25 Rotchild's "World Revolutionary Action Plan"

It is said that the first Rothschild Mayer, Amsheel Rothschild (born in 1744 in Frankfurt, Germany) gathered 12 powerful people in Frankfurt and held a secret meeting at the age of 30. Here, plans for exclusively controlling manpower and resources of the whole world were discussed and I mentioned about the agenda (Action Plan) called "World Revolutionary Action Plan" consisting of 25 items.

The summary is as follows, but after that Rothschild carried out this plan faithfully. What exactly is happening in Japan is written here as it is. Know the inside of their hands and watch the traps they have set in the movements of this world.

■ The 25th World Revolution Action Plan

1, In order to rule humans, best results are obtained if they resort to violence and terrorism. Power exists in power.

2, It is enough to preach "liberalism" to take over political power. Then the electorate will give up his power and privilege for one thought, gather the abandoned power and privilege and put it in hand.

3, "The power of gold" took the power of liberal rulers. Even if "freedom" is replaced with "faith", we do not know how to enjoy the freedom to the masses. If you use the idea of ​​'freedom' it is also possible to create 'class struggle'. And since the winner will definitely need "our money", even if the plan succeeds, whether the existing government is destroyed by the enemy or destroyed by the enemy, it is not an important matter.

4, rulers ruling over by moral law can not be considered a skilled politician, as they may be subjected to attacks by themselves and be forced to take on their positions. You can justify all the means used to reach the final goal. Honorable qualities as citizens such as frankness and honesty will interfere with politics, so those who try to become rulers must appeal to cunning and deception.

5, Our rights lie in power. The new right that I am heading is the right to attack by the rights of the strong, it is the right to crush all existing order, discipline and reconstruct all existing systems, spontaneous in liberalism It is the right to become the sovereign of people who entrusted us the right to the abandoned authority.

6, the power of our wealth must be kept from surfacing until such time as it gains strength that is not damaged by any cunning wisdom, power. Deviating from the basic course of the strategic plan has the danger of abolishing the "acts of centuries".

7, You should gain control over the masses using group crowd. The power of the mob is unnecessary, meaningless and has no argument and is influenced by any side's proposal. Only authoritarian rulers can effectively control mobs.

8, alcoholic beverages, drugs, decadent morals, systematic use of virtues of all forms through proxies, to reduce the moral heart of young people of the nations. Bribes, petties and betrayal acts must be continued as long as it helps us achieve our objectives.

9, If we can ensure obedience and sovereignty by doing so, we have the right to take away our property without hesitation anything. Our nation going down the path of peaceful conquest has the right to replace it with measures that are appropriate for the purpose of maintaining "fear" that causes blinding.

10, We are the first ethnic group who taught the public to the word "freedom, equality, bravery". Until today, this word has been repeated by foolish people. Even those who self-nominate themselves as wise men can not understand this word because of their esoteric intelligibility, and they do not even notice the conflict between the meaning of the words and their mutual relations. This is the word putting our flags under the command and control of our army. It does not exist in the natural world such as a place for "freedom, equality, bravery". On the ruins of the spontaneous and hereditary aristocratic society of Goyim, we created a noble society by money. That is our aristocracy, a noble society where wealth is eligible to participate.

11, by inducing war oneself, we must lead a peace conference where territorial acquisition does not occur on either side to be hostile. The war must be led so that both conflicting nations embrace more debt and fall into the hands of our agents.

12, Using people's goods, obediently obeying our requirements, becoming a piece of our game, a person with knowledge and creativity who was appointed from us to manipulate the government behind the scenes as a regular adviser We must select candidates that can be used immediately. The person we appoint as a counselor should be a person nurtured, educated and trained according to our idea from an early age to rule over the events of the whole world.

13, ripples, slander, fake information, no matter what kind of ripple spreads, you must make sure that you will not be condemned while hiding yourself. And you should take advantage of the pooled money and dominate all outlets of information to the masses.

14, When the situation gets worse, when the masses are dominated by poverty and fear, when the time is required to keep the agent on the stage stage and the time to restore order, the victims will be sacrificed for criminals and people without responsibility It is necessary to proceed to be interpreted as having become. At the time when the calculated horror rule is realized, if you execute a criminal or a psychotic, you can pretend us to be a savior of workers, savior of repressed people. As a matter of fact, our attention is contrary to ... to reduce, that is to kill Goime.

15, If we exercise our power, unemployment and hunger will be created and we will reach the masses. Doing so will result in more reliable capital control than naturally aristocratic society once was given. By letting the agent rule the mob, it is possible to wipe out all the people who hinder the go by using "mob".

16, As for the infiltration of Freemasonry, their purpose is to utilize all that is provided by that organization and confidential Freemasonry. It is possible to hide the true meaning of their activities under the name of philanthropism while organizing their own Daito company inside Blue Freemason and conducting destructive activities. All members entering Daito must be used for solicitation activities and to disseminate atheistic materialism among Goyes. If the day when our sovereign who governs the whole world comes to the throne will come, this same hand will pull off everything that might block their way.

17, the agent must be trained to produce a slogan that is incomprehensible and popular. It is because we have promised promisedly to the masses. Things that are opposite to what was promised can always be done at a later time. If you use the words "freedom" and "liberation" you can make you feel like fueling a gaim and driving patriotism, fighting against the laws of God and the rules of nature. If we gain control, the name of God will be erased from the dictionary of living living beings.

18, Fear dominance is the cheapest way to quickly submit the masses.

19, Our agents on the political, economic and financial adviser 's mask masked us without worrying that the identity of "secret power" lurking behind national and international events could be revealed Secret diplomacy must be asserted after all wars so that you can execute the order of. By secret diplomacy, so long as our agent is not involved, the states must have control over them so that even countries can not even even trivial personal arrangements.

20, In order to reach the ultimate goal of the World Government, a massive monopoly, that even the most richest of the Goims will require the accumulation of enormous wealth to rely on us. Everyone gathering here is in economic direction, so I think that the meaning of cooperating in this way will be calculated easily.

21, to deprive the real estate, industry from Goyim, as far as economic national interests and investments are concerned, combining heavy taxes and unfair competition must trigger the economic collapse of Goim. It is possible to direct Goyim to make it impossible to do business on the international stage. In other words, it can be realized through skillful control of raw materials, the spread of systematic agitation movements for short-time labor and high wages, and the aid of competitors. We must manage the situation so that workers will never get paid due to the increase in wages.

22, Eventually, a few rich who will do our exercise, and the police and soldiers who protect our interests, the public of proletariat can stay. A large - scale armed reinforcement has to be started to kill Goyim.

23, members of the world single government are appointed by dictators, elected from scientists, economists, financial experts, entrepreneurs, and rich men. Virtually everything is resolved by all numbers, numbers (money?).

24, The agent infiltrates the society and the government of all classes, all levels, with the aim of corrupting the spirit of young people of society by teaching the theory and principle that we are aware of that error There must be.

25. Neither national law nor international law should be changed, but only by merely interpreting negative such as obscuring the law at first at the time of distortion and concealing that law until eventually disappearing, while using it as it is, We must destroy the civilization of Goim. Our ultimate goal is to replace the law with mediation. You might think that Goime will be armed uprised against us, but in Western Europe we have an organization of fears that even any stronger will shrink. Let's organize these organizations into cities of countries before they are threatened by danger.