Do you think it is a good thing to use the Internet when studying ?




Yes, I agree with this idea.

Studying brings a lot of time, so many people will think of redution in studying.


Using the Internet shorten time to study and conduces a efficient time.

Today it is essential to use the Internet in any circumstances.


Today I even think you should get accustomed to using the computer because the Internet has enormous information.


Experience in studying with a computer helps you work.




No, I disagree with this idea.

It is certain that the Internet has the convenience in our lives, but There might be some people who don' try to think of something themselves by using the Internet.


It has a large amount of information and an answer that you've wanted. Therefore you don't have to think of a question for a long time, there is possibility that this will make you a person who can't bear thinking for a long time.


Computers have amazing power, so might deprive us of the power of our thought.


I believe we ourselves should balance computers and the power of thinking themselves.