これらのつながりは? | ~カイロプラクティック&マインドケア 大阪・天満橋~Mind Body Clinique

~カイロプラクティック&マインドケア 大阪・天満橋~Mind Body Clinique


STRESS, Friends, Family and Co-workers:  What is the connection?


True friendships and loving family members are not part of every 

persons reality.

Many of my patients, colleagues, family and friends have very difficult 

relations with family members, acquaintances, lovers, spouses and in 

particular, co-workers.  


These relations to often cause significant stress, especially before the 

new year arrives.  These stresses can be overwhelming and cause a 

variety of symptoms classified in a group known as 'stress related 




If you feel stiff, have pain, or feel exhausted when you wake up or 

during the middle of the day, you have a disease problem that needs 

to be NATURALLY treated.  If you ignore these or other symptoms,

and do not quickly figure out what is the source of the stress, or 

cannot find a solution to ameliorate the cause, you are definitely 

heading down the path of destruction, lost years and even early death.  

It’s just that simple.