"Get Chinese Biowarfare and Cyberwarfare: Military Force Multipliers for 21st Century Conflict

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This book is intended to inform the public, our leaders, the national security community, and partner nations about the challenges we face in the 21st century 8211 ignore it at your own peril!Like the analysis Soviet Military Power, the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) began in 2017 to produce a series of unclassified Defense Intelligence overviews of major foreign military challenges we face. Details on China8217s defense and military goals, strategy, plans, and intentions the organization, structure, and capability of its military supporting those goals and the enabling infrastructure and industrial base were researched. Some analysts warn that the administration will be hard-pressed to deal with the prospect of mounting global disruptions in the Middle East, Asia and beyond, because of the extraordinary efforts and resources dedicated to combatting the Coronavirus, and that could put U.S. national security under increasing threat.