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私は若い頃に、大隈 和子さんがモナコ政府観光局のお仕事をされていた頃、大変可愛がっていただいたことがありました。


この食器セットは、大隈さんから私にPASS THE BATONしていただいた食器だから、アメリカ製なのです。











Kazuko Okuma
President and CEO, HOW
Guest Lecturer, Waseda University

Kazuko Okuma says a life of extraordinary experiences has cultivated in given her the ability to interact with a wide variety of people. Born into a family that counts her great-grandfather, prime minister Shigenobuko Okuma, and her father, an ambassador to South America, Okuma, brought up in a world of politics and foreign affairs, utilized her extraordinary experiences to establish her own international public relations firm.

On a visit to her large living room, lined with items collected from an array of different countries, we asked her about her student days spent in many countries, her twenties suffering from a Japanese culture gap, and her current work.




12 years-old –University Days: Uruguay and Switzerland
‘A Youth as Exoticized as a Panda in a Zoo’

At the time, the only Asian people around were us, so in school and walking about town there were people coming to stare at me as if I were a panda at the zoo. I always felt people watching me. However, as we became more familiar with each other, that subsided, and I enjoyed a Latin country-esque free youth. Asian people were unusual, but that also made me popular among the local men (laugh).

After that, my father was appointed ambassador to Ghana and transferred to Africa, and I went to Switzerland to enroll in university. I entered Fribourg, initially as a French language and literature major, but I felt something wasn’t right, so I transferred to a graphic and interior design vocational school.

In Switzerland, I tasted the thrill of winter sports, and my home stay with a Swiss family was a big experience for me. For me, it was there that I first encountered a diversity of cultures. For example, whereas in Japan, the biggest meal of the day is typically dinner, in Switzerland, it’s lunch, and dinner is usually a simple assortment of bread, cheese and ham. I have to say, I spent a large portion of my time there hungry! But it was also there that I noticed a big difference in the notion of luxury. The Swiss don’t bathe, but rather take showers, enjoying a bath maybe once a month.. The boilers used to heat water were small, and my home stay mother would get irritated with me for using too much hot water. Although I lived modestly like most Japanese of that era, but it was a completely different experience.






New York study-Return to Japan
(Reverse Culture Shock)

After that, I went to New York to study interior design even further. I hadn’t any opportunity at all to meet Japanese men during my time spent in South America and Switzerland, so I was surprised to find that when I went to New York, there were so many eligible, young Japanese bankers and trading company employees. It was really stimulating to exchange opinions with internationally-minded Japanese, and even now I remember is as fun.
I soon married one of them, but I was in for a shock when we returned to Japan and found that his parents’ way of thinking was old-fashioned and typically chauvinistic. It was a big culture shock for me. Not permitted to work, I was able to utilize my talents when I was chosen to be a companion during the 1964 Tokyo Olympiad. My trader-husband was soon transferred to El Salvador, and I had been expecting to return to a nostalgic environment, but I was prohibited from working there as well, so I didn’t find it to be very enjoyable. My irritation was exacerbated by a climate that consisted only of a dry season and a wet season. I spend so many tedious days that I even got tired of golf and card games. Then my husband was flying between five different countries on business, the time spent as a couple dwindled, and finally I decided to end the relationship.

Employment- Career Shift
(An important impact on the following 10 years)

Returning to Japan as a single woman, I was able to work freely. My strengths were only the knowledge of languages and cultures from my multicultural experiences, but I was able to gain employment as Beauty Director for the Parfums Christian Dior division of Christian Dior cosmetics, and while creating the brand image, training staff and liasing between the French headquarters, I was also in charge of an array of different operations. After that, I transferred to Estee Lauder and was given the opportunity to launch Clinique in Japan, and as the head of marketing, built a strategy for the Japanese market from scratch. Those ten years I spent at Clinique had a major impact on my work and my life in the years that followed.


24年前に設立した「HOW」は、従業員はすべて女性で、男性に囲まれた日本の労働環境にありがちな根強い性差別とは無縁の会社です。マーケティング会社としてスタートしましたが、現在ではPRの仕事なども行い、国内のクライアントにも力を注いでいます。ここ日本では、誰もが素敵なモノ作りをしますが、広報は苦手な方がほとんどですからね。「HOW」はコミュニケーションのバトンをパスする(PASS THE COMMUNICATION BATON)だけでなく、ニーズを生み出し、女性ならではの“柔軟でかゆいところに手が届サービス”を提供していければと思っています。

Establishment of ‘HOW’ – Present
Twenty-four years ago, I established ‘HOW’, and with all female employees, is a company separate from the deep-rooted gender discrimination inherent in the male-dominated working environment of Japan. It started as a marketing company, but now we also conduct public relations type work, and we also funnel our power into domestic clients. Here in Japan, most everyone makes things well, but most everyone is bad at advertising, you see. ‘HOW’ not only passes the communication baton, but also produce needs and provides a service that scratches an itch with a flexibility that is unique to women.

現代の若者へ渡したいバトンは? と伺うと、「外へ出て世界を見てきた経験ね」と即答した大隈さん。さまざまな文化や暮らしに触れ「ニーズ応じて出したりしまったりできるような、引き出しが増えた」と言います。世界をフラットな視点で捉えるからこそ見えてくるアイデアやニーズ。それをひとつひとつ形にながら、大隈さんのヒストリーはまだまだ続いていきます。

When asked ‘What kind of Baton would you like to Pass to today’s youth?’, Okuma answers “Go out and see the world.” Through contact with different cultures and lifestyles, she says, “the number of drawer I can open and shut in response to needs has increased.” Ideas and needs that can be seen precisely because the world is trapped in a flat perspective. While giving form to each, Okuma’s history stretches on.
