
I know we’re getting personal, but a you know, I was a 

young girl.This is a what I would looked like my grandma

 just a few month earler.Here’s me on a the same day 

as the this shoot. My friend got to come with me. 

Here’s me at a pajama slumber party a few days before

 shoot I shot French Vouge. Here's me on a the soccer

 team saccor and in Vmagazine,and here's me today.

And I hope what you are seeing that these pictures are 

not pictures of me.They are constructions.

And they are constractions of my group by proffesionals

 by hair stylist and make up artists,and photographers

and stylists, all of their assistants  and post prodution and

they built this that’s out of not me.


Ok, so the next question people always ask me is

”Do you get free staff?” I do have too many 8-inch heels

which I never get to wear except for earlier,but the free 

stuff that  I get is that the free stuff that I get in real life

 and that's what we don’t like to talk about.

I grew up in Cambridge, and one time I went into a 

store that and I forget money and gave me the dress 

for free.


When I was a teenager, I was driving with my friend, 

she also who was an awful driver, and  she ran read 

of cource we got pulled over.and all it I took was sorry 

officer, and we were on a way.I got these free things,

because of  how I look,not who I am.


And there are people paying a cost for

how they look,and not who they are.

I live in Newyorl, and last year of the 140,000 teenagers 

were arested stopped and frisked 86% of them were black

Lattino and most of them were young man.

And there are only 177thousand young black Lattino in New York,

So for them is it's not a question of will I get stopped

but how many times do I get stopped or when I get stopped

When I was researching this talk, I found out that of the 

13th years old girls of the United States, 53% don’t like 

their bodyies. And the that number goes to 78% 

by the time another that they are17.


So the last question people ask me is ,you know,what is 

the it like to be a model?

And I think the answer that a they're looking foris if you 

were are little bit skinnier, and you have shinier hair, 

you will be so happy and faburous.

And one more back stage we given an answer that maybe

makes it seem like that we say it's really amazing to travel,

and it's amazing to get work with creative and inspired 

passionable passionate people.And those things are true,

but they're only one half of the story,because

the thing that we never say on camera that I had have

never said on camera ,because is I’m not insecure.



<Cameron Russell: Looks aren't everything. Believe me, I'm a model>


Hi, my name is Cameron Russell. And for the last a little while I’ve been a model, and actually for 10years. And I feel like these there's an  uncomfoterble tention in the room right now, because I should none of not have worn this dress. So lackly I brought up an outfit change. This is the first outfit change

on the TED stage, so you guys are pritty lucky to witness

that it, I think. If some of the women were really horrified 

when I came out, you don’t have to tell me now, but I’ll 

find out it later on twitter. I’d also know note I’m quite privileged to be able to ordered transfome what you think

of me, and in a very brief 10seconds. Not everybody gets 

to do that. These heels are very uncomfortable, so good 

thing I wasn't going to wear them. The worst part is putting

this sweater over my head because that's when you'll 

all laugh at me, so don’t do anything while it's over 

my head. All right.


So why did I do that? That was awkward. Well. I’m hopely

Hopefully not so awkward as that picture. Image is powerful, 

but also image is superficial. I just totally transformed 

what you thought of me in 6 seconds. And this picture 

I like you had actually I had never had boyfriend in real 

life, I was totally uncomfatable, and the photogragher was

signed telling me to arch my back and put my hand and 

in that guy's hair. And of course boring barring surgery 

and order of the fake tan that I got 2days ago for work.

There's very little that we can do to transform how we 

look,and how we look that would be though it is superficial

and imutable has a huge impact on our lifes lives.


So today, for me, being fearless means being honest. And 

I am on this stage because I’m a model, and I’m on this 

stage because I’m a pretty, white woman. And in my 

industry that we are called the that a sexy girl. I’m gonna

answer the questions that people always asked me, but 

with an honest twist.


So the first question is “how did do you become a model.”

I always just say “Oh, I was scouted”, but that means 

nothing. The real way that I became a model is I wanna won a genetic lottery and I’m the receipe of legacy, and maybe

you are wonderring what is the a legacy. Well.the past you 

centuries we have the find defined beauty, not just as 

health and youth and symmetry that would we're 

biorogycally programmed to admire, but also as tall, slender figures, and femininidity and white skin. And this is the a legacy 

that was built for me, and it's legacy that I’ve been cashing 

out on. 


And I know there are people on in the audience who are 

skeptical at this point, and maybe there are some fashion 

model its like fashionsitas who are like “ Wait, Naomi,

Tyra,Joan Smalls,

Liu Wen” at And first I recommend you on your model knowledge. 

Very impressive, but unfortunately, I have to inform you that in 2007, of  very inspired NYU Ph.D student counted all the models on the runway, everything single one that was woman we hired, and of the 677models we that were hired, only 27 or less than  4% on runway.were non-white.


The next question that people always ask me is “Can I be a model when I grow up?” And the first answer is “I don’t know,They don't put me in charge that” but the second 

answer what I really wanna say to these girls is, “ Why? You know? you can be anything. You could be the president of 

the United States, or the inventor of the next internet,

or a ninja cardio-thoracic surgeon poet. That  which would 

be awsom, because you would be the first one” 

If after this amazing list, they still are like “No,No, Cameron, 

I wanna be a model”, well, then What I say “Be my boss” because I’m not in charge of anything. And You could be 

the editor in chief of American Vorgue or the Ceo of H&M,

or the next Steven Meisel.

Saying you wanna be a model when you grow up is can this 

to saying that you wanna win the powerball when you grow 

up. It’s, you know, out of your control and It’s awsom, and It’s not career path. I will demonstrate few for you now 10years career of accomulated model knowledge, because unlike 

cardio-thoracic surgeon, it can just be distilled right now.

So, If the photographer is right there, and light is right there,

like a nice HMI, and I can say and client says

Cameron we wanna walking shot” this leg goes first,

nice and long we this arm is goes back, this arm s goes 

forward, and the head is three quteres, and you just go 

back and  forth, just do that, and then you look back here

at your imaginary friends, 300,400,500times. It would will look

like something like this. How Hopefully less awkward than

that one in the middle. That was, I don’t know why what happened there.
Unfortnatelly, after you’ve gone this to school, and you have 

resume, and you’ve done a few jobs ,you can't say 

anything anymore, so if you say you wanna be the 

president of the United States, but your resume reads "underwear model 10years", people give you a funny look.

Then I question is " Do they retouch of all the photos?" 

And Yeah, they pretty much retouch all the photes, 

but that is a only a small component of what’s happening. 

This picture is the very first picture that ever’ve  ever 

took, and it's also the very first time that I had one of  worn a bikini. And I didn’t even have my period yet. 







アン・カーザン: 言葉が「本物」になる条件


What makes a word "real"? Anne Curzan’s TED talk 



I need to start by telling you a little bit about my social life. Which I know mean at may not seem relevant  well about it, but it is. When people meet me at parties, and they find out that I’m an English professor who specialized in language,they generally  have one of two reactions. One side set of people look frightened. They often say something like “ Oh, I’d better be carefull what I say. I’m sure you ’re here ‘ll hear every mistake I make”, and then they stop talking. And they wait for me to go away and talk to someone else. The other side set of people their eyes light up and they say “You are just the person I wanna talk to”. And then they tell me about whatever it is they think is going wrong with the English language. A couple weeks ago, I was at a dinner party .and the man to my right so that started telling me about all the way that the internet is said the degrading  the English language. He brought up Facebook, and he said, “To de-friend? I mean,is that even a real word?”



I wanna pouse on that question. What makes a word real? My dinner companion and I both know what the verb “de-friend” means, so when does the a new word like “de-friend” become real? Who has the authority that to make those of kinds of official decisions about the words, anyway? Those of are the questions I wanna talk about today.


I think most people when they say a word isn’t real what they mean is it dosen’t appear in a standard dictionary. That, of cource raises a host of other questions is including “Who writes dictionaries?” Before I’m going go any futher,let me clear for my road clarify my role in all of these this. I do not write dictionaries. I do,however, correct the new words mach the way dictionary editors do. And a the great thing about being a history historian of the English language is that I get to call this “research”



When I teach the history of the English language, I require that students teach me two new slang words before I will begin class .Over the years, I had have learned some great new slangs in this way ,including “hangry”,which is when you’re cranky or angry because you are hungry. And “adorakable” ,which is when you are adorable in kind of a dorky way. Clearly teriffic words that fill important gaps in this the English language, but how real are they? If you some we use them primarily as slang and they don’t yet appear in the a dictionary? With that let’s turn to the dictionaries.



I wanna ‘m going to do this as a show of hands.How many if of you still regulaly refer the to a dictionary either print or online? Ok, so that looks most be of you. Now, a second question. Again a show your of hands. How many of you have you  had ever looked to see who editored edited the dictionary you are using? Ok, many fewer. At some level we know that there are human hands behind dictionaries, but we’re really not sure who those hands belong to.


I'm actually fascinated by this. Even the most critical people out there tend not to be very critical about dictionaries ,not distinguishing among them ,and not asking a whole about the lot of questions about who editored edited them. Just think about the phrase “look it up in the dictionary” Which suggested s that all dictionaries are exactly the same. Consider the libraly here I on campas we are going to where you go into the reading room, and there is a large, unabridged dictionary up on a pastoral pedestal in this place of honor of and respect mind lying open so we can go stand forward before it to get answers. 


Now don’t get me wrong, dictionaries are fantastic resources ,but they are human and they are not timeless. I’m strict struck as a teacher that we tell students critically question every text they read , every website they visit, except dictionaries. Which we tend to treat as an offered un-authored, as if they came from nowhere to give us answers about what words really mean.


Here’s the thing. If you ask dictionary editors what they’ll tell you is they’rere just trying time to keep up with us as we change the language.They are watching what we say and what we write and trying to figure out what’s gonna stick or what’s not gonna stick. They have to gamble because they wanna if you to appear cutting edge and catch the words settle gotta that are gonna make it such as LOL,but they don’t wanna appear faddish and include the words that aren’t gonna make it, and I think the a word that they’re watchining right now is “yolo” ,you only live once.



Now I could get to hang out with dictionary editors and you might be supprised by one of the place where we hang out.Every Janualy we go to the  American Dialect Society annual meeting where among other things we vote an on the word of the year. There are about two or three hundred people who come some of  the best known laugauges linguists in United States, take of your to give you a sense of the flavor of the meeting it occurs right before happy hour.And if you want to come and vote Anyone who comes can vote. The most important rule is that you can vote with only one hand. In the past, some of the winners have been “tweet” in 2009 and “hashtag”in 2012. ”chad” was the word of the year, in the year 2000 because who knew the word what a chad was before 2000, and WMD in 2002.



Now we have other cotegories which vote too and my favorite cotegory is the most creative word of the year. Past winners is in this cotegory have been included “recombobulateion area” which is at the Milwaukee airport  after security where you can recombobulate. You can put your belt bag back on,put your computer back in your bag. And then my all time favorite word at this vote which is "multi-slacking". And multi-slacking is the act of having mutipul windows up on your screen, so it looks like you’re working when you’re acutually goofing around on the web. Well, Will all of these word’s stick?  Absoluty not. And we have made some questionable choices.For example, in 2006  when the word of the year was” ”Plutoed”, to mean demoted.,but some of the past winners, now seem  compretely unremarcable , such as “ap”  ,and “e”as a prefix, and google as a verb.


Now, a few weeks before our vote Lake Superior state university issues its list of punished banished words by for the year. What is striking about this is that there’s actually often quite a lot of overrap between their list and our the list that we are considering for words of the year.And this is because we’re noticing the same thing, we’re noticing words that are coming inter into prominence. It’s really a questioning of attitude. Are you bothered by language fads and or language change or do you find it fun,interesting,something word worthy of study as part of a living language.

The list by the Lake Superior University continues the feeling traditional a fairly long tradition in English of complaints about the new words.



So here is a Dean Henry Alford in 1875, who is was very concerned that “desirability is really a terrible word”.In 1760 Benjamin Franklin wrote a letter to David Hume who giving up the word “coronize as bad”.Over the year we ‘ve also worries about new pronounciatios,here is Samuel Rogers in 1855 who’s concerned about some fassionable pronounciations that he finds offensive and he says “as if comtemplate were not bad enough,balcony makes me sick”.The word is bollowed in from Italian any with and it was pronounced “balCOnee”.



These complaints it’s now strike us  as quite quaint if not downright adorakable, but here’s the thing,we still get quite worked up about language changed. I have an entire file in my office of newspaper articles which express  expect concern about illegitimate words that should not have been included in the dictionary including LOL when it got into the Oxford English dictionary and “defriend” when it got into the Oxford American dictionary.I also have articles expressing concern about “invite” as a noun, “impact” as a verb,because only teeth can be impacted. And ”incentivize” is discribed as boorish,bureaucratic misspeak


Now it’s not the that dictionary editors ignored these kinds of attitude about language. They tryied to provide us some gide guidance about words that are considered slang or informal or offensive often through the usage lavels labels、but they’re in something of a bind because their they’re time trying to describe what we do, and they know that we often go to the dictionaries to get  information about how we should use the a word well are properly. or appropriately. In response, the American Heritage Dictionaries include usage notes. Usage notes tend to occur with words that are troublesome of in one way. 


And one of the ways that they can be troublesome is that they’re changing meaning. Now Usage notes involve very human decisions, and I think as dictionary users, were we’re often notice are wear not as aware of those human decisions as we should be. To show you what I mean we’ll look at an example, but before we do I wanna explain what the dictionary editors are trying to deal with in this usage note.



Think about the word”peruse” and how you use that word. I will would guess many of you are thinking of skim, scan, reading quickly. Some of you may even have some walking involved, because you’re perusing grocery store shelves or something like that. You might be surprise to learn that if you look up in most of standard dictionaries the first definition will be to read carefully or pull pore over


American Heritage has that as the first definition,then they have as the second definition skim, and next to that they say “usage problem”. And then they include a usage note which is worth looking at. So here’s the usage note. ”peruse has long meant to read thoroughly, but the word often used more loosly to mean simply  “to read”. Futher extension of the word to mean” to glance over or skim has traditionally been considered an error,but our ballot results suggest that it is becoming somewhat more acceptable. When asked about the sentence I only had a moment to peruse the manual quickly 66% of the Usage Panel found it  unacceptable in 1988, 58% in 1999, and 48% in 2011 ”


Ah…the usage panel. That trusted body of laguage authorities who is getting more leaning lenient about this. Now what I hope you’re thinking right now is “Wait, Who’s on the usage panel? And what shall should I do with their pronouncement” If you look in a the front matter of American Heritage dictionaries, you can actually find the names the people of on the usage panel,but who looks at the front matter of dictionaries? There are about 200people in the usage panels.They include Academicians, journalists,creative writers, there’s a Supreme the prime court of justice on it and a few linguists. As of 2005, the list includes me.Here’s what we can do for you.We can give you a sense of the range of opinions about contexted contested usage.


That is and should be the expert extent of our authority.we are not a laguage academy. About once a year,I get a ballot but that asks me about ex whether new usages,uses, new pronounciations,new meanings are acceptable. Now here’s what I do to fill out the ballot. I listen to what other people are standard  saying and writing. I do not listen to my own likes and dislikes about English laguage.I will be honesty to with you. I do not like the word “impactful”, but that is that hear neither here nor there in terms of whether “impactful” is becoming common usage and becoming more acceptable in written prose.So I’ll to be responsible, what I do is go look at usage which often involves is going to look at online on my databases such as google books. Well, if you look for “impactful” in google books, here’s watched what you find. Well it’s sure looks like “impactful” is proving useful for a certain number of writers and has become more and more ususeful of over the last 20years.



Now, there’re gonna be changes that all of us don’t’t like in the laguage.There’re gonna be  changes where you think“ Really? Does the language have to change that way?” What I’m saying is we should be last less quick to deside that that change is terrible. We should be last less quick to impose our likes and dislikes about words and on other people.


And we should be entirely reacting reluctant to  think that English language is in trouble. It’s not. It is rich and   vibering vibrant and filled with the creativity of the speakers who speak it. In retrospect we think it’s fascinating that the word “nice” used to mean silly, and that the word decimate used to mean to kill one of in  every ten.


We think that Ben Flanclin was been being silly to worry about “notice” as the a verb, but Well, You know what? we’re gonna to look pretty silly in a 100years for worryng about impact as the a verb, and invite as the a noun.The language is not gonna change so fast that we can’t keep up. Languages just dosen’ t  work that way.I hope that what you can do is fine find laguage is not change not worry something,worrisome but fun and fascinating just the way dictionary editors do. I hope you can enjoy being part of the creativity that is continually we’re making remaking our language and keeping it robust.


So how does the a word get into a dictionary? It gets in because we use it ,and we keep using it, and dictionary editors are paying attention to us. If you’re thinking “ but that is lets all of us dicide what words mean”, I would say “Yes, it does, as and it always has”

Dictionaryies are a wonderful guide and resource, but there is no adjective objective dictionary authority out of there that is final abiter about what words mean. If a community of speakers are is useing the a word and knows what that it means, it’s real. that word might be slangy, that word might be nformal, That word might be the a word that you think thinking is un illogical and or  unneccesary, but that word we’re  using that word is real. Thank you.


I  did a live jazz show last night. 
I sang songs with a pianist whose name is Luka next to me playing along. 
We had a very good time.
Anyway I felt that I had to practice more. Practice makes perfect and the sky is the limit. 

È una festa la vita 人生は祭りだ★アリスのNo music No life★

第1水曜日夜は、神楽坂u-ma Kagurazaka でジャズライブだよー


少しコスプレ趣向のある私と、とてもその趣向のある、ピアニストのルカさん笑 でもって












Mona Lisa

September in the rain

The shadow of your smile 

Cry me a river






Killing me softly 

Fly me to the moon 

The gift




iPhone より投稿

È una festa la vita 人生は祭りだ★アリスのオトナの夏休み★



The second wakeboard challenge. 
At first, I did it using both of my hands and then tried it with just one hand. 
I did it! .


To play billiards 🎱 
iPhone より投稿

È una festa la vita 人生は祭りだ★アリスのオトナの夏休み★


I wakeboarded yesterday!

It was my first time.

I had a blast 😆😆😆






























iPhone より投稿






9月4日水曜日 神楽坂でサクッとお夕飯食べに来てください。お待ちしております。





È una festa la vita 人生は祭りだ★アリスのオトナの夏休み★











































かっこいい。ウケる  笑笑。
















È una festa la vita 人生は祭りだ★アリスのno music no life@神楽坂★




Piano ソロ】by 佐伯ルカ




Vocalby 川本アリス

Isnt she lovely 

Killing me softly

Summer time 

Moonlight serenade

Mona Lisa





Killing me softlyは、「世界じゅうどこでもネスカフェ」というやつですね。



Killing me softly

Strumming my pain with his fingers

Singing my life with his words

Killing me softly with his song

Telling my whole life with his words

Killing me softly with his song...

I heard he sang a good song

I heard he had a style

And so I came to see him to listen for a while

And there he was this young boy

A stranger to my eyes

Strumming my pain with his fingers

Singing my life with his words

Killing me softly with his song

Telling my whole life with his words

Killing me softly with his song...

I felt all flushed with fever

Embarrassed by the crowd

I felt he found my letters

And read each one out loud

I prayed that he would finish
私は "やめて" って願ったけれど

But he just kept right on.

He sang as if he knew me

In all my dark despair

And then he looked right through me

As if I wasn't there

But he just came to singing

Singing clear and strong

Strumming my pain with his fingers

Singing my life with his words

Killing me softly with his song

Telling my whole life with his words

Killing me softly with his song...








È una festa la vita 人生は祭りだ★



















