Is this a Muslim ban? Trump's executive order explained 
Is this a Muslim ban? Trump's executive order explained
これがイスラム教徒追放令ですか? トランプの執行命令が説明された
The immediate consequences have been dire for many, including valid visa holders and legal residents, and lawsuits have already begun – but the order’s vagueness leaves much up in the air

 and  Tuesday 31 January 2017 19.28 GMT 

What has the order done?

  • Suspended the entire US refugee admissions system for 120 days, even though it was already one of the most rigorous vetting regimens in the world, taking 18 to 24 months and requiring interviews and background checks through multiple federal agencies. Trump has said he wants more strictures – but has not described them.
世界で最も厳格な審査促進法であったにもかかわらず、120日間にわたって米国の難民認定制度全体を中断し、18〜24ヶ月を要し、複数の連邦機関を通じて面接と素行調査が必要でした。 トランプは彼がより厳密なことを望んでいると言っている - しかし、それらを記述していない。
  • Suspended the Syrian refugee program indefinitely. The US accepted 12,486 Syrian refugees in 2016, compared with about 300,000 received by Germany the same year. Since the Syrian civil war began, Turkey has received about 2.7 million refugees, Lebanon 1 million refugees and Jordan 650,000, according to UN estimates.
  • シリア難民プログラムを無期限に中断した。 米国は2016年に12,486人のシリア難民を受け入れたが、同じ年にドイツで受けた約30万人と比較している。 シリア内戦が始まって以来、トルコは約270万人の難民、レバノン100万人、ヨルダン65万人を受け入れているという。
  • Banned entry from seven majority-Muslim countries – Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen – for 90 days following the signing of the order on Friday 27 January .
  • イラン、イラク、リビア、ソマリア、スーダン、シリア、イエメンの7大多数のイスラム諸国からの入国を、1月27日金曜日の発注後90日間禁止した。
  •  After perhaps the vaguest of Trump’s orders, there was much confusion in the first 36 hours over whether legal US residents would be allowed to enter the US. They were initially denied entry, but on Sunday night, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced that some “legal permanent residents” who pose no “serious threat” to the US would be allowed in on a case-by-case basis. It is unclear whether this would extend to those in possession of work or student visas. The order would let the Department of Homeland Security ban more countries at any time
- 1月27日金曜日に大統領命にサインしてから90日間。 合法的な米国人居住者が米国に入国することが許されるかどうかについて、最初の36時間でトランプの命令が多分曖昧だったので、多大な混乱があった。 彼らは当初入国を拒否されたが、日曜日の夜、国土安全保障省(DHS)は、米国に「深刻な脅威」を示さない「合法的居住者」は、ケースバイケースで許可されると発表した。 これが仕事や学生ビザの所有者に及ぶかどうかは不明です。 この命令によれば、国土安全保障省はいつでもより多くの国を禁止することができます。
  • Temporarily banned entry of dual-nationals who are from those seven countries but have an additional passport for 90 days following the signing f the order.. Originally, this meant that citizens of Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen who have a passport from another country were subject to the ban, prompting conflicting advice from France, the UK and Canada to their citizens. On Tuesday, Customs & Border Patrol issued a directive, clarifying that travelers will be “treated according to the travel document they present.” So dual citizens can present the passport of the country that is not subject to the ban upon entry in the US.
元々、イラン、イラク、リビア、ソマリア、スーダン、シリア、イエメンの市民 で他の国からのパスポートを持っている二重国籍の人は、フランス、イギリス、カナダの市民とする矛盾するアドバイスをしました。
  • Prioritized refugee claims on the basis of religious persecution, so long as the applicant belongs to a religion that is a minority in their country of origin. This provision would allow the White House to prioritize Christians from the Middle East over Muslims. In fiscal year 2016, the US accepted 37,521 Christian and 38,901 Muslim refugees. Since 2001, the US has accepted nearly 400,000 Christian refugees and 279,000 Muslim refugees.
 この規定は、ホワイトハウスがイスラム教徒よりも中東からキリスト教徒を優先させることを可能にする。 2016年度には、米国は37,521人のクリスチャンと38,901人のイスラム教徒の難民を受け入れました。 2001年以来、米国は約40万人のキリスト教徒難民と27万9000人のイスラム教徒難民を受け入れてきた。
  • Lowered the total number of refugees to be accepted from any country in 2017 to 50,000, down from 110,000. It has also ordered a review of states’ rights to accept or deny refugees; last year, Mike Pence, then governor of Indiana, was slapped down by an appeals court when he tried to stop the resettlement of Syrian refugees in his state.
2017年から、いずれかの国から受け入れられる難民の総数を110,000人から50,000に減少させた。 また、難民を受け入れたり拒否する国家の権利の見直しを命じた。 昨年、インディアナ州知事のマイク・ペンス(Mike Pence)は、シリアの難民の移住をやめようとした際、控訴裁判所に侮辱をうけた。

What are the immediate consequences?

  • A federal judge in New York ordered a stay on the deportations for people with valid visas (estimated to be 100-200 people), dealing an early blow to Trump. Rulings in Massachusetts, Virginia and Washington differed slightly from the New York court order. In Boston, a judge ordered agents to release detained people and to halt deportations, though only at Logan International. In Alexandria, a judge ruled in favor only of lawful permanent residents. In Seattle, a judge’s ruling was limited to two individuals. Attorneys were advising people with green cards to try to redirect their flights into Boston.
ニューヨークの連邦裁判官は、有効なビザ(100〜200人であると見積もられている)の人々に対する強制送還を命じ、トランプに早期打撃を与えた。 マサチューセッツ州、バージニア州、ワシントン州の判決は、ニューヨーク裁判所命令とはわずかに異なっていた。 ボストンでは、裁判官は拘束された人を解放し、追放を停止するように代理人に指示したが、これはローガン・インターナショナルに限られていた。 アレクサンドリアでは、裁判官は正当な永住者のみに有利な判決を下しました。 シアトルでは、裁判官の判決は2人に限られていた。 弁護士はグリーンカードを持っている人にボストンへのフライトのリダイレクトを試みるよう助言していました。
  • Universities, hospitals and tech companies reeled from the order, which threatens or has already banned thousands of doctors, students, researchers, engineers and others. Nearly 200 Google employees, for instance, are affected, prompting the company to recall them to the US in coordination with lawyers. The orders will almost certainly affect how companies hire employees and commit to trade deals.
数千人の医者、学生、研究者、エンジニアなどを脅かす、またはすでに禁止している大学、病院、ハイテク企業は、この命令から逃れました。 例えば、約200人のGoogle従業員が影響を受け、弁護士と協調して米国に呼び戻すよう促しています。 この出来事は、企業がどのように従業員を雇用し、取引を行うかにほとんど影響を与えません。
  • Refugees persecuted for their sexual orientation or suffering from medical crises are in limbo with the other people denied entry, because the order makes no exception besides for minority religion applicants.
  • So far, the vagueness of the orders appears to leave great authority in the hands of local law enforcement at ports and borders, creating chaos and arbitrary detentions and questionings.

How have Americans reacted?

  • There are several lawsuits under way in federal courts in New York, Massachusetts, Virginia and Washington state, all challenging aspects of Trump’s executive order. Lawyers for the the ACLU, Cair, the National Immigration Law Center, Legal Aid Justice Center and detained travelers are all parties to current suits (more details on courts here).
  • ニューヨーク、マサチューセッツ州、バージニア州およびワシントン州の連邦裁判所では、トランプの執行命令のすべての挑戦的側面について、いくつかの訴訟が進行中である。 ACLU、Cair、移民法センター、法的裁判所センター、拘禁された旅行者のための弁護士は、現在の訴訟のすべての当事者です(ここの裁判所の詳細)。
  • Thousands of Americans protested at airports and outside a Brooklyn courthouse in the 48 hours following the executive order, demonstrating in solidarity with migrants and their families. The protests were peaceful. New York taxi drivers also staged a work stoppage at Kennedy airport to protest against the orders.
  • 何千人ものアメリカ人が、行政命令の48時間後に空港とブルックリンの裁判所の外で抗議し、移民とその家族との連帯を示しました。 抗議は平和的だった。 ニューヨークのタクシー運転手も、命令に抗議するためにケネディ空港で作業停止を演じた。
  • Democrats and civil rights attorneys have excoriated the order, with Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer saying it contradicts the ideals enshrined in American culture and on the Statue of Liberty. Meanwhile, US diplomats have reportedly signed memos of dissent, while a bipartisan letter from foreign policy and national security officials urged the White House to withdraw the order.
  • 民主党と民主党の弁護士たちは、上院少数派指導者のチャック・シュメル氏が、アメリカ文化と自由の女神に祀られた理念に反すると述べ、秩序を変えた。 一方、米国の外交官は、異議申し立ての覚書に署名したと伝えられているが、外交政策と国家安全保障関係者からの超党派の手紙は、ホワイトハウスに命令を撤回するよう促した。
  • Refugee advocates have noted that the order bars men and women who risked their lives to assist the US military in Iraq and Afghanistan, many of whom were promised resettlement assistance and threatened with death at home.
  • 難民支援者はイラクとアフガニスタンで米軍を援助するために命を奪った人々の多くが、自宅での死亡を脅かされ、移住支援を約束された男と女の注文バーに注目している。
  • Princeton University and other schools have warned students not to leave the country, while leading US companies including Alphabet, Amazon, Ford, Goldman Sachs and Microsoft came out against the policy.
  • プリンストン大学と他の学校が学生に


Have any Republicans broken with Trump?

  • Vice-President Mike Pence has stood by Trump even though, when he was governor of Indiana, he rejected the proposal: “Calls to ban Muslims from entering the US are offensive and unconstitutional,” he said in 2015.
  • マイク・ペンス副大統領はトランプ氏の味方ですが、インディアナ州知事であった時、彼は提案を拒否してました:「米国へのイスラム教徒の入国を拒否する電話は攻撃的かつ違憲だ」と同氏は2015年に言ってます。
  • House speaker Paul Ryan has praised the new order, even though he said last July that he would “reject” a religious test for entering the country. “Our No 1 responsibility is to protect the homeland,” Ryan said on Friday. “We are a compassionate nation, and I support the refugee resettlement program, but it’s time to re-evaluate and strengthen the visa-vetting process.”
  • 下院議長のポール・ライアン(Paul Ryan)は、昨年7月に国に入国するための宗教試験を「拒否」すると言っていたにもかかわらず、新しい秩序を称賛しました。
    ライアン氏は、「私たちの責任の1つは祖国を守ることだ」と述べた。 「われわれは思いやりのある国家であり、難民移転プログラムを支援しているが、査証審査プロセスの見直しと強化が必要だ」と述べた。
  • Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham have criticised the order, describing it as a “hasty process that risks harmful results”. McCain told CBS the order “in some areas will give Isis some more propaganda”.
  • ジョン・マケイン上院議員とリンジー・グラハム上院議員は、「有害な結果をもたらす危険なプロセス」と批判した。マケインはCBSに対し、「一部の地域では、ISISをもっと宣伝する」と命令した。
  • Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell said in 2015 that his chamber of Congress would not support a Muslim ban. He has so far not rejected Trump’s order.
  • 上院議員の指導者ミッチ・マッコネル(Mitch McConnell)は、2015年に議会の議長室がモスリム追放を支持しないと述べた。彼は今までトランプの秩序を拒否していない。
  • Former vice-president Dick Cheney spoke out against the ban in 2015, although he supported Trump. “I think this whole notion that somehow we can just say no more Muslims, just ban a whole religion, goes against everything we stand for and believe in,” he said in a radio interview.
  • ディック・チェイニー前副大統領は2015年の追放措置に反対しているが、彼はトランプを支持した。 "私は、何とか私たちが何らかの形でイスラム教徒を嫌だと言わずに、私たちの立場で信じているすべてのものに反している宗教を禁止という考えだと思う"とラジオのインタビューで述べた。
  • Congressman Justin Amash has called the order “overreach” and Senator Ben Sasse has criticized the ban.
  • 議会のジャスティン・アマシュ(Justin Amash)議員は、この命令を「過越境(overreach)」と呼び、ベン・サッセ上院議員は禁止を批判している。

What are the legal challenges to the ban?

  • Opponents of the order have indicated they will challenge it on at least two fronts: that it sets an unconstitutional religious test, in violation of the first amendment’s freedom of religion; and that it violates the fifth amendment’s right to due process.
  • この命令の反対派は、少なくとも2つの面でそれに異議をとなえてる。それは、最初の改正憲章の宗教の自由に違反して、違憲宗教検査を設定している。それが第5修正条項違反に違反していることを示しています。
  • But the supreme court has historically deferred to Congress and the White House on immigration enforcement, granting wide powers to the president over the nation’s borders.
  • しかし、最高裁は歴史的に
  • More on the legal cases here.
  • ここでの法的事件についてもっと詳しく。
Muslim ban=モスリム追放⇐イスラム教徒 入国禁止 


Muslim ban: 4,000 academics sign petition to boycott conferences in U



40 Nobel laureates were among 4,000 academics who signed the petition pledging to boycott academic conferences in America


Areeb Ullah 2017.1.31. ^---Googl翻訳--
Tuesday 31 January 2017 13:57 UTC

Thousands of academics from around the world have signed an open letter pledging to boycott international conferences held in the US after President Donald Trump banned individuals from seven Muslim-majority nations entering the country. 


The ban, which came into force last Friday, prompted global condemnation and mass protests in major cities around the world as the Trump administration stood by its controversial immigration policy. 

Individuals hailing from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen who are citizens, dual nationals or born in those countries have been banned from entering the US for the next 120 days. 


Green card holders from the banned countries are also included in the ban, while refugees from Iraq and Syria were banned indefinitely from entering the United States. 


Having gained signatories from as far afield as Indonesia to India, the petition was signed by 4,000 academics, including 40 Nobel Laureates calling for academics to boycott international conferences in the US till Trump repeals the ban.


Among the groups affected by the ban are students and academics who study and lecture in American universities. 


Institutionalised racism


The letter, which has garnered signatures from Indonesia to India, claims that Trump's controversial executive order "institutionalises racism, and fosters an environment in which people racialised as Muslim are vulnerable to ongoing and intensifying acts of violence and hatred."

It also said that individuals from the seven banned countries are now practically "trapped in the US, having cancelled planned travel for fear that they will be barred from returning".


Dr Nadine el-Nany, who lectures at the University of London and helped create the open letter along with academics impacted by the ban, told Middle East Eye that the letter was created to "be clear about their opposition to the ban...(and) not carry on with ‘business as usual’ at a time of emergency.
Dr ナディン・エル・ナニィ氏はロンドン大学で講義を行い、公開書簡の作成を手伝った
中東の眼に、 "禁止への反対について明確にするように作成された...(そして)緊急の時に"いつものようにビジネス "を続けないようにと投稿した。

"It is an attempt to draw necessary attention to the urgency of the 'Muslim ban' and to generate conversation on the far-reaching consequences, not only for those who are nationals from the seven countries identified by Trump's executive order, but also for many others who are not from these countries but who are nonetheless being detained and harassed at the border," said el-Nany. 


She also hit back at statements released other American academic unions that failed to condemn Donald Trump's executive order outright. 

Professional academic organisations like ISA should be resisting this ban in the clearest of terms and doing everything in their power to support affected academics and students," said El-Nany in relation to ISA's statement.  


Divided opinion

The boycott has however divided opinion within the academic community with some feeling engagement should take priority over boycotting conferences held in American institutions. 

Imran Awan, who is an academic focusing on Islamaphobia, told MEE he refused to attend a conference in America following Trump's ban.


READ: Muslim travel ban: Why I refuse to go to America


Having sent his apologies to the conference organisers in America, Awan was sent a reply expressing sadness about his decision. 


In the email, the organisers wrote: "If we are to overcome the mindset that led to these orders and policies, we will need to assemble the brightest mind we can find."


The organisers also said: "I think you can do far greater damage to these policies and others that limit the rights of people throughout the world by joining us than by staying home."

El-Nany responded to these criticisms by reiterating that the "boycott only applies to international academic conferences, not to activist organising events and other solidarity work and travel."


Harvard president slams ban


On Friday afternoon Harvard University President Drew Faust denounced Donald Trump's executive order, noting that almost half of Harvard's deans are immigrants from countries including Iran. 

In a letter to students published on Sunday, Faust wrote that the new travel restrictions "are already posing barriers to scholars and students" trying to enter the US while deterring others from travelling abroad because they are "fearful about their ability to return," she wrote.

ドリュー・ファウスト学長は、日曜日に出版された学生の手紙の中で、新しい旅行制限は「すでに帰国することを恐れているため、海外に旅行することを抑えながら米国に入国しようとすると、すでに学者と学生に障壁をもたらしている」 書きました。

At least two people from Harvard have already been blocked from returning to the US, the Harvard Crimson reported.


Iranian engineering students have also faced heavy restrictions whilst studying in the US after sanctions imposed on Iran because of its nuclear programme prevented them from studying subjects related to nuclear power. 


ISIS “Made in USA”. Iraq “Geopolitical Arsonists” Seek to Burn Region


“Muslim ban” media lie leads to enraged mob of mindless left-wing zombies physically attacking Trump supporter in broad daylight 

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