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今夜の E-version は




People in New Zealand

(2) Robert, Helen’s Husband

Now that you have heard about a pretty and sincere woman, Helen, you may be curious about her husband, Robert. Naturally, you might presume that as she is beautiful, he may be also a nice-looking man.

Right on! As a matter of fact, before I met him, I really had a hard time finding handsome men in New Zealand. I would not say that there are no men in that country. Yes, there are surely plenty of men, but, when I was there, almost all of them were okay men for me (sorry to say!).

You know, one of my purposes of going abroad is to feast my eyes by watching good-looking men. In fact, I believe that this attitude is extremely good and useful in generating a high motivation for us women to explore and understand the world.

However, the case being so, I was feeling down or disappointed at the shortage of good looking guys. Therefore, when I first saw him in the kitchen at the farm, I became very excited. I said to myself softly, “Why! I could finally meet a man that I can call handsome! I am so glad and happy!. New Zealand is, after all, not so bad…”

He was tall and big (perhaps over 190 cm). Under his T-shirt, I could see his large muscular arms. Meanwhile, in contrast to his stout body, his greenish blue eyes looked very gentle.

His hair was not well combed, but that helped him to look like a young boy. Instantly, I knew that his eyes (and mind) were those of a boy, who is still very genuine and adventurous. In short, he was just my type!

However, sadly, our conversation ended up a very brief one. Because I arrived at the farm quite late in the evening, Robert had already gone to bed on that night, and I had no chance to see him on that day. It was next morning when my goddess of luck smiled at me and allowed me to see and talk with this gorgeous man.

Our short conversation was definitely not because Helen was with us. As I said, she was a very generous nice woman. I don’t think she would have minded if I had talked with her husband (exclusively!) with shiny eyes.

The problems were that, to begin with, he had, unfortunately, some businesses that he had to conduct in a town on that day, and secondly his strong New Zealand English accent made it quite difficult for me to understand him.

(He said something like the result of his blood test came and he had to go to the hospital to pick it up. Yet, most of his words were not clear to me...)

“Why today?” I almost asked him, but since he seemed to be in a great hurry (which means he was not interested in me, obviously!), instead I smiled at him as charmingly as possible. By offering his big hand to me, he said, “I hate to say good-bye soon after saying good-morning. But I’d better get going now.”

Watching his big shoulders disappearing at the door, I imagined that living in a lush farm with a man like Robert would be splendid. Helen must have been so happy when Robert proposed to her to marry him.

It was the second marriage for both of them. Although Robert is younger than Helen, when they got married, she was already in her late forties, so it was clear that he did not expect her to bear his child.

When I heard this episode from Helen, I was moved by his pure love. This attitude of his certainly means that he was really in love with her and wanted to spend the rest of his life with her, despite the fact that she could not give him a child.

After he left home, Helen showed me the card on the door, on which his motto was written. It says that men in New Zealand love their company but love more to be scattered. This means that Robert is a man who loves his friends, but also loves to be alone, being separated from his friends.

Indeed, he is a man who loves being independent, running a farm on his own. What else can we ask a man to be? Robert is, definitely, a man who lives in the land of New Zealand and loves the country and his wife with all his heart. Bravo!!

Poet Calico Cat


Although he is not Robert, we are soothing him.

三毛猫詩人と一緒に With Poet Calico Cat - Hug me, please?