On the campus, I found this interesting board :D

Before I die...

This was produced by TED <3 aww I miss KGU&TED thing :D
What would you like to do the best before you die..?

I would say.. hmm... I'd like to travel the world with my family! And meet as many people as possible, I guess :D I can't imagine the best day of my life, but it's important to imagine something unpredictable and unexpectable :D You shouldn't take anything for granted <3 Family, Freidns, Environemnt, House, Food, ... Everything!

Ok, so the class was a lot of fun as always^^ I came back and I had a nap lol and then I went to Benn's room :D We were supposed to write a new song but we just didn't feel like doing it at that time so we ended up jamming <3 haha I love jamming with Benn because he is such a talented guy! I have never seen anyone who plays the guitar better than Benn! <3 Keep it up, boy!

And then people in Benn's room were having a Kimuchi nabe party, so I could fortunately join them <3 hahaha awww I loved it! Loved it omg <3 This kind of food really makes me feel like winter is here <3 I can't wait to eat my mom's food *:)

So yeah there were many people, Chris, Kolin, Benn, Seiji, Hiro, Yoko, Kohei, David and me :D I love these guys :D !!

Omg I should've taken more pictures of us today!
