Hello there.

This is a picture diary of 

the oldies duo (Guitar & Vocal) 'The Mints'.




The mints のピクチャーダイアリーです。



In April of this year, the policy of the free web site (amebaownd) changed and I was no longer able to log in to the Mints site.
I changed my browser and was able to login successfully. I was so worried 💦.
Well, Mints is in a strategy meeting to review past activities and reconsider future activity policies.
We've bought some equipment to bring back Live and improve the quality of our YouTube videos!
Please look forward to our future activities (although we'll probably still be doing things at our own pace).


Today's English : policy, no longer, review, reconsider, equipment, quality

今日の英語 : 方針, もはや…ない, 見直す, 再考する, 設備, 品質・クオリティ

Now music time!

Today's song : American Pie / Don McLean

今日の曲 : アメリカン パイ / ドン マクレーン

Please take your time.



See you tomorrow!



The Mints blog / ミンツ blog

Meet the Mints / ミート ザ ミンツ

The Mintsのピクチャーダイアリー


■ Mints SNS info:  YouTube / Instagram / Scrapbox / Note / Stand.fm ■

The MintsのSNSです。遊びに来てね!

★ ホームページ… Amebaownd

★ Mintsの演奏動画… YouTube

★ 写真と演奏動画… Instragram

★ 写真日記… Scrapbox (Picture Diary)

★ 写真日記…  Note

★ 不定期ラジオ… Stand.fm (radio)