【蠍座ウエサク月食満月 Sound Bath】 | *宝塚・西宮 Sound Healing*Joyful Universe

【蠍座♏️ウエサク月食満月🌝 Sound Bath



Light hits places that are normally out of reach of light, surfacing and becoming a flow of liberation. This is a milestone lunar eclipse full moon, as what has been delved into becomes a flow of form. In a way it acts as a great reset, a doorway into a new dimension. There will be progress in the disconnection necessary for this to happen.

Receive Vesak's blessing and fill yourself and the world with the power of the most powerful Full Moon of the year.


#joyfuluniverse #sounduniverse #soundhealing #crystalbowls #crystalbowlsoundhealing #crystalbowl #crystal #crystalenergy #soundmedicine #lightsound #lightlanguage #lightlanguagecodes 




#arcturusquantumhealing #soundmeditation #meditation  #crystaltones 

#音楽療法 #サウンドヒーリング #クリスタルボウル #ライトランゲージ #ホーミー #クリスタルボウル演奏家 #クリスタルボウルアーティスト #加藤ヨーコ