

一番のサービス終了の理由はおおもとのAdobe Flash Playerのサポートが今年2020年で終了するのが大きな要因だと私は解釈している。


これまで色々なサイトで使われてきたAdobe Flash Player。


アメバのピグもそうだったし、ペタの動物の動きもこのAdobe Flash Playerのプログラムで動いていた。


しかし、大きな欠点が見つかって以来、2020年にサポートを終了するとAdobe Flash Playerの公式より2017年に発表があり、いよいよカウントダウンが始まったのだろう。


以下、先ほども記事に記載したが、おおもとのAdobe Flash Playerからの公式発表を改めて記載しようと思う。


Flash & the Future of Interactive Content

Adobe has long played a leadership role in advancing interactivity and creative content – from video, to games and more – on the web. Where we’ve seen a need to push content and interactivity forward, we’ve innovated to meet those needs. Where a format didn’t exist, we invented one – such as with Flash and Shockwave. And over time, as the web evolved, these new formats were adopted by the community, in some cases formed the basis for open standards, and became an essential part of the web.

But as open standards like HTML5, WebGL and WebAssembly have matured over the past several years, most now provide many of the capabilities and functionalities that plugins pioneered and have become a viable alternative for content on the web. Over time, we’ve seen helper apps evolve to become plugins, and more recently, have seen many of these plugin capabilities get incorporated into open web standards. Today, most browser vendors are integrating capabilities once provided by plugins directly into browsers and deprecating plugins.

Given this progress, and in collaboration with several of our technology partners – including Apple, Facebook, Google, Microsoft and Mozilla – Adobe is planning to end-of-life Flash. Specifically, we will stop updating and distributing the Flash Player at the end of 2020 and encourage content creators to migrate any existing Flash content to these new open formats.

Several industries and businesses have been built around Flash technology – including gaming, education and video – and we remain committed to supporting Flash through 2020, as customers and partners put their migration plans into place. Adobe will continue to support Flash on a number of major OS’s and browsers that currently support Flash content through the planned EOL. This will include issuing regular security patches, maintaining OS and browser compatibility and adding features and capabilities as needed.

We remain fully committed to working with partners including Apple, Facebook, Google, Microsoft and Mozilla to maintain the security and compatibility of Flash content. In addition, we plan to move more aggressively to EOL Flash in certain geographies where unlicensed and outdated versions of Flash Player are being distributed.

Adobe will also remain at the forefront of leading the development of new web standards and actively participate in their advancement. This includes continuing to contribute to the HTML5 standard and participating in the WebAssembly Community Group. And we’ll continue to provide best in class animation and video tools such as Adobe Animate, the premier web animation tool for developing HTML5 content, and Premiere Pro.

Looking ahead, Adobe will continue to provide the best tools and services for designers and developers to create amazing content for the web.





この進展を踏まえて、Apple、Facebook、Google、Microsoft、Mozillaなどのテクノロジーパートナーと協力して、AdobeはFlashの廃止を計画しています。具体的には、2020年末にFlash Playerの更新と配布を停止し、コンテンツ作成者が既存のFlashコンテンツをこれらの新しいオープンフォーマットに移行することを推奨します。


Flashコンテンツのセキュリティと互換性を維持するために、Apple、Facebook、Google、Microsoft、Mozillaなどのパートナーとの協力に全力で取り組んでいます。さらに、ライセンスされていない古いバージョンのFlash Playerが配布されている特定の地域では、EOL Flashに積極的に移行する予定です。

アドビはまた、新しいウェブ標準の開発をリードする最前線に留まり、その進歩に積極的に参加します。これには、HTML5標準への貢献を継続し、WebAssemblyコミュニティグループに参加することが含まれます。また、HTML5コンテンツを開発するための最高のWebアニメーションツールであるAdobe AnimateやPremiere Proなど、クラス最高のアニメーションおよびビデオツールを引き続き提供します。

































