With that said, even if a person doesn’t believe there is a Pizza-gate happening, the topic and conversation itself deserves attention and proper investigation.



 Remember, there has been no official investigation one way or the other regarding the alleged Pizza-gate story that broke due to Wikileaks release of emails from John Podesta back in October 2016.

覚えておいて、2016年10月のJohn Podestaからの電子メールのWikileaksリリースのために破られた疑いのあるピザ門の物語については、公式な調査はありません。

We must also remember back to when it was alleged that former BBC broadcaster Jimmy Savile was sexually abusing children, but was put off as a “conspiracy theory” only until after he died, when literally hundreds of people came forward to prove that he did sexually abuse children.

彼が死んでから、 文字通り何百人もの人々が




Bucks County Authorities Make Arrest In Fetish-Themed Child Predator Sex Ring 


Bucks County Authorities Make Arrest In Fetish-Themed Child Predator Sex Ring

BUCKS COUNTY (CBS) — Authorities in Bucks County make an arrest in a fetish-themed child predator sex ring they say was going on for the better part of a decade.

BUCKS COUNTY(CBS) - Bucks Countyの当局は、10年の間、より良い姿を見せている、フェチをテーマにした子供の捕食者のセックス・リングで逮捕する。

Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro said for the last seven years at least four men sexually abused a young boy at sex parties where the men would dress up like different animals.


“This child victim was repeatedly abused by a group of criminals who cared only about their gratification, they cared nothing about this young boy,” he said. “This is a horrendous case.”

「この子供の犠牲者は、満足感だけを気にしていた犯罪者集団によって繰り返し虐待され、この少年については何も気にしなかった」と彼は語った。 "これは恐ろしいケースです。"

On Friday police in Bucks County arrested 57-year-old Kenneth Fenske of Quakertown for taking part in the sexual abuse ring.


Fenske was charged with multiple counts of child rape, involuntary deviant sexual intercourse and unlawful contact with a minor, all of which are first degree felonies.

Shapiro said they will prosecute all the suspects involved to the fullest extent of the law.


“It is deeply disturbing to me, not just as your attorney general, but as a father of four young children, these predators absolutely sicken me.”


Shapiro adds that this is an ongoing investigation and they believe this child abuse sex ring involves more victims and more predators, and anyone with any information should come forward.


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