タイタン戦 手動操作/Titan battle - manual control | Team JPN

Team JPN



From yagitora:



For your reference. 

I cannot auto-battle in Hero fights, but I manually control the battles in Titan fights. 

The reason for that.


In the Hero Wars algorithm, the results for AUTO are generated when all battles are decided. 

If you choose manual control in AD, GW, or CoW, the results will be overwritten and saved.


メリット① AUTOで戦っていて戦力が下の相手に負けることが少なくなる。

Benefit ①: Losing to opponents with lower power while fighting on AUTO becomes less frequent. 

It becomes possible to efficiently use skills and totems. Opponents with lower power will activate skills and totems more quickly.


When challenging fire with water: With Eden or Hyperion present, use the skill Nova to stop the flames. 

When challenging the earth with fire: Wait for the opponent to activate the totem before striking. After that, AUTO should be fine. 

When challenging water with earth: Activate the earth totem according to the enemy Nova and Hyperion skills. By waiting until the last moment, you can avoid being stunned by the enemy Nova skill and also defend against Hyperion's skill.


メリット② 手動操作でミスをして負けそうになった時、ゲームを一時停止してを再起動します。

Benefit ②: When it seems like I might lose due to manual errors during gameplay, I pause and restart the game. After the restart, the battle concludes with the results of AUTO combat.


Victory is not guaranteed. It means there are two chances. Both Hero Battle and Titan Battle are effective.


As a point of note.


Do not mix shortcut keys and mouse operations. In a screen paused with the ESC key, activate skills with shortcut keys. Selecting with the mouse releases the pause, making the next selection difficult.


The Titan sunk or sunk by Eden remains unchanged even after a reboot. If the enemy Sigurd has submerged, that part remains the same even after restarting.


ショートカットキー/keyboard shortcuts



ミスしてるとこもありますがw こんな感じでESC押しまくって戦ってます。停止中、画面が見づらいときはスペースキー。

There are some mistakes, but... I'm fighting by pressing ESC like this. If the screen is hard to see while paused, please press the space key.


水で炎でした💦 シグが生き残るようにトーテム打つのが難しいです。AUTOでいいような気もします。150%前後が効果的かな。