「 Hmm…I love this couple seats…sooo comfy!!We can sit forever to watch movies」

「yeah…I love it,too」

「I want one at my home」

「Where are you going to put this sofa in your 

place?This is pretty big for your living room…

Don't you think?」

「yeah…I might have to move to bigger house」

「…If we move in together, we can look for the      house which has theater room」

「Wow!!theater room!?That sounds cool!


「Are you going to say "Yes" about moving in 


「 …wait………What!?」

「YES?or NO?babe…」

「Are you proposing me, P'Mile?」

「You're staying at my place 2~3days a week…

so I'm thinking that it's time to take our 

relationship one step further」

「Are you serious?」

「I'm always serious about us and our future,

 babe…What do you think?」

「Are you still going to buy me that water park?」

「Ohhh…I forgot about that.  How about going 

to find a house near the water park?」


「I really love that」

「…love what???」

「Your smile…Your smile makes my life bright 

sunshine, babe」



「Can we look for a house near the water park

and croissant shop?」

「awww…I can do that, babe…actually, I can 

open the croissant shop for you」

「What a sugar daddy!!」