
On the day the tour was scheduled, a strong typhoon came near Kanto area, so we asked the guests to change the schedule to the next day. The day was their last day in Tokyo.




They arrived early, so we started early, first from GINZA.

Since there were only two of them, everything went smooth and were able to take time shopping at ITOYA.



After GINZA, we went to Monja restarurant. They liked both Monja and Okonomiyaki.




After Monja, we went back to Yurakuchou and went to Izakaya. This time I didn't mistake the train nor the street and everything went well. I think the guests were also enjoying.









The 16 year old boy asked me many questions:

- How far did Japan expand its territory under the Emperor (before WWⅡ)?

- Isn’t entering Japanese in keyboard difficult?

- Where is the popular oversea place for Japanese?

- How hot is Tokyo usually.

- (Not question) I learned about the earthquake of 2011.

I thought it would affect his impression of “Japan,” so I answered all of his questions with sincerity.



