




もっと 書けなくなるよ





言われりゃ 言われるほど




出さなきゃ 何にも結果は出ないしな~

そんでも お金の入ってない財布から



前に出した奴の一部を お届けしたいと思います






My Summer Diary Chika’s Case

Part 1

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Last night my mobile phone rang abruptly around 10:30.

I clicked my tongue as I knew who it was without looking.

Only one person calls me after 10:30 p.m.

Chika, my friend from high school days.

I was about to take a bath (It was my third time), but decided not.

Instead, I first shut the window and turned on the air-conditioner, so that no one could listen to us.

In the summer, people in Tokyo are nocturnal, because of the heat and due to the shift in our modern life.

Sighing deeply and pressing the button hesitantly, I heard a very familiar voice call my name.

“Poet Calico Cat…”

Yes, it was Chika, who is as indecisive as I am.

(Is that the reason why we remain as friends?)

As usual, she began to talk about her nasty boyfriend.

“How long are you going to stay with Haruki, anyways?” I asked Chika, trying to finish the conversation as soon as possible.

“As I've been telling you, he has too many bad habits. I really don't know what to do with him...”

She kept talking, without noticing my irritation.

After listening to Chika for a while, I asked her once again, to show my wisdom, and to help her.

“So, you are not in love with him, Chika?”

"I don't know..." Chika replied.

"Well... that's what you have been telling me..."

I repeated the same phrase, but never said that line again on that night.

(Because, No, she won’t listen. )

You see, she just continued telling me what she had already told me...

(Can you please stop?!)

“You know, he never keeps a promise, as I told you."

(Yes, I've heard that..)

"He does not even remember what I asked him to get me for my birthday."

(Maybe he is not the only one who does not remember?)

He is neither tall nor handsome…And his eyes sometimes look like those of reptiles…!”

(That is too much to say…, my dear Chika!)

“If you don’t love him, you should not stay with him!”

I finally conjured up my courage, and said to her quite directly.

It is always easier to preach what to do to others than to myself.

(Did I hurt her? If so...Oh..no!)

In a minute, she said in a quiet voice,

“No, I cannot do that.”

“Why not?”

“Because if he left me, I would be alone. I don’t like to be alone.” She said rather adamantly.

Listening to this comment, I shouted at her, withou knowing!

“It’s better to be alone than staying with the man you don’t love!”

A silence followed again...