SYRIA: Visit to the Tishreen Military Hospital in Damascus

SYRIA: Visit to the Tishreen Military Hospital in Damascus ^---Googl翻訳--


meVanessa Beeley  21st Century Wire


On the 19th of December 2016 I was granted permission to visit the Tishreen Military Hospital in Damascus. I was told by the hospital director, that at the turn of the 20th century it had been a civilian hospital. It now treats both military and civilians. 

2016年12月19日、私はダマスカスのティシュリーン軍病院を訪問する許可を得ました。 私は病院長から、20世紀になると民間の病院だったと言われました。

The hospital has been the target of numerous US coalition funded extremist attacks, led by Jaish al Islam and Nusra Front terrorists since the dirty war on Syria was ignited in 2011. 

軍と民間人の両方を扱うようになりました。 病院は、2011年にシリアの汚れた戦争が発覚したので、Jaish al IslamとNusra Frontテロリストが率いる多数の米国連合拠出型過激派攻撃の標的となっていました。

During the conflict, being fomented inside Syria by a collection of US allied, interventionist nations, with Israel as primary beneficiary, the majority of soldiers treated in this hospital have come in from Southern Syria, Homs, Daraa and most recently from Ghouta, especially from the battles for Mayda’ani.

紛争中、イスラエルを主たる受益者とする米国の同盟国、介入勢力諸国の集結によってシリア国内で爆撃されたこの病院で治療された兵士の大半は、南シリア、ホムス、ダラア、そして最近ではGhouta Mayda'aniのための戦いで負傷しました。


The soldiers I met, had recently been wounded in fighting in East Ghouta, particularly in the hotly contested Mayda’ani. In this area, Nusra Front and Jaish al Islam are the dominant NATO state proxy extremist forces.

私が会った兵士たちは、最近、東部Ghouta、特に激しく争われているMayda'aniでの戦いで負傷しました。この辺りでは、Nusra FrontとJaish al IslamがNATO州の代理過激勢力の大半を占めています。

 The names of these soldiers cannot be published for security reasons. Most of them had been injured in rocket and missile attacks which had lacerated limbs and shattered bone.


One of the soldiers had been hit in the throat by shrapnel after a Nusra Front rocket attack on their position and was still unable to speak. 

 Nusra Frontロケット攻撃後、兵士の一人が爆弾で殴られ、まだ喋れなかった。

According to doctors the prognosis was good and they hoped he would regain his voice in a few months.  Another soldier’s leg had been completely crushed by an incoming “grad missile” that had targeted the vehicle ferrying him and his comrades back to their base. They all expressed a desire and readiness to get back to the front and to continue the fight to defend their country against the infiltration of extremist and terrorist, NATO state proxy forces.


 彼らは 過激派とテロリスト、NATO州の代理軍の侵入に対して自国を守るための戦いを継続し、前線に戻ろうと準備していると話してます。

The following are photos that I was able to take of the soldiers I spoke with, I think they convey more than words:



All of these young men were under the age of 25, the youngest being 20 years old. They came from all over Syria, from Damascus, Ghouta, Palmyra/Tadmor, Aleppo. 

これらの若い男性はすべて25歳未満で、最年少は20歳でした。彼らは、シリア、ダマスカス、Ghouta、パルミラ/ Tadmor、アレッポ出身でした。

They came from areas that had been declared anti Syrian government by the groups of extremists yet they had united to fight against these Nusra Front-led mercenaries who were killing the Syrian people. 

彼らは過激派のグループによって反シリア政府と言及されていましたが、シリア人を殺していたNusra Front-led傭兵と戦うために地域から集結してたのです

Killing Syria in order to impose their vision for Syria that is suppressing the voices of the majority of the Syrian people who wish to maintain their secular state and refuse to be coerced into accepting any form of externally enforced Islamist state. 


These soldiers defied all claims of sectarian division in Syria by fighting together against the violation of the sovereignty of their homeland.


In Tishreen MH, we also spoke with a lady who had been paralysed, from the waist down, in the Tartous & Jableh suicide bomb attacks of May 2016, that claimed the lives of over 80 Syrian civilians.


 She had been standing in a queue when the blast occurred and injured her so dreadfully. She was transferred from the hospital in Tartous to Damascus where she has been ever since, undergoing treatment.


This is her short and moving message to people in the West. Watch ~


Today SANA reported the following positive news about Mayda’ani:


“Units of the Syrian army secured the exit of scores of families from Douma area in Eastern Ghouta who have fled a draconian rule of terrorist organizations in the area.

Nearly 1,000 people, mostly women and children, were evacuated on Saturday from Hawsh al-Fara, Hawsh Nasra and Maida’ani in Douma, according to a police source.
警察筋によると、土曜日にホーシャ・アル・ファラ(Hawsh al-Fara)、ホーシャス・ナスラ(Hawsh Nasra)、ドゥマ(Douma)のマイダニ(Maida'ani)ら約1000人が大部分が避難しました。

The families were relocated to a temporary housing center in Qudsayya suburb in Damascus western countryside.


This comes two days after the army managed to get 160 citizens out of Douma farms who turned to the army for help, which is part of a sequel of rescue operations the army had carried out to secure besieged families in areas controlled by terrorist organizations.



The fresh arrivals bring to 3000 the number of citizens now residing in the temporary housing center in Qudsayya as consecutive waves of families are continually arriving with the help of the Syrian army.


Takfiri terrorist organizations, among them Jaish al-Islam “Islam Army” and al-Ummah Army which have foreign mercenaries in their ranks are active in Douma area in Eastern Ghouta.”


Takfiriテロリスト団体、その中でJaish al-Islam "Islam Army"とAl-Ummah Armyは外国人傭兵を傘下に置いており、Ghouta東部のDouma地域で活動しています。


READ MORE SYRIA NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Syria Files


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彼らは過激派のグループによって反シリア政府と言及されていましたが、シリア人を殺していたNusra Front-led傭兵と戦うために地域から集結してたのです


ヴァネッサさんの取材 で明らかにされてます!

助けていたのは地方から民間人が集結して シリア政府軍に合流していた




ヴァネッサさんの取材 翻訳


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