Every time Michael Jackson called me and invited me to be a part of anything that he was doing automatically I knew that my life was going to change. And it didn't matter what I was doing I had to figure out a way how to move it out of my way so that I can say 'YES!!!' and jump in. Because every time I work with Michael it was life changing and I always came out the other side, having been to somewhere that I've never been before.

When he decided to do something he did it all the way. And I loved that fullness of investment. I knew get ready for the ride. I didn't have a life anytime I worked with him outside of the work. It required every bit of my life to be invested when you worked with Michael Jackson but it was great. It was a great thing. He invested everything too. And plus he also made you special, he made you appreciated, he was open.

That was all right there at that moment. Came out of an improvisation. And I was standing on stage and he was improvising which no one else does that better.

This is itの映画を見て感じたのはプロジェクトのメンバーがうらやましいほど心から楽しそうなこと。コンサートを見ることになった人も楽しいけど、製作側の人が何百倍も楽しそうです。Kenny Ortegaを初めマイケルのプロジェクトに関わるチャンスを勝ち取った人はホントに幸運ですね。


I was with Michael in Eastern Europe. We got off of the plane he said 'Do you want to go the hotel or do you want to come orphanage with me? Rather than going to the hotel he went to the orphanage.

'This orphanage will be turned around. There will be new beds in here, there will be clean sheets in here, there will be more people in here, taking care of these children by tomorrow, or I'm not going to go on stage.' I saw this guy going to an orphanage in Romania and turned the conditions around within 24 hours. Another thing that I will always remember about him.

While he was on tour, he always wanted to know what he could do in each place so that when he left he left place better having been there.

忙しい合間をぬってHeal the worldを実践して孤児院などの施設などをこっそり訪問していた心優しいマイケルを間近で見た人は多くないはずです。話を聞くだけでも心打たれます。