Okay so arriving to Aberdeen Mall, we first went to AlDO but we couldn't find anything good so next, we went to ARDENE to buy some accesaries for prom! we found some great suitable accesaries there^^ I bought a lot as well.. I have been super shopaholic these days for some reason!


I found many stuff what I have to buy day by day so I just can't help buying many stuff! After that, we went to this pierces store where we came last time! And we got our ears pierced :)^^ Hahahaha I am so used to getting them so I was not scared at all ^_^ I've grown up,eh? lol Soooo cute <3 I like it^^

We were so tired and starving so we had a dinner at foodcort^^ :) OMG Haruka and Arika are just fraeking awesome! Seriously! You know, we will never ever drift apart,okay? Well, it can't be! awwwww
We were talking about our dad, future, travel stuff and so on and I just can't wait to travel with them in the future :)! Where shall we go? <3 Anywhere should be so much fun as long as I'm with them =) I can't believe this regular life wil end very soon.. Can you believe it?

After dinner, we went to this shop and got some stuff for my friends :)^^ I hope they will like them <33 (I know it doesn't really make sense..LOL Just leave it!^^)

And then we dropped by this cream shop to get some souvenirs for my friends in japan :)! We tried on many perfumes, cream and so on so we all smelled freaking bad afterwards! LOL Especially Haruka! What the hell was this smell from!?

We still had tons to buy stuff but we had to leave there because it was already a closing time.. I know it's stupid.. it was still before 9:00pm.. hahahaha sweet.

On the way to our home, we were seriously freaking loud! Everyone was turing around and find us and stared at us!! LMAFO I don't know why Japanese teenagers tend to speak in unbelievably loud voice! LOL awww Haruka is awesome, seriously! I am amazingly happy to get to know her here. If I didn't decide to come to this school and chose different schools in USA, we would never ever get to know each other,right?? Thank you very much Haruka, and no worries. We will keep in touch no matter where you are. WE all are with you! <3 <3

I was weeping when I was walking to home. weeping. I was just so mixed up. I have made friends with soooo many people. more than 500, 600, 1000?! jk Of coruse I will try to come back here but you know, obviously I won't be able to meet up with everyone,right?? I will miss everyone, how much am I gonna miss them ?? I am not even sure if I will be okay in the plane because I am sure I will be sooooooo sad when I am leaving.. I just wanna tell all of you guys that I love you soooo much. very much.. never ever forget about it :)

When I got home, my host mom told me, "I got a call from a music teacher from school and according to him, you got a music award in this year!" I still don't really understand what it is so I will ask him again but at least it doesn't sound bad,right?? :) Yay <3

And also I checked the video we were recorded today! :) bhahahaha I look soooo bad!!!! Shit :'( I should have check my make-up before it.. LOL And I am sooooooo fat in this video!!!WTF!? OMG so I just saw it only once.. LOL But it became one of the most exciting memories here! Thank you for this opportunity <3

I was sooo tired and it was too late so I went to sleep without taking a shower..ewww yuck..

Thanks guys <3