






     Actually, last weekend, I had an unexpected accident (not a car accident) and bumped and hurt my ribs.  Since then, I had felt a throbbing pain whenever I exerted pressure on my upper body, such as when taking a deep breath or pulling a sliding door.


     By the way, the day before yesterday, in the morning, I visited Yasaka Shrine in Kyoto, and then, in the afternoon, the pain suddenly eased, even though I hadn’t taken any 

painkillers.  It's not that it doesn't hurt at all, but if the pain before was a 5, the pain now is about a 1.


     Could it be that the god enshrined at Yasaka Shrine took away my pain as a reward for worshiping, saying, "Thank you for visiting me in spite of the scorching heat"??





The amulet I bought at Yasaka Shrine, with a Rose of Sharon depicted on its pouch.