Kenny Ortegaが'With him leading the way'って言ってる時のこのズボンお洒落~!「でもパジャマ?」とThis is itの映画を見ていて思った人もいるのではないでしょうか?もしやいない?
聞き手: When he showed up that day in pajamas seems out of it. Was it just eccentricity?
Thomas: That was you guys manipulated (phenomena?と言ってますか?どこかにsubtitleがちゃんとあるみたいですが確認してませんごめんなさい) The fact of the matter is he hurt his back that morning. He went to the hospital. I told the judge what's going on. The judge wanted him there in 45 minutes or he is going to put him in jail and (ほにゃほにゃ)I said to Michael 'You come to court right now whatever you are wearing.' That was my fault. He wanted to go home and change but I wanted him right away cause I didn't want him in jail. So I'm responsible for that.
マイコーの無実を立派に証明してくれたThomas Mesereauがパジャマ事件の経緯を説明してます。まじめでいい人そうですね。余計なことはペラペラ言わない紳士だ~この件に関してはマイコーのチョイスではなかったんですね~だよね~
3Tのパジャマ好き発言(UKのThis morningに出演した時と思われます)
Richard: What do you buy Michael Jackson?
TJ: We also got him 3T PJs, pajamas. Cause we always wear pajamas everywhere we go.
3Tも若いですが、Judy FinniganとRichard Madeleyすごく若く見えます。やっぱJackson家PJs好きなのでは?
Kenny Ortegaが'With him leading the way'って言ってる時のこのズボンお洒落~!「でもパジャマ?」とThis is itの映画を見ていて思った人もいるのではないでしょうか?もしやいない?
聞き手: When he showed up that day in pajamas seems out of it. Was it just eccentricity?
Thomas: That was you guys manipulated (phenomena?と言ってますか?どこかにsubtitleがちゃんとあるみたいですが確認してませんごめんなさい) The fact of the matter is he hurt his back that morning. He went to the hospital. I told the judge what's going on. The judge wanted him there in 45 minutes or he is going to put him in jail and (ほにゃほにゃ)I said to Michael 'You come to court right now whatever you are wearing.' That was my fault. He wanted to go home and change but I wanted him right away cause I didn't want him in jail. So I'm responsible for that.
マイコーの無実を立派に証明してくれたThomas Mesereauがパジャマ事件の経緯を説明してます。まじめでいい人そうですね。余計なことはペラペラ言わない紳士だ~この件に関してはマイコーのチョイスではなかったんですね~だよね~
3Tのパジャマ好き発言(UKのThis morningに出演した時と思われます)
Richard: What do you buy Michael Jackson?
TJ: We also got him 3T PJs, pajamas. Cause we always wear pajamas everywhere we go.
3Tも若いですが、Judy FinniganとRichard Madeleyすごく若く見えます。やっぱJackson家PJs好きなのでは?