☆ one in a million... ☆

☆ one in a million... ☆

what i wish for is a pair of wings....

well... 汗lately i'm not often at home. 足あと
working and enjoying the last free days with my BF.
in 2 weeks university and the new semester starts....
i feel so tired.... and i don't feel prepared enough. ショック!
but then i will be more often online (‐^▽^‐)音譜
It became so cold and rainy あせる
....i wonder when did i become this fatty (-з-)むかっ
maybe the weather makes me so disaffected... i want to make something new, something different. 音譜 I'm back home and its boring............. i have still semester break, for the next 6 weeks............... 何をしますか ? ショック!

eeeh....きのう .. Σ(=°ω°=;ノ)ノ

Mikaru 音譜

☆ one in a million... ☆

ありがとう .. 心 (ノ´▽`)ノ

i don't know... did he often Peta? アメーバ