Created on Friday, 20 January 2017 07:11
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☞President Assad's Interview with Japanese TBS TV, January 20, 2017.
Question 7: Your force has been suspected to be using bombs containing chlorine gas. Would you deny it?
質問7:あなたの軍隊は、塩素ガスを含む爆弾を使用している疑いがあります。 あなたはそれを否定しますか?
President Assad: Actually, you are talking about chemical weapons, talking about chemical weapons means killing thousands of people in very short time, something that hasn’t happened in Syria since the beginning of the crisis.
But the most important thing is that morally, as a government, you wouldn’t do it, you wouldn’t, as I just said, kill your own people, you wouldn’t use mass destruction weapons against your own people, that’s impossible.
しかし、最も重要なことは、道徳的には、政府として、あなたがその立場なら、それをしないだろうということです。私が言ったように、あなたの国民を殺すことはできません。あなたは大量破壊兵器を自分の国民に使わないでしょう。 。
But third, which is more important, is that in 2013, we signed on the treaty of the banning of chemical weapons, and we gave up our arsenal of chemical weapons since 2013, and we don’t have it anymore.
But actually, the terrorists are the ones who used those kinds of armaments, the first time in 2013, and in the spring of 2013 we asked the United Nations to send a delegation for investigations, and the Americans blocked our attempt, because they knew that time that if the delegation came to Syria, it will find the concrete evidence that the terrorists have used chlorine gas against our soldiers.
しかし実際には、2013年に初めてこのような武器を使用したのはテロリストであり、2013年春に国連に調査代表団を派遣するよう要請し、アメリカ人はその試みをブロックしました。 もし米大統領がシリアに来たなら、テロリストが私たちの兵士に対して塩素ガスを使用したという具体的な証拠を見つけるでしょう。
So, I will completely deny what’s in this statement, which reflects the narrative, the Western narrative, regarding Syria, and this is part of demonizing the Syrian government and the Syrian Army.
Question 8: There are millions of refugees and IDPs, including small children, hundreds of thousands of deaths. How do you think of responsibility as President?
質問8:幼い子供を含む数百万人の難民やIDP、数十万人の死者があります。 あなたは責任を大統領とどう考えますか?
President Assad: Of course, when you talk about refugees, it’s a tragedy, when you talk especially about children, young children, youths, they are innocent people, they don’t have anything to do with this war, regardless of the affiliation. Actually, when you talk about children, they don’t have any political affiliation; they are just innocent people, but they are the ones who pay the price before any other one in the society.
アサド大統領:もちろん、あなたが難民について話すとき、それは悲劇です。特に、子供、幼い子供、若者、彼らは無実の人々、彼らは提携関係にかかわらず、この戦争とは関係がありません。 実際、あなたが子供について話すとき、彼らは政治的な所属はありません。 彼らはただの無実の人々ですが、彼らは社会の他の誰よりも前に価格を支払う人です。
So, you’re talking about a tragedy we’ve been living with on daily basis.
That’s why that feeling that I’m talking about, that we live with every day, is the incentive for us as officials to do our utmost to get rid of the terrorists who created this problem, and to bring peace and stability back to Syria.
That’s the question that the Syrians ask to the President.
Of course, as a Syrian, I’m sympathetic with every Syrian who suffered because of the war, but their question now is not what you feel; their question is what are you going to do?
もちろん、シリア人として、私は戦争のために苦しんだすべてのシリア人に同情ですが、彼らの質問は今あなたが感じるものではありません。 彼らの質問はあなたが何をするつもりですか?
When are we going to get rid of those terrorists?
But the most important aspect that many in the West and the world don’t mention is that part of the refugees problem is not only related to the terrorists themselves;
it’s related to the embargo that’s been implemented on the Syrian people by the West and their allies.
This embargo didn’t work against the government; it worked against every Syrian citizen, it affected the life of every Syrian citizen.
この禁制は政府に対しては機能しませんでした。 それはすべてのシリア市民に対して働き、すべてのシリア市民の生活に影響を与えました。
That’s why many refugees left their country, not only because of the threat of the terrorists, but actually because the basic needs of their life, of their livelihoods, are not available for them to continue their normal life, whether food, whether education, healthcare, anything, it’s not available anymore, so they have to leave Syria to live somewhere else to live the minimum of the life that anyone would seek.
だからこそ、多くの難民がテロリストの脅威のためだけでなく、生計の基本的な必要性から、教育、医療 何か、それはもう利用できないので、シリアが他の誰かが求める最低限の生活を送るためにシリアを離れなければなりませんでした。
Question 9: Then, in course of the peacemaking process, would you consider your resignation as an option, when you think it’s necessary for reconciliation?
President Assad: The resignation of the President or the continuation of that President in his position is a national issue, it’s related to every Syrian, because in Syria the President would be elected directly by the Syrian people, so this is not the right of the government or the right of the opposition; it’s the right of every Syrian, so the only decision-maker in that regard is the ballot box.
アサド大統領:大統領の就任または大統領の辞任は国家問題です、シリア国内ではすべてシリアに関連しています。シリアでは大統領が直接選出されるからです。 政府または野党の権利。 それはすべてのシリア人の権利です。その点で唯一の意思決定者は投票箱です。
Whoever wants the President to leave, they can go to the ballot box and say “no, we don’t want him.” This is the democracy everywhere in the world.
So, no, it’s not something we discuss either with the opposition or with any other country.
This is a Syrian issue, and this is part of the constitution, it’s related to the constitution.
When we have election, or could be early election – it’s not on the table now – but this is the only way to say whether I have to leave or not. Again, I’m not the reason of the problem.
私たちが選挙をしたとき、または早期選挙になる可能性があるときは、今はテーブルには載っていませんが、これは私が離れる必要があるかどうかを言う唯一の方法です。 繰り返しますが、私は問題の理由ではありません。
As President, I have to help my country during the crisis, not to flee, not to escape, not to say “I have to leave and let the people fend for themselves.” No, this is not the solution. In the crisis, the President should be at the helm, should take care of the crisis, then after the crisis is finished, he can say maybe he wants to stay or wants to leave, and this is where the Syrian people would tell him “stay” or “no, you have to leave, we don’t want you anymore.”
大統領として、 私は危機の最中に自分の国を助けなければなりません。
"滞在"または "いいえ、あなたは去らなければなりません"
[ 私たちはもうあなたを望んでいません。] と、、、
Question 10: What role would you expect Japan to play in peacemaking and rebuilding
Syria; reconstruction and rebuilding Syria, Japan’s role?
シリア; シリアの再建と再建、日本の役割?
President Assad: Let me be frank with as a Japanese guest in Syria: since our independence, since the launching of the relation between Syria and Japan decades ago, Japan played a very important and vital role in the development of different countries including Syria; supporting the infrastructure, etc.
アサド大統領:シリアの日本人ゲストとして気楽に過ごしてください。私たちの独立以来、数十年前にシリアと日本の関係が始まって以来、日本はシリアをはじめとする様々な国の発展において非常に重要かつ重要な役割を果たしました。 インフラを支えてくれました。
And Japan was always unbiased regarding the different issues concerning the Middle East. It always respected the international law till the beginning of this crisis it was the first time for Japan to breach this trend when they say that the Syrian President should go.
The question: is it based on the values and morals of the Japanese people?
Definitely not. Everybody knows how morally-motivated the Japanese citizens are, everybody knows it. Is it based on the international law?
絶対にありません。 日本国民がどのように道徳的な動機づけをしているのか、誰もが知っている。 それは国際法に基づいていますか?
No, we are sovereign country, we are an independent country, no one in the world has the right to say who should stay and who should go. Unfortunately, that was in line with the
American and Western policy. Again, Japan joined the embargo on Syria,
Japan used to help the Syrian people.
いいえ、私たちは主権国家であり、私たちは独立国家です、世界に誰が誰を残すべきか、誰を行かせるべきかを言う権利はありません。 残念ながら、それはアメリカと西洋の政策です。
Is the embargo on the Syrian people related to anything regarding the interests of the Japanese people or their values or their laws, or their constitution or anything?
I don’t think so. So, how can Japan play that role while they don’t have embassy so they don’t see what’s going on here?
私はそうは思わない。 だから、日本は大使館を持っていないのにどうやってその役割を果たして、ここで何が起こっているのか分からないのでしょ?
Actually, politically, they are blind like so many Western countries that they don’t have any relation with our government or with our country, so they cannot play any role because they don’t know what’s going on.
Their information is coming from Western countries, which is absurd for us. Reconstruction of Syria, you cannot talk about reconstruction while you are making an embargo; you cannot give me the food with one hand and take it from me with the other hand.
彼らの情報は西洋諸国から来ており、私たちにとっては不条理です。 シリアの復興、あなたは禁輸を行っている間、再建について話すことはできませんよね。 あなたは私に片手で食べ物を与えて、もう片方の手で私から食べることはできません。
So, it’s about the politics of the Japan; they have to go back to the international law, we are sovereign country, they always respected Syria, and we expect them to go back to that line that distinguished Japan from most of the countries around the world.
だから、それは日本の政治についてです。 彼らは国際法に戻らなければならず、私たちは主権国であり、彼らは常にシリアを尊重し、彼らは日本を世界の大部分の国々と区別するように戻ることを期待しています。
This is where Japan can, of course, definitely, play an important and vital role regarding the peace and saving blood, and the reconstruction of Syria to help those people. Most of the refugees, they don’t need somebody to tell them “you’re welcome” to Germany or to France or to any other country; they want to go back to their country, they don’t want you to help them there, they want you to help them here.
これは、もちろん、日本が、平和と救済のための重要かつ重要な役割、そしてその人々を助けるためのシリアの復興を確実に果たすことができる国です。 ほとんどの難民は、ドイツやフランス、あるいは他の国のように "シリア人歓迎"してもらう必要はありません。 彼らは彼らの国に帰ることを望んでいるからです。彼らは日本で彼らを助けることを望んでいないのです、彼らはシリアで助けてほしいのです。
That’s how we see the role of Japan in the future, and we have hope that Japan will go back to the Japan that we used to know during the previous decades.
Journalist: As you know, Japan has experience and role in nation building seventy years ago, Japan may advice to your country’s rebuilding and reconstruction.
President Assad: Definitely, of course. We hope so.
アサド大統領:間違いなく、もちろん。 私たちはそう願っています。
Question 11: As you know Japanese journalist Jumpei Yasuda, he’s very capable journalist, he’s my friend, has been captured in Syria since June 2015. Do you have any information of his whereabouts and situation?
President Assad: Till this moment no, we don’t have any information about him. We feel sorry about this and we are, as Syrians, the ones who can understand the feeling of his family, because we have so many missings in Syria; many Syrians have been missed during this war, and we understand the feeling of his family, and we feel sorry for that. But if there is any information, I would have given it to you.
アサド大統領:この瞬間までは、彼についての情報はありません。 私たちはこれを残念に思っています。私たちはシリア人として、家族の気持ちを理解できる人です。私たちはシリアで非常に多くのミスをしています。 多くのシリア人はこの戦争中に見逃されました。私たちは彼の家族の気持ちを理解しており、私たちはそれを残念に思います。 しかし、もし何か情報があれば、私はそれをあなたに与えたでしょう。
Journalist: He is kept hostage by al-Nusra Front
President Assad: I think the one who can help in bringing the information are the Turks, because they are the supervisors of al-Nusra; they must have every information al-Nusra have, with their intelligence and their government.
アサド大統領:アル・ヌスラの監督者であるため、情報の提供を手伝ってくれる人はトルコ人です。 Nusraが情報と政府を持っているすべての情報を持っていなければならない。
Journalist: And has Japanese government contacted your government?
President Assad: Unfortunately, no. There is not a single contact between the Syrian government and the Japanese government regarding any subject, including this Japanese journalist, who is a Japanese citizen at the end.
アサド大統領:残念ながら、いいえ。 シリア政府と日本政府の間には、最後に日本人である日本人ジャーナリストを含め、何らかの問題についての接触はありません。
Question 12: You defined the Japanese role through their… Japan is belonging, you think, belonging to the coalition member of the United State, you think?
President Assad: In Syria?
Journalist: Yeah.
President Assad: But the question: what did that coalition achieved, actually, nothing. ISIS was expanding since the beginning of the airstrikes, which were cosmetic airstrikes, I’m being very frank with you, till the Russians intervened against ISIS, the end of September 2015, where ISIS started to shrink.
アサド大統領:しかし、問題は、連合が何を達成したのか、実際には何もなかったことです。 ISISは空爆の開始以来拡大していましたが、それは、ISISが縮小し始めた2015年9月の終わりに、ロシア人がISISに介入するまで私は非常に率直です。
So, that coalition achieved nothing; they only killed Syrian soldiers who have been fighting ISIS in that area, they destroy the infrastructure of the Syrians that has been built during the last seventy years since the independence, in every sector of that infrastructure, whether the oil fields, schools, bridges, refineries, everything has been destroyed by that coalition.
だから、その連合は何も達成しなかった。 彼らはその地域でISISと戦っているシリア軍の兵士しか殺害しなかったが、石油、学校、橋梁、橋梁、橋梁など、インフラのあらゆる分野で、独立以来70年間に建設されたシリアンのインフラを破壊する。 製油所、そのすべてがその連合によって破壊された。
This is the only achievement of that coalition, unfortunately.
Question 13: Your plan to rebuild this country, how long does it take? Your timetable?
質問13:この国を再建する計画、どれくらいかかりますか? あなたのタイムテーブルは?
President Assad: We have started before the end of the crisis, we put the plans and we started with suburbs around Damascus and now we are planning in Aleppo and other cities to reconstruct new suburbs that’s been destroyed, but in a modern way.
So, we haven’t waited, and we are not going to wait till the end of the crisis; we can start right away, as the Syrian people are determined to rebuild their country.
だから、私たちは待ったなしです、危機が終わるまで待つつもりはありません。 シリア人が自国を再建しようとしているので、すぐに始めることができます。
We built Syria, Syria was not built by any foreigners; we built it with our engineers, with our labors, with our own resources, with the help of some friends – financial help, not technical help. So, we have the ability to rebuild Syria.
私たちはシリアを建国しました。シリアは外国人によって建国されたものではありませんでした。 私たちは技術者ではなく、財政的な助けを借りて、私たち自身の資源を使って、技術的な助けを借りずに、技術者と共に、それを構築しました。
It takes time because it needs a lot of money.
The Syrians, every Syrian is going to build his own house according to his resources even if it is limited, you have expatriates, you have the refugees who left Syria, some of them are in good condition, they want to come back, and with the support of our friends Russia, China, and Iran. Many other countries started discussing the reconstruction of Syria, and they’re going to help with their financial resources.
So, you have so many resources to rebuild Syria. It’s not about time; it will take time.
Any reconstruction will take time, but the most important thing is that you have the ability to rebuild your country. We are not worried about that.
What we are worried about is how can we rebuild the minds of the people that have been under the control of ISIS and al-Nusra for many years; that their minds have been polluted because of the instilled ideology in their minds, this, as I said, as I called it, hateful or Wahhabi Ideology.
They saw the death and the killing, and some of the children killed with their hands innocent people. How can we rebuild those minds, or rehabilitate those minds? That’s our big concern after the crisis.
彼らは死と殺害を見て、いくつかの子供たちは彼らの手で無実の人々を殺しました。 どのようにそれらの心を再建するか、またはそれらの心を回復させることができますか? それは危機後の大きな懸念です。
Journalist: Thank you, thank you so much.
President Assad: Thank you.
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