2016/02/22 | live in the present shinkunの ブログ

live in the present shinkunの ブログ


hair style collection  ヘア スタイル の 記録











Very inportant customer  

The coloring which  has no cases that today's menu order was done so far.

Always leave to the style design and all color way energy.

This time, a cut, a side and a neckof shingle. tow block style of cut.

A coloring is the double color and first color gray hair is here, but the double color   which is a collar on, but purpose color color on the rather ligh brightness and chroma aren't too flashy and are to add to the work pattern ( helper of the hospital),is added to the complexion first, and ( To ami at the whitening effect, the red system puls purple system is mixed and controlled) and which adds to the complexion and reduces damage first, colorfulness is made up with the HC dye color.
カラーリングはダブルカラーで、ファーストカラーは白髪があるのですが明るめの明度、彩度は派手すぎず仕事柄(病院のヘルパー)に合わせて、まず顔色に合わせて(美白効果をねらうためレッド系プラスバイオレット系を混ぜコントロール) ダメージを軽減するためカラーオンカラーのダブルカラーではなく、カラーオンHC染料で色味を補う

#love #happy #hair #short #color #cut #customer #natural #design #shine #gloss #guest #whitening #drying #shampoo #treatment #hc dye#complexion#red #purple#do-s