
On Saturday, I went to watch latest Harry Potter film in IMAX which is the biggest cinema in the UK At first, I had not been interested in where to watch the film but my friend desperately wanted to go there, lol. Most of seats had been already reserved until end of season! Finally we found better seats but we couldn’t book on the web site so we decided to go cinema directly and get the tickets of next Monday.
However, luckily they had canceled seats of Saturday and they were absolutely great position!! We were so excited! We never had thought that we could watch the film on that day.

Before the film started, we went British Museum. They had massive collections! The interesting thing was they exhibited not only antiquity but also quite new things. For example there was a small lump which had made of rubbish in African country. Present is already part of our History.

AND! Harry Potter was FANTASTIC! It’s so gripping, exciting, serious, humorous, imaginative, creative, attractive, and beautiful!!!!! More over IMAX was also brilliant! I had never been to such a superb place! They’ve got a huge screen, (it was much bigger than I had thought) sophisticated speakers around the seats (it sounded like I was in the film)! I couldn’t even breathe during the film so I was exhausted.lol However I was really happy to be there! You should go to Imax at least once!

I can’t wait final episode of Harry Potter film!!!!

Bye ;)