


E-version Mie が終末に、いえいえ















よかった よかった~



E-version Mie (2) でございます




本当に、ほんとうに ありがとうございます


Mie (22) With or Without Men

“Mie, do you remember the injuries that we suffered (and the two guys who carried us to the local clinic?) in skiing, say, 20 years ago? It happened that both of us had damaged our left knees.” Trying to sound casual, I said and chuckled.

“Oh, yeah…!” She brightly smiled and said, “We were young, foolhardy, and adventurous. “Especially you..” She smiled again and picked up her coffee. She was polite and very attentive.

As I spoke with her, the old memories of my snow-mountain fiasco flashed across my mind. Mixed with my nostalgia were the feelings of guilt: I did not confront Hide or ask him what exactly his intentions were.

I had only reacted to his weaknesses and just disappeared. There must have been quite a bit of seriousness and sincerity in his heart and actions then. “I’m sorry…now I can sense that after all these years have passed” I was about to say.

At that moment, my teacup tipped over: I spilled part of the tea on the table. “It’s no use crying over spilt tea!” Shaking her head, Mie said, helped me wipe it away. “Right, but, you know,” I said to her that I had been suffering from a guilty feeling for a long time.

“Each time it bugs me, I feel I cannot get rid of it because I am awful. I will never get over it.” The hurt began to let up. I flashed an ambiguous smile at Mie. In truth, my funny grimace tasted like extremely hot and spicy Korean pickles, Kimchi.

“Don’t worry.” She stared at me. “Guilt is a human sentiment. It shows that you are very conscientious. It could be nicer if we didn’t have a sense of guilt but, you see, killing cockroaches without feeling guilty is impossible.

Cursing atrocious politicians and wishing them honorable death is also possible without feeling guilty. But..” She stopped and asked, “what are you talking about?”

I stared back at her. Mie continued, “No one is perfect. I don’t think that there are so many rules that we must abide by in life, as long as we act and care for the well-being of others.

At times, you may develop a guilty feeling, but that is a proof of your wisdom coupled with a process of self-examination. Anyway, life goes on and people forget what you did to them!”

I said that surely it could be the case. “Keep yourself involved with what you really like and want to do!” she added.

As I was listening to her, at one point the image of a big ocean, which reflects particles of light and shines like a rainbow, slipped into my heart.

In the blue water, long seaweed was dancing in the sun that reflected off the surface. Mie and I were swimming and floating there, without any worries, without any sense of remorse or regret.

At the station, after telling me “take care, keep in touch!” she drifted into the crowd and her life, away from my time zone; my life. On my way home, I bought a bunch of white lilies, which is another favorite flower of mine!

Putting them in a vase, I closed my eyes and thought of Mie - what she said and how she put it - and of white lilies, because white lilies were a perfect choice to complete my wonderful day with her, and to bless my excellent happy life (with or without men!).

三毛猫詩人と一緒に English and Deutsch


I think, though, that it is always important to reflect on what you did with the people around you and how you interacted with them.