新中2英語 学習済み 動名詞、不定詞 | 柏英数教室 明倫舎 千葉県柏市 学習塾
I like tennis.

I like swimming.

I like running.

I like running in the park.

I like swimming in the sea.

I like playing tennis.

I like playing the piano.

I like to swim.

I like to run.

I like to run in the park.

I like to swim in the sea.

I like to play tennis.

I like to play the piano.

He started running.

He started to run.

It began raining.

It began to rain.

My hobby is reading.

My hobby is to read.

× My job is teaching.

× My job is to teach.

I want to go to America.

We hope to have peace in this country.

She decided to be a doctor.

She decided to become a doctor.

We enjoy skiing in winter.

I finished reading the book.

He stopped smoking.

He stopped to smoke.

I went to Osaka to see my uncle.

I visited Kyoto to see Kinkaku.

I went to America to study English.

I was happy to see him.

× I was happy to meet him again.

I need a chance to see him again.

They need a chance to go to America.

I didn't have time to watch TV.

I have a lot of books to read.

I have a lot of things to do today.

I want something to eat.

I didn't have anything to eat last night.

How about something hot to drink ?

Will you have something hot to drink ?

Would you like something hot to drink ?

Speaking English is easy.

To speak English is easy.

It is easy to speak English.

Studying math is important for us.

To study math is important for us.

It is important for us to study math.

Speaking English is not easy for me.

To speak English is not easy for me.

It is not easy for me to speak English.

I want them to come here.

I asked him to go there.

I told him to study English.

I don't know when to start.

We didn't know where to play baseball.

I don't know how to swim.

I was too sleepy to study.

I was so sleepy that I couldn't study.

We made him clean the room.

He was made to clean the room by us.

Let me clean the room.