米連銀に雇われたオバマ大統領の策略 | ついてる♪


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Suddenly Obama tries to say he is fighting the Federal Reserve Board

It appears the Obama administration’s response to the bankruptcy of the Federal Reserve Board is to suddenly claim he is fighting against the Feds and that the right to make money should revert to the US Treasury Department. This is the sort of thing pathological liars always do. Here we have an administration and Congress that was bought and paid for (with a few exceptions) by the Feds suddenly saying they need to take control away from the Feds. That is the Feds saying they should take control away from the Feds. You are not fooling anybody you sick liars, you have lied so much maybe you even believe your own lies but nobody else does. The United States of America needs to put an interim government in place until you can have a real election with real freedom of the press and get yourselves a real president. No more “acting presidents” should be put in front of teleprompters in order to fool the people.

Meanwhile, the rest of the world is going ahead and beginning to implement the new free energy technology. The Israelis are preparing to set up a free-energy desalination plant on Mt. Sinai in order to start turning the deserts green. The Arabs are doing the same thing starting in Mecca. The Australians are also doing it. The Genie is out of the bottle.



