
I was going to write a new article today and also
answer all your comments.....

But my computer isn't working properly!!



It's so hard to read in just Hiragana and Katakana,
I might as well write all my blog in English today!

These last few days, I signed up on a SNS site that my friend
invited me, and there they were!
All my friends from high school!

It's really so amazing that the world can easily be
connected through the internet.

Just last month there was news on the BBC that a kidnapped son who was
lost for over 27 years was found on "Face Book" !

Since I was attending an International School in Munich Germany,
my friends were scattered world-wide which was also very interesting to find out!
It brings back so many memories too...

While I'm at it, I think I'll start looking for ALL my friends from the
schools that I've attended in the US, Scotland and France!

