Once in a while I feel like I seriousely want to use Eniglish.

Now is the time, you might feel weird about what I'm doing here.

If I bother your feeling, please just leave, I will write about BL and things like that.

About two days ago, I read some storyies about 8027. Those stories are not really based on the comix, but made me cry! I couldn't help telling you! I will write only one of them cos it's gonna be long! I know! lol

Basically, it says Tsuna can be alive in the future only if Yamamoto die in early place. Yamamoto can be alive in the future only if Tsuna has killed. This reality is resarched by Vongola family and never can be changed.

Vongola family decied to kill Yamamoto to save Vongola diecimo's life.

Yamamoto has killed infornt of Tsuna and Reborn.

Sounds weird, I know lol

Tsuna is living in the future where Yamamoto had already killed by Vongore for a long time ago. He was in a deep reglet and could not find even a piace of happiness.

One day Ranbo called him and shot him in a night park. Tsuna could avoid the bullet, but he didn't because of his atonement for Yamamoto.

He thought he will die, but when he realized he was in the coffin.

He woke up and find Yamamoto.

Yamamoto was about to shoot his head.

Tsuna run up to him and said "Nooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!"

Yamamoto looked so surprised and said "Gosh I though you were dead, you deceived us!!"

According to his story, in this world, Tsuna has killed by Byakuran so Yamamoto was ordered to go to the other future (I mean pararel world) to find the way to save Tsuna's life.

The gun he had was not a real, but the Specially maded bullet which is Invented by Vovino family. The gun that take people to pararel world.

Tsuna and Yamamoto both looked so happy and Tsuna decied to live in this world forever.

Yamamoto told Tsuna to come back here at 12:00am that he has to go back to the hiding place once to tell everyone about Tsuna.

At the same time Tsuna agreed with him, Moscas find them.

When Tsuna sees Yamamoto got heart, he knew the fate.

"Tsuna need to die to save Yamamoto."

Tsuna dicied to shoot a Supecially maded gun to his own head.

Tsuna is in a night park where Ranbo shot him.

He suddenly start running and get on a plane to go Japan.

His ame is the palce where he promiced Yamamoto to meet at 12:00am.

He reached the place, ofcourse nobody was there.

At the same time Yamamoto was there in the pararel world where nobody is waiting.

They both see the moon and decied to live to save their own life which are saved by each other.

Tstuna called Reborn and said. "I can never forgive you Reborn, but Yamamoto was not angry at you."

"Oh, yea?"

"You should visit Japan sometime"

Sorry I'm not a good teller. I tried to make a story shorter, but not really lol

If you are interested, please find it on pixiv. the wtiter has a lots more stories which i liked.

I'm usuing such bad English this time. English has so mamy Expressions I think impressive or emotionally cool.

Anyways I hope you understand the story!!

Love ya!!
