M・ムーア監督「ハリスがトランプに勝つ方法」 ③/⑤



But he’s cautiously optimistic that Harris is signaling a change of direction.  She did not pick as expected the Pennsylvania governor, Josh Shapiro, who had harshly called out student protesters against the war in Gaza and settled a former employee’s claim that she was sexually harassed by a senior aide.


Harris, he applauds, went against the conventional wisdom, upending the predictions of many TV pundits, and chose “this guy from the midwest, a football coach who had offered to be adviser to the gay student group. It’s pretty stunning.”


And while as vice-president Harris has no power to speak against Biden on Israel, Harris has made her feelings plain.  She declined to sit in on Netanyahu’s address to Congress, which echoed Pope Urban II’s 1095 call for the first crusade, instead traveling to a Zeta Phi Beta sorority meeting in Indianapolis.


“Couldn’t they have made up something that sounded important with foreign policy attached to it?  No, She’s busy at a sorority meeting … and she refused the traditional diplomatic “grip-and-grin” after meeting with Netanyahu.  It was very public.”











「なんか他に、外交がらみで、もっともらしゅう聞こえる予定は思いつかんかったんかいな? いや、ハリスは女子会の集まりで忙しいんや... それと、彼女は、ネタニヤフとの面会後、普通やったら外交儀礼で、握手してニコっと写真撮影するやん。けど、それを拒否しよった。めっちゃ大っぴらにな。」