

Benjamin Fulford さん





え~ そんなあほな


人工地震なんて あり得るわけない






なぜ みんなに知らせようとするのかを








大切なもの 見えないと思います

真実を知らない ネズミくんでいるのか

それとも 真実を知ろうとする人間でいるのか




Benjamin Fulford

In the world we live in today, I presume that there are only two types of people; those admirable people who never give up pursuing their own ideas with faith and courage in mind, and those who don’t.

In addition to my definition above, you may insist that there is another type of person who wants to be strong but cannot. Well, under the current devastating circumstances that we Japanese are forced to face, I would consider that this type of person belongs to the second group. They are rats or sheep.

Now, let’s look at the reality. If you observe carefully how notable Japanese public figures have reacted to this catastrophic disaster, it is quite easy to see who belongs to which group. Most of them are, sad to say, absolute traitors to our country, Japan.

Now, before talking about these outrageous cowards, I would like to introduce two figures who I admire from the bottom of my heart, because they have never given in to any life-threatening requests by the hidden conspirators that I have mentioned earlier in my texts.

One of the two figures is Benjamin Fulford. He is a Canadian journalist who has had a very intriguing career. At 17, he went to the Amazon Basin and lived with native people there, trying to learn witch craft from a native magician.

He says that it was an eye-opening experience, because he could see the positive and negative aspects of civilization as an outsider.

After coming back from the Amazon, he felt a keen necessity to study many subjects, such as economics, psychology, and anthropology. So, for three years he studied at Sophia University in Tokyo and at the University of British Columbia for two years.

Because of this background, and thanks to his father being an ambassador, he has lived in several countries. As a result, he is now very fluent in four languages, English, French, Spanish, and Japanese.

Using this superb command of languages as well as his broad foreign experience, he worked as a journalist at several newspapers and magazines, including the Japanese Nikkei Shimbun and the American magazine Forbes.

Around the time when his editors started to pressure him against writing the truth, his books had become bestsellers. So, in the end, he quit his job and became independent, and is currently working as such.

He claims that the 3/11 earthquake and its aftermath, including TEPCO’s nuclear reactors’ malfunction, not to mention 9/11 and other atrocious disasters, were performed by the US government, in corporation with the Federal Reserve, the Rockefellers, and other powerful groups.

For those of you who have never heard this sort of claim, it may be quite difficult to understand it. To be honest, the first time that I read his statement, I could not believe what he stated. However, after watching the following video, I was convinced that he is someone that I could trust.


My senses told me that he has devoted his life to make the world better. What he wants is not money or a higher status that other more feeble and miserable human desire or just accept. What Benjamin aims to achieve is justice and equality for all the mankind.

It is a shame that many well-known public figures do not raise their voices and tell the truth, like he does.

I believe that most of them know the undeniable truth: The earthquake on March 11 in Japan was man-made. Using a secret military program known as HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program), the powerful groups including the US government, the Federal Reserve, and the Rockefellers attacked us.

It is really up to us whom and what we trust. At the moment, I would like to trust Benjamin Fulford, stand by him, and prove their malicious lies.

What about you, guys?

Poet Calico Cat