I am writing in a plane on my way heading to Bulgaria, this time together with young business owner and his staff member.


Advising oversea business is one of my job but it doesn’t mean I promote it.

This is because, there is not such a country like Japan with wonderful environment

where there are enough domestic purchasing power, improved laws and existence of investors.



Some business owner despair over high tax.

But wait and think it carefully.

If you don’t boost sales and raise profit,

high tax rate won’t bother you in the first place.

How lucky it is to complain about it.

Flying out from such a blessed country might not be a good choice for everyone.



The more countries I visit,

the more I feel lucky to be born as Japanese.



The more countries I visit,

the more I feel lucky to do business in Japan.



How will it be if I was born in Bulgaria,

a country where I will be landing in few hours?

Will I succeed business within its domestic market?

Honestly speaking, it must be quite tough.



Young Bulgarian with great ambitions studies abroad.

They do their best to catch chance to achieve success.



Same as other non-English speaking countries like Japan,

Bulgarian people also start by learning English as one of the foreign languages.

In the next step, they use it to make communication, make foreign friends,

try to understand what the global standard is from those friends and try to find jobs.

The very next step comes the startup of new business.




I happen to meet one of them


Charmed by his feasibility business plan, earnest personality and enthusiasm,

I decided to do business together with him.



Beginning with a small investment amount,

it grew huge and started to gain recognition and cachet from the Bulgarian government.



Business is expanding wide with no road bumps or obstacles so far.

Planning to base its market on entire European region,

we moved the headquarter to London and proceeding to the next step.



Do business abroad doesn’t always lead to success.

Actually, it raises the bar even higher.



When I see businessperson who takes upon and overcoming lofty challenges,

I can’t stop admiring him/her.

I feel how large the world is and end up feeling left out.



There is one very important thing I recognized from this experience.

Inspired by other amazing businessperson,I came to believe in my own success possibility.

Moreover, your goal will surely be set higher.



Setting higher goal means,

you need further effort to reach the goal.




This brings about a massive change in your mind


Effort used to be nothing but a pain.

But now, I’ve come to enjoy this painful effort.



You’ll be able to image yourself reaching the raised goal.



Similar thing could be said at the marathon race.

In spite of a long-distance run,

people push themselves up with a splendid burst of speed at the end.



That’s about it.



You will acquire the habit of being positive !



Masahiko KUMADA




http://ameblo.jp/million-eyes/ (million EYES : 海外α情報)

http://ameblo.jp/million-street/ (million STREET : English)

https://medium.com/@masahikokumada (BlockchainEnglish

https://mm-consulting.ltd/ (million mile consulting Ltd