
今回は、きっぱり、はっきり 迷わずに

きちんと言いたいことは 言わないと


I didn't know what you meant..???



河瀬直美監督の カンヌ映画祭で






なにしろ、登場人物が しゃべらない








伝わらないよね~(Non Japanese には、特に~)と 


はぁあ~ やれやれ でもでも



ではでは、お届け E-version Mie 18 で~す



しかし、アメリカ君の revision はいいね



Mie (18) Feeling Closer

The loudspeaker announced that we had arrived at Shinjuku. It was around 3 P.M. On the platform, he said, “I’ll be working in my office today. You can come with me, if you want? A pile of books are there, and you must be interested in reading them?”

“Yes, of course, but not today,” I said, dragging my left knee and showing it to him. “What if my other knee gets strained?”

He continued, “After work, I’ll call you. Can I get your phone number?” Although he pretended that he was only interested in my curiosity, his affection for me was displayed in his behavior.

(Actions speak louder than words!) He was standing right beside me, not only physically but mentally, much closer than for the distance that is normal between friends.

My feeling toward him at that time was almost beyond what I could have imagined. In Hideo, there was something that I had never encountered, which may be called a gold mine of knowledge and information.

Definitely Michio was also intelligent, nice and kind, but unfortunately, for me he was nothing more than that. Actually, I felt that Hide and I were heading for the same direction.

“Did you ever hear what Mark Twine once said? He said, “20 years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did."

"So, throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” I knew exactly what Hide meant.

Until four nights ago, we were total strangers, but now we were two people who instinctively knew that it was time for us to embark on a new journey together – to get to know each other.

Did I feel the sense of obligation to praise him? No. Did he recite the Twain’s words to impress me? Perhaps. But a man who seeks knowledge, intelligence and wisdom under any circumstances, was someone that I would not trade for anything.

Hide did not carry either his heavy leather bag or his memories of Kanako on the afternoon that we met again. Before he and I turned the corner onto a small street to visit his place, we stepped inside a tea parlor near Daikanyama Station.

Looking at me, he told me reluctantly that he became a terrible kid and troubled both of his parents enormously when he realized their unusual jobs.

“My first rebellion against my mother was to see films after school. As soon as I came back from school, I changed my uniform to jeans and a T-shirt so that nobody could see that I was a high school kid at the theater,” I said.

He looked into my eyes, and smiled. “When I was small, I never let myself wish to have many things. If I didn’t wish much, I wouldn’t feel disappointed when they didn’t come to me, I told myself,” he replied.

His room was literally full of books, from the ceiling to the floor. For perhaps more than ten minutes I stood there, reading each title, without listening to his further elaborations and explanations.

“The Interpretation of Dreams” by Sigmund Freud, an Austrian neurologist and the founder of the psychoanalytic school of psychology, “Psychology of the Unconscious” by Carl Gustav Jung, a Swiss psychiatrist, and “The Red and the Black “ by Stendhal, a French writer, were arrayed on the shelves.

“I am lucky. All these books just gathered themselves around me. I cannot bear the thought of throwing them away. So, they ended up staying in my room.”

Listening to him murmur, what was I feeling? What was on my mind was not surprise. It was a sense of awe and my sympathetic understanding of his life and his ego, his super-ego, and his id. (Let me apologize beforehand, my readers, if my terms are too abstract and too philosophical for you…)

三毛猫詩人と一緒に English and Deutsch

さぎ軍団は今日も行く~ かわいいね~