



















Rainy Day 1 Gray Lake でござります


Rainy Day 1 Lake Gray

It was a very frigid morning. I shivered and noticed the smell of rain fill the cold air in my room. As might be expected, the only thing that flashed across my mind was its moistness, like that of a snake skin (not a good example, sorry, deeply sorry...I was rather in a bad mood then..)

Lying in bed, I saw drops of rain running down on the windows. Since there was no sunlight behind them, they looked as flat and colorless as fading bubbles (but still beautiful).

“Well,” thought I to myself, “Once or twice in my life (well, I should rather say plenty of times, actually. Be honest, Poet Calico Cat.), tears of joy, or loneliness and sadness rolled down my cheeks, as if they could never have come to the end of their journeys.”

“Tears won’t get you anywhere, for sure…” A little girl in my heart whispered to me, so I brushed my crocodile tears (!?) off and dressed up in a great hurry.

The February wind was beginning to gather itself up and howl around my house with his boisterous friend - heavy rain.

By the way, I love the sound of thunder rumbling and growling, as much as I cherish the melody of gusts, which are, I believe, blown by a huge sky dragon riding on the wind.

He may have a small green hat on his head, which would make me smile and cry, as it is a sign of our friendship. I loved you, you loved me, we will never forget each other.

Thid roaring music makes me feel tough and strong, whenever and wherever I can hear it, and that is really something magical for me.

On this particular morning, I think I was a little cast-down (meaning feeling down) because when I opened the window and observed outside, all I could see was Mr. big dark Lake Gray. I felt as if he were covering our entire town and watering the woods of leaves and branches in my garden too much.

Although the yellow lampposts on my streets flickered on, as if elegant but charming candles were lit on a Birthday Cake, their pleading look failed to brighten me up (I am not that simple).

This morning, Mr. Grumpy Sky had not winked back at me (How dare he could do that?!). Since searching his eyes met mine, he had remained harsh and cruel to me, who is only a poor (but cute) stray cat roaming alone on the ground.

Maybe, today he had not had any intriguing conversations with any charming companions like me? (Yes, it is 100% understandable that we have one of those days now and then.)

So he kept just getting fatter and fatter (by gathering black and grey clouds around him) and staring straight at the world without a smile, where I still love to remain and struggle to be happy. (Can I be really happy with this sort of sky? No, I don't think so. I need a new nice looking sky...! Please, somebody, give him to me as soon as possible...!!)

Then, my mobile phone rang, once, twice and three times…to break the silence of Mr. Lake Gray and Mr. Grumpy Morning. So I picked it up and said, "Hello?", while licking my soft white fur and imagining the caller must be someone far far better than Mr. L. Gray and Mr. G. Morning.

三毛猫詩人と一緒に English and Deutsch
