絵のように飾る写真たち 写真こんな風に飾ってくださっています!その6 | salad


Photographer Midori S. Inoue

絵のように飾る写真たち こんな風に飾ってくださっています #6


友人のBilly, 残念なことに6月29日にバイクの事故で亡くなってしまったのですが、2年前に写真についてこんな風に書いてくれていました。いつも、家の中は家族や大好きな人たちの写真でいっぱいで、30年近く前に私が撮った写真も、一緒に飾ってくれていて、本当に嬉しかったです。写真を見るとその時の情景が思い出されるし、毎日大好きな人たちと会話をしたりしているって、写真があることで天に召されてしまった人たちでさえも、とっても近くに感じることができて嬉しいって言ってくれていました。

Please rest in Peace, Billy!


Billy had the photos put like these.  Also, the following is the story Billy wrote to me 2 years ago.   " How he feels about the photos he has at home".  Truly lovely and appreciative!


This Washi printed photo of Rosemary and Bill was gift to Bill 3years ago

then Billy inharited it and cherished it!


Photos of Will, Billy's son, is displayed in the middle

I have taken them 20 years ago.


CD of the supercar, the Japanese band
Shannon's photo was used for the cover!


Hi Midori, As you probably know and remember from visiting my place I surround myself with pictures with my family and extended family my grandparents and my great grandparents and of course my parents and my brother. I probably have 25 or 35 pictures of us. It makes me happy to know that they are next to me always.


When I sit and look at the pictures and close my eyes I can hear them and feel them talking to me. Smiling and I tell them out loud how much I love them still to this day even though some of them have been gone for more than 30 or 40 years I still them love them just as much today as I did yesterday even more. Those pictures mean More to me than anything else that I have in my possession. I have arranged each one so I can see each one individually when I’m sitting in my chair looking out over the water.


It’s like a big family party all the time here without the noise or the commotion. It’s beautiful memories, it’s a smile, a tear, and the sense of love in my heart that I feel nowhere else. These pictures mean more to me than anything to look at them always with a smile and a tear I’ve missed them even though they are with me in my heart more now than ever. They help me with my decisions I pray to them daily hourly and sometimes continuously. Whenever I pass the pictures in the hallway of my mother and father I always say out loud hi mama, hi papa, they are all I have now but it’s OK because we feel closer than ever







音はしないけど、family partyが毎日ここで開かれているような、笑ったり泣いたりお互いを心から大切に思ったり、どこにもない素晴らしい記憶が写真の中には想い出とともにいっぱい詰まっているんだ。前にも増して、みんなが僕の心にはいて、守ってくれていて、何かを決めたりする時には手伝ってくれて、毎日、いや毎時間祈ることもあるよ。写真の前を通る時は、"Hi mama, Hi papa"って挨拶するよ。二人はいないけれど、以前にも増して近く感じるんだよね。