(フジコ・ヘミング  -- 難聴のピアニスト -- ⑲/㉒)



Fujiko lived in complete silence for two years.  Forty percent of her hearing returned to her left ear; her right ear would remain forever deaf.  One morning, she screwed up her courage and sat down to the piano.  It was a cold; the leaves on the distant birches a gold swath skirting the deep blue Scandinavian sky.  But the keys, shining in the sunlight, were warm beneath her fingers.  She closed her eyes and started over, just as she had when she was sixteen.


“Why did you bother?” Toako snorted.  “Japan is full of young, talented pianists.  There’s no place for you here.”


Fujiko had decided to come home; she missed her mother.  Toako lived in a large building she had bought in Shimokitazawa in Tokyo.  She still taught piano; for extra income she rented the third floor to a theatrical troupe.


“You didn’t make it, did you?” Toako cackled.  “And you know why?  Let me tell you: because deep down, you’re flawed, that’s why.”


Fujiko went to NHK.  Her performances had been broadcast in Germany, Sweden, and Austria, she explained.  Would they please consider featuring her on a program?  NHK said they’d contact her, but Fujiko never heard from them.


“How embarrassing,” Toako sniffed when Fujiko told her.  “Who wants to listen to a has-been who never was?”


Toako’s rancor wore Fujiko down.  Fujiko remembered that her mother had never debuted, that Toako had spent her life teaching others to accomplish something she hadn’t attained.  But sympathy had its limits.  When Fujiko came home late one night, Toako accused her of sleeping around.  “You know what venereal disease is, right?” she sneered.  Fujiko began to protest, but Toako cut her off: “I was right,” she glowered, “you’re rotten to the core.”


Fujiko returned to Stockholm days later.









「うまく行かなかったんだろ?」投網子はくすくす笑った。「なぜだか分かるかい? 言ってやろうか。おまえには欠点があるからだよ。」 


フジコはNHKへ行き、自分の演奏はドイツでもスウェーデンでもオーストリアでも放送されたと説明した。番組で私を取り上げてもらえませんか? 連絡すると言われたが、その後、連絡をもらうことはなかった。


「みっともないねえ」 フジコがそのことを投網子に話すと、鼻で笑った。「いったい誰が、ものにもならずに終わった人間の音楽なんて聴きたいもんか?」


投網子の毒舌にフジコは疲れていった。思えば、母は一度もデビューしたことがなく、自身が果たせなかったことを他人が成し遂げるために人生を費やしている。しかし、同情するにも限界がある。ある夜、フジコが遅く帰宅すると、いろんな男と寝ているんだろと、投網子はフジコを非難した。「梅毒ってどんなものか知ってるな?」 あざ笑う投網子にフジコは反論したが、投網子はそれを遮り、「いや、そうだ。おまえは腐りきっている」と顔をしかめた。

