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BREAKING: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Now Under 2 Criminal Investigations

ブレイキング:イスラエルのBenjamin Netanyahu首相、2件の刑事捜査中

Lance Schuttler) As we reported last night, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been close to coming under criminal investigation from police in two different cases. As expected, moments ago the Israeli Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit accepted the police’s request to investigate Netanyahu in two different criminal cases.


予想通り、イスラエル司法長官Avichai Mandelblitは、ネタニヤフを2つの異なる刑事事件で調査するという警察の要求を受け入れました。

by Lance Schuttler, December 28th, 2016
The Times of Israel reports that Netanyahu will be called in for questioning by the police in the coming days.

On Monday, December 26th, Israeli police announced that they had received new and important documents related to a secret inquiry of the Prime Minister’s activities that began over 9 months ago. With the new documents in possession, the police said they were “absolutely convinced” that a criminal investigation would be opened. And as they said, that time has now come.

Benjamin Netanyahu is allegedly facing criminal charges of bribery and aggravated-fraud, according to the police report.

警察の報道によると、ベンジャミン・ネタニヤフ(Benjamin Netanyahu)は、賄賂と凶悪犯罪の刑事告訴に直面しているという。
The two cases will be related to allegations that Netanyahu accepted 1 million euros from accused French conman Arnaud Mimran in 2009 and in Netanyahu’s role in a Defense Ministry deal to purchase submarines from a German company that is partly owned by the Iranian government. 

A spokesman for Netanyahu defended the Prime Minister and completely dismissing the findings by telling The Times of Israel, “This is absolutely false. There was nothing and there will be nothing.”

The criminal investigation of the Prime Minister comes at a very interesting time. John Kerry today just made his speech, outlining Washington’s support for a two-state solution that brings peace to both Israelis and Palestinians. The United States shocked the world last week when they abstained from vetoing the United Nations resolution that seeks to stop Israeli construction in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.



Perhaps the U.S. knew that these criminal investigations of Netanyahu were drawing near and are seeking to distance themselves from the controversial Israeli Prime Minister. Or perhaps the Obama administration is looking to salvage any and everything they can around the issue of peace in the middle east. Certainly, after the embarrassing defeat in Aleppo, Syria, the current administration has every motivation to end on a positive note before Trump comes into office in late January.

Additionally, Benjamin Netanyahu just told New Zealand’s Foreign Minister that New Zealand’s opposition vote to Israel’s stance is “a declaration of war.”
However, what is most interesting about this latest development is what Trump and Netanyahu’s relationship, as well as the U.S. and Israeli relationship will transform into. Trump and Netanyahu have made it clear that they are friends and support each other’s objectives. If “Bibi” is found guilty of these two crimes then, will Trump continue to support Netanyahu? Will he continue to support Israel? Will Trump be forced to abandon his friendship because of outside pressure from the public that would inevitably arise if Netanyahu is criminally charged?

しかし、この最新の開発について最も興味深いのは、トランプとネタニヤフの関係、そして米国とイスラエルの関係が変わるところです。トランプとネタニヤフは、彼らが友人であり、互いの目的をサポートしていることを明確にしました。 "ビビ"がこれら2つの犯罪の有罪判決を受けた場合、トランプはネタニヤフを引き続きサポートしますか?彼は引き続きイスラエルを支持するだろうか?ネタニヤフが犯罪的に告発された場合、必然的に発生するであろう公衆からの外圧のために、トランプは彼の友情を放棄するだろうか?
It will be interesting to see how both Trump and Netanyahu respond to the two new criminal investigations. Will Trump also follow suit in distancing himself from “Bibi” or will he continue to support the Prime Minister, regardless? Times are quickly changing. At minimum, U.S. and Israeli relations are sure to continue to go under massive transformation in the weeks ahead.


Israeli Media: Netanyahu Under Investigation for Bribery




For the past nine months, Israeli police have been conducting a secret inquiry into criminal wrongdoing by Netanyahu, and now believe that they have enough information for a formal investigation, the Times of Israel reported.
It is alleged that the Prime Minister accepted bribes in the form of donations during his 2009 campaign. A spokesperson for Netanyahu denied the allegations, however, calling them “nonsense.” “Since Netanyahu’s victory in the last elections and even before, hostile elements have made heroic efforts to attempt to bring about [Netanyahu’s] downfall, with false accusations against him and his family. This [latest attempt] is absolutely false. There was nothing and there will be nothing,” the spokesperson told Haaretz. 

首相は2009年のキャンペーン中に贈賄の形で賄賂を受け入れたと警察は主張しています。 しかし、ネタニヤフのスポークス・パーソンは、、ネタニヤフが最後の選挙で勝利して以来、敵対的な要素は、ネタニヤフの崩壊を誘発するための勇敢な努力をしているに過ぎない「ナンセンス」だと主張しているのです。 彼の家族も"この[最新の試み]は絶対に間違っているので、 何もしなかったし、何もないですよ "とスポークスパーソンはHaaretzに語りました。

It was reported as far back as June that police chief Roni Alsheich had launched an investigation using special police unit Lahav 433, often referred to as Israel’s FBI, while demanding that those involved conduct the investigation in secrecy and not leak any information to the media.

警察署長ロニ・アルシェヒは特殊警察ユニットLahav 433を使って調査を開始したが、


“On Sunday, police descended on the Defense Ministry to gather information relating to a ship-building contract with Germany, as part of a probe into how negotiations for multi-billion shekel naval deals were handled,” the Times of Israel reporte



Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit also reportedly instructed his employees to look into allegations that Netanyahu had accepted approximately $1.1 million from French tycoon and alleged fraudster Arnaud Mimran in 2009.
This is not the first time that Netanyahu has faced allegations of financial wrongdoing. He and his wife have previously been accused of spending state funds to finance a luxurious lifestyle.
ネタニヤフが財産的不正を証言したのは初めてではありません。 彼と彼の妻は、以前は豪華なライフスタイルを賄うために州の資金を使うと非難されていました。
Read more: https://sputniknews.com/middleeast/201612281049050331-netanyahu-bribery-investigation/



Netanyahu Says Israel Not to ‘Turn Other Cheek’ After UNSC Resolution

NetanyahuはUNSC決議後 イスラエルに「他の頬を回す」とは言わない

Israel’s response to the UN Security Council resolution condemning its settlement-building policy in the West Bank demonstrates that Israel will not “turn the other cheek” and at the same time it will not harm its relations with other countries as they only respect strong nations, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said.

ヨルダン川西岸の和解建設政策を非難する国連安全保障理事会の決議に対するイスラエルの対応は、イスラエルが「他の頬を回す」ことはないと同時に、強国を尊重するだけで他の国との関係を損なうことはなく、 ベンジャミン・ネタニヤフ(Benjamin Netanyahu)イスラエル首相は述べた。

TEL AVIV (Sputnik) — In response to the adoption of the resolution, Netanyahu ordered the state’s Foreign Ministry to review the UN-Israel relationship, including the issues related to Israeli contributions to UN budget and the presence of the organization’s representatives in the Jewish state. He also summoned on Sunday 14 ambassadors of the UN Security Council (UNSC) member states, including Russia, following their vote on a resolution.

TEL AVIV(スプートニク) - 決議の採択に応じて、ネタニヤフは、イスラエルの国連予算への貢献やユダヤ国家における組織代表の存在に関連する問題を含む、国連外務省に対し、国連とイスラエルとの関係を見直すよう命じた 。 また、ロシアを含む国連安全保障理事会(UNSC)加盟国の大使14人を召喚し、決議案を採択した。

“This is a wise, deliberate and vigorous reaction, a natural response of a healthy nation, which makes it clear to the nations of the world that what took place at the United Nations is not acceptable to us … Israel is the country with national pride, and we will not turn the other cheek,” Netanyahu said on Monday. According to the prime minister, a tough response will change the way Israel is treated by other countries.
「これは賢明で慎重かつ激しい反応であり、健全な国の自然な対応であり、国連で行われたことは私たちにとって受け入れられないということを世界各国に明確にしている...イスラエルは国家の誇り 私たちはもう一方の頬を回しません "とネタニヤフは月曜日に述べた。 首相によると、厳しい対応がイスラエルが他国の扱いを変えるだろう。

“There is no political wisdom to curry favor. Our relations with other countries will not only be unaffected but shall improve over time since other countries respect strong states that are ready to stand up for themselves, and they do not respect weak nations that curry favor and bow their heads,” the prime minister stressed.

カレーには政治的な知恵はない。 他の国との関係は、影響を受けるだけでなく、時間の経過とともに改善される。なぜなら、他の国々は、自分自身のために立ち上がる準備のできている勢いのある国家を尊重しているからで、カレーが好きで頭を下げる弱い国を尊重しないからだ」 。
On December 23, the UN Security Council passed a resolution in a 14-0 vote, with the only abstention from the United States, condemning Israeli settlements in the West Bank. The resolution states that Israel should immediately and completely cease all settlement activities on "occupied Palestinian territory," including in East Jerusalem. Over 500,000 Israeli settlers are estimated to be living in East Jerusalem and the West Bank, which Israel captured during the 1967 war. The settlements are considered illegal by the United Nations.
国連安全保障理事会は、12月23日米国からの棄権票のみで、14-0の投票で決議を可決した、ヨルダン川西岸でのイスラエルの和解を非難した。 この決議案は、イスラエルが東エルサレムを含む「占領されたパレスチナ領土」に関するすべての和解活動を即座に完全に停止すべきだと述べているである。 イスラエル入植者50万人以上がイスラエルが1967年の戦争で捕らえた東エルサレムと西岸に住んでいると推定されているので、 和解は国連によって違法とみなされています。
Read more: https://sputniknews.com/middleeast/201612271049019820-netanyahy-unsc-settlements-resolution/


Netanyahu Summons US Envoy After UNSC Vote on Israeli Settlements Resolution


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has summoned US Ambassador Dan Shapiro in connection with the UNSC resolution which condemns Israeli settlements in the West Bank, an Israeli government source told RIA Novosti.


American authorities did not use their veto power over the resolution and abstained from voting. For the first time during the eight years of Barack Obama’s administration, the United States turned a deaf ear to the requests of Jerusalem and abstained from using its veto power, thereby giving the opportunity for the resolution to pass.
米国当局は決議案に対する拒否権を使わず、投票から棄権した。 バラク・オバマ政権の8年間、初めて、エルサレムの要請に耳を傾け、拒否権を使用することを棄権し、決議案が成立する機会を与えた。

Speaking at Sunday's cabinet meeting, Netanyahu accused the Obama administration of initiating the resolution document behind the scenes, formulating its position and passing it in the UN.
The resolution states that Israel should immediately and completely cease all settlement activities on “occupied Palestinian territory,” including in East Jerusalem.


Earlier on Sunday, Netanyahu summoned 14 ambassadors of the UN Security Council (UNSC) member states, including Russia, following their vote on a resolution. According to Netanyahu’s spokesperson, “Israeli Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ordered the Foreign Ministry to summon the ambassadors of the UNSC member states that voted on a resolution against the settlement activities.” The spokesperson added that the meetings would be held separately with the respective deputies of the director general of the Israeli Foreign Ministry. Over 500,000 Israeli settlers live in East Jerusalem and the West Bank, which Israel captured during the 1967 war. The settlements are considered illegal by the United Nations. Israeli authorities criticized the resolution and refused to abide by its provisions.
Read more: https://sputniknews.com/middleeast/201612251048987457-netanyahu-summons-us-envoy/


UN Resolution on Israel Obama's 'Way of Score-Settling With Netanyahu' © AP Photo/ Pablo Martinez Monsivais

イスラエル共和国に関する国連決議オバマ氏の「ネタニヤフとのスコアリングの道」©AP Photo / Pablo Martinez Monsivais

POLITICS 11:47 25.12.2016(updated 12:10 25.12.2016) Get short URL81797142 The UN Security Council has adopted a resolution urging Israel to halt its settlement activities in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, which was made possible due to the US declining to use its veto.

国連安全保障理事会は、イスラエルに対し、米国のために可能となった西岸と東エルサレムでの和解活動を中止するよう求める決議を採択しました(訳注:原文はこちらを参照してください)8/15/2011 その拒否権を使用することを拒否した。

Dan Arbell, a 26 year veteran of the Israeli Foreign Service, told Radio Sputnik that there is a personal dimension to Washington's decision. "This was, I guess, some way of score-settling for [US President Barack] Obama with [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu after eight years of a very rocky relationship," he said. The tense relationship between Obama and Netanyahu has complicated US-Israeli relations for years. 

イスラエル外務省の26歳のベテランであるDan Arbellは、Radio Sputnikに、ワシントンの決定に個人的な次元があると語った。 「これは8年間の非常に岩石的な関係のもと、[バラク大統領](ベンジャミン・イスラエル首相)のネタニヤフとのスコアリングのいくつかの方法だった」と彼は語りました。 オバマとネタニヤフの緊張関係は、何年もの間、米国とイスラエルの関係を複雑にしているのです。

Arbell, a strategic consultant at the Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution, noted that the fact that the resolution was adopted was "a historic event," 

which will have an impact on any future peace process even though the document is non-binding.



"At the moment it has more of a symbolic nature because it does not have any immediate operational implications. It does call for a report every three months to the Security Council, but it does not do anything beyond that. It does have a symbolic meaning and it will perhaps be a tool for diplomacy when there is [the peace] process in the future," the analyst explained.
「現時点では、それは即座の操作上の意味を持たないため、象徴的な性質を持っており、3カ月ごとに安全保障理事会に報告するよう求めているが、それ以上のことはしていない。 将来的には平和のプロセスがあるときにはおそらく外交の道具になるだろう」とアナリストは説明した。
The resolution was passed on Friday, with 14 US Security Council members voting in favor and one abstaining.
Washington's decision to refrain from vetoing the resolution comes in sharp contrast to its former policy with regard to Israel. The US has traditionally sheltered its key ally in the Middle East from similar initiatives by blocking them in the UN Security Council. However, this shift is not surprising. "This has been in the air for some time.

決議を拒否することを拒否するワシントンの決定は、イスラエルに関する以前の政策とははっきりとは対照的です。 米国は伝統的に、国連安全保障理事会でそれらを阻止することにより、中東における主要味方を同様の取り組みから守ってきたので、



There has been a realization that as President Obama prepares to leave office, he may want to do one final step in order to leave a legacy or leave something for future generations in order to try and promote a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict based on how he see that it should be [settled]," the analyst explained.
 オバマ大統領が辞任する準備をすると、イスラエルとパレスチナの紛争解決策を試行して促進するために、遺産を残すか、将来のために何かを残すために、最後の一歩を踏み出すことが望ましいと認識しています どのように彼はそれが[決着する]べきかを見ている "とアナリストは説明しました。

Read more: https://sputniknews.com/politics/201612251048972024-us-resolution-israel-score-settling/




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