
Hi guys!
Today, we hold a home party at our hall. We made お好み焼き and roast pork with salad and mashed potatoes! (and ice cream & cheese cake! Lol)

It was absolutely hilarious you know  We ate a lot,,, but I can’t drink a lot actually, I always get a headache. We made plenty of jokes about our teachers,lol. Definitely we should hold home party again!

One thing I am annoyed recently is my skin’s condition!! It’s get rough!! I don’t know whhhhhhhy!!! However it’s getting worse I think;;;;;;; because of food? Water? Some other things I use regularly? Do I need more sleep??? Firstly, I decided not to drink tap water and then I use mineral water to wash my face now,lol. Mind you 2litre of water mere cost 39pence. (50yen) It’s not so big deal and I have been taking care of my skin since I was elementary school kid so obviously it’s more important than small amount of money!

I hope it’s get betterrrrrrr :P

Good night!