(フジコ・ヘミング  -- 難聴のピアニスト -- ⑩/㉒)



The winters were harsh. People caught colds that lasted until spring.  Fujiko, joints stiff, woke one morning with a fever.  Sneezes racked her body, but instead of loosening the congestion behind her nose, they wrung out what little strength the fever hadn’t made off with.  Doctors were few and far between; antibiotics, a black market luxury.  Fujiko burrowed under her blankets, soaking her bed in sweat, hoping to grind the fever down.  But the heat seared her for days, and when it finally abandoned her, it took a hostage — she was deaf in the right ear.


She thought she would suffocate in grief.  She played, but the music no longer swelled with the full, round richness it had before.  For weeks, Fujiko squared off against the piano; funneling her senses into her fingers, probing the keys for the sound that the fever had abducted.  She didn’t stop until she wrested the music back, its nuances even more lush than they had been before.  She was ready.


She debuted when she was seventeen.  Kreutzer arranged the program: Chopin and Rachmaninoff.  Fujiko stood in the wings, battling the anxiety clawing her stomach.  The audience murmured in the darkness.  Crouched on the stage, the gleaming piano waited.  She strode across the floor, bowed, and before the last of the applause died down, began to play.






