






ちょっと気になる 今後の行方~でもあります


今日の E-version は アランにすることにしたのです!


(うそ、怒ってる顔かも?) とても自分を止められなかった~




では、今日のお届け E-version アラン その1 で~す



今日はこれから、大忙しだぜ。郵便局、掃除、ご飯、そして 掃除だな~


I still remember vividly the first time I saw my friend, Alan. It was a dusky and gloomy afternoon in London. The problem with winter in London is that it gets dark around as early as 3 in the afternoon.

Looking at the overcast grey sky, I was sitting at the computer near the window, in the furthest basement room of our library. I was a Masters Degree student, trying desperately to complete my paper.

Alan was sitting in front of me, in a chair facing me. But, as two computers, mine as well as his, were between us, I could only see his long blend cashmere coat, folded neatly on his desk.

We were concentrating on finishing up our research intensely and exclusively. The only sounds echoing in the room were supposed to be our finger tapping on the computers and dreadfully occasional whispers. 

My sense of self-esteem was barely maintained when I had breakfast at the university dormitory with other international scholars and grumbled about our ill-mannered professors and tight-schedule programs with them.

The days were like paths in a maze. Going forward and backward, turning left or right, I was looking for something that would lead me to the goal, or simply to the exit.

I was a submarine on its voyage. Operating at the bottom of the sea, where only a little light was reflecting, I had hoped to reach my destination as soon as could be, but there seemed no end to my anxieties and frustration.

No torches or navigation systems were functioning properly. With an unreliable nautical map, the vessel continued its endless travel. Lacking enlightenment, I kept its journey logbook, nearly every day.

I have no idea whether Alan was also an underwater watercraft, like me, which was capable of operating independently in deep seawater for a certain period of time!

His first utterance was, “Is this yours?” Holding a tacky pen in his hand, he was aggressive in locating the owner. “Oh..no..” “Is this yours?” He continued asking everyone around us, and that made me think that he had been something of an achiever.

He was a man of strange disposition. It was just a piece of cake for him to make people immediately get involved in what he was doing. At lunch hour, what startled me frequently was that he kept talking about his own interests with students at a different table.

He continued talking as if nothing was more important than his own topic. For me, as a demure Japanese woman, it was very abrupt and audacious, and even a little bit indecorous.

He was an actor from a minor theater. One day, after fastening his scarf around his neck, he extended both his arms toward me. He then recited his lines from the play that he was acting in.

Walking and bowing as if he were Mr. Wise, and cmoing closer and closer to me, he pushed away all my worries and faltering attempts at friendship bit by bit. His comical gestures never failed to soften my heart and provoke my laughter.

三毛猫詩人と一緒に English and Deutsch