I went to work on the days 11-12 [POP Life]


Day 11
I take a photo with her
My lose 200 baht ガーン
Oh my god ゲッソリ
Have their autographs [free] グラサン

I met a new friend... おねがい
His uncle is a true fan [A good person] グッド!

It is hard work to see...
Because the venue is very far... 滝汗
It is a place where foreigners go for a walk...
If next time they come to my area...
There will be more people watching this course!


I just dance a little bit ahead of the stage... 笑い泣き


Day 12

Is the last day
I have taken photos and autographs for free... チュー
All photos are blurry えーん

Group Photography [Free] 爆  笑


Note :
Their manager is cute... 口笛

I admire her "Anatawa Kawaii Desu" [She laughs] ニコニコ

I can remember her smile... ニヤリ

I'm not brave enough...

To go ask her to take pictures with me...

Because [I'm embarassed]

But... nothing happened... [LOL] てへぺろ

I expect her to be older than me... [Maybe!?] はてなマーク


Thank You / For Free Concerts 照れ