






2017/09/25 著



【知ってて良かった】「パンばかり食べる人」陥る不調 グルテン過敏症 グルテンが引き起こす原因


Is Bread Making You Sick? 

: Dough Conditioners & Additives


Bromide – aka Potassium Bromate  
Certainly the biggest and most controversial dough conditioner out there is bromide. It was first used in the 1960s to replace potassium iodate because bakers claim it provides more dependable results and makes the dough more elastic which makes it easy to use for commercial baking.

ブロミド - 別名 臭素酸カリウム


The problem(s) with bromate? It is an endocrine disrupter which messes with the thyroid’s ability to produce and use iodine. Consuming a constant amount of bromate (in your daily bread perhaps) may eventually create a thyroid hormone imbalance. It is also believed to play a role in many different kinds of cancers (specifically in the kidneys and thyroid), cause DNA damage and have harmful effects on digestion and gut health.

臭素酸塩の問題は? 甲状腺がヨウ素を生産して使用する能力を失う内分泌かく乱物質です。 



This dough conditioner is currently banned in Europe, Canada, Brazil and China. In 1991, California added Potassium Bromate to their Proposition 5 list which means that products containing the dough conditioner must carry a cancer warning on them.




This dough conditioner in not banned in the United States because (in theory) the amount of bromate in a finished product should be next to nothing - something like less than 20 parts per billion. However, if bromated flour isn't baked long enough or at a high enough temperature or if there is too much added - the end product will end up having MUCH higher amounts of bromate in it.



Anyone out there think that there is regular testing for bromate in a completed loaf of bread?  Or in fast food buns and flours?

完成した一斤のパンに定期的に臭素酸塩の検査があると思っている人はいますか?  或は、ファーストフードのパンや小麦粉でも?

Meet the additive widely and affectionately nicknamed "the yoga mat chemical" thanks to Subway when they announced back in 2014 that they were dropping the chemical. It earned this nickname because it's primary use is in plastic rubber products like flip flops and yoga mats. Sounds like just the ingredient you want in a loaf of bread, doesn't it?




This ingredient is often used in bread and baked goods because it makes dough more elastic and it bleaches flour. However, the trade off just doesn't seem worth it. Azodicarbonamide is known to increase the risk of asthma, allergies and skin problems. It also seems to heighten a person's allergic reaction to other ingredients in a food


しかし、この代用には価値があるとは思われません。 アゾジカーボンアミドは、喘息、アレルギーおよび皮膚疾患のリスクを高めることが知られています。 

それはまた 、食品中の他の成分に対するアレルギー反応を高めているようです。

This dough conditioner has been approved by the FDA for use in food in the US but Australia and many countries in Europe have banned it.


Experts around the world worry that it has not been adequately tested for the amount that people may be consuming. This concern is rooted in the discovery that over 130 well-known companies were found to use it including brands that use the phrases "natural" and "whole grain" on their products. So while a minute amount of this chemical is added to a loaf of bread - it's hard to see the cumulative effect this chemical could have on our health since so many products in grocery stores use it.



We also face the same insecurity as we do with potassium bromate - who's testing the end product  to make sure it's safe, being used properly and has the right amount in it?


DATEM - Diacetyl Tartaric Acid Esters of Monoglycerides

DATEM - モノグリセリドのジアセチル酒石酸エステル


This is a fairly common dough conditioner and emulsifier used to improve volume and uniformity. It also helps make the dough stronger and more durable which makes it easy to process in a high-stress commercial baking system. DATEM can also be used to replace lecithin in flour and can partially replace gluten.




It is a synthetic compound typically derived from soy, palm or canola oil but sometimes can be made from animal fats. DATEM can typically be found in breads, baked goods, energy bars, butter, non dairy creamer and packaged/canned frosting.



Here's where DATEM gets interesting: it is considered "safe" by the FDA (like all of the other ingredients above) however a study has come out that challenges that finding. A study in 2002 done on rats showed that DATEM caused "heart muscle fibrosis and adrenal overgrowth."


ラットで行われ た2002年の研究で は、DATEMが「心筋線維症および副腎過増殖」を引き起こしたことを示しました。

On top of that, Whole Foods considers it an "unacceptable ingredient" and has declared that it does not meet their Food Ingredient Quality Standards (here). Take a look in cyber space and you will find that DATEM is not endorsed by authorities in the natural health food world even though there's not a whole lot of information on it.

その上、Whole Foods(世界最大の自然食品を販売する米国の企業)はそれを「許容できない成分」とみなし、食品成分基準を 満たしていないと宣言してい ます。 


Could These Dough Conditioners and Additives Be Making Us Sick?    

We're at that familiar place again where the answer to this question all depends on who you ask and who you trust. Just like we've seen with modern wheat and vital wheat gluten - there are government agencies and regulators who will testify that these dough conditioners are 100% safe for human consumption.(中略)



We just feel it is our responsibility to give you information and encourage you to do your own research and discover your own personal truth.(以下省略)




毒薬入りパン食べるな! ヤマザキ・敷島・フジパン
