さあ~って 空は青いし



朝から取り組んだ E-version 猫 も

(またも、よろよろ ぐらぐらではありますが)

なんとか 形にできましたぁ





言ってるでしょ?そこで、さぁ~ そういう書き方で~



(はあ、疲れる。おめえの文化にゃ ほのめかす





動作が表す違いなど 奥が深いね 松尾芭蕉~



E-version 猫 でござ~い



Until September of this year, I did not realize that I was a cat. Now, it seems obvious to me that rambling over the paths between houses and strolling through the bushes is what makes me extremely happy.

My decision is more often based not on my abilities but on my lawless passions and capricious ideas. It has never depended on someone else’s perceptions.

Since then, I’ve always been something of a whimsical traveler; when the evening comes, I stop and think of where to sleep.

In traveling around the world, I have found that an exceedingly large number of people are fettered by the figures and facts of security and practicality. In other words, they lack intense creativity and vehement originality.

My life has been full of fantasies and imaginations. It is as free and playful as wild birds flying in the sky at dawn.

Have you ever wondered why they can survive in the freezing winter? Aren’t their small feet chapped in the cold?

No, they are perfectly strong and resilient, as their minds are as free as the radiant glow of wild sunset.

Whenever I see someone falling asleep, I cannot stop myself from disturbing him or her by asking, “May I join you?” It really does not matter for me when and where to doze off.

Freedome is the name of my handkerchief that I always carry in a pocket of my coat. There is no rule or reason for me to hurry.

The only thing that waits for me at the end of my day is an improvised schedule for the next day to come; where to go, what to eat and where to sleep…

When was the last time that you came across a stray calico cat? With her eyes tightly closed, wasn’t she curled up in a ball in the warm sun?

Her triple-color coat (white, earth-brown and light Chocolate brown!) must be soft and smooth like a Japanese shiny porcelain tea mug! She must be in her luxurious sleep alone, but happily and peacefully.

Mind you, if she wears eye-glasses, that’s me, Poet Calico Cat! Please don’t step over her long elegant tail and disturb her Utopian slumber.

OK, my readers..it’s again time for me to take a nap..good night, goo..nigh..

Poet Calico Cat

三毛猫詩人と一緒に English and Deutsch