(フジコ・ヘミング  -- 難聴のピアニスト -- ②/㉒)



By 1933, however, the hammering of jackboots on the streets in Berlin echoed throughout Germany.  On March 22, seven weeks after Hitler became chancellor, Dachau’s gates swung open.  Days later, Jewish businesses were boycotted and Jews in the civil service and universities were fired.  At night, the stadiums, glowing cauldrons against starless skies, rang with choruses praising the nascent thousand-year Reich.


Kreutzer, Jewish and out of work, acceded to the wishes of his frantically prescient Japanese pupils and went to Tokyo.  Toako and Fritz too booked passage for Japan and said goodbye to the city they had loved and lost.  Fujiko pressed her face between the ship’s railings and peered at the edge of the ocean, waiting for the land of her mother’s birth to rise from the waves.


Toako and Fritz’s marriage disintegrated shortly after the family settled in Tokyo’s Shibuya district.  The domestic violence was so wrenching to watch that one of Toako’s relatives, Fujiko’s great-aunt Yoshino, took the children to stay with her.  Fritz renewed his friendship with Kreutzer, now a professor at the Tokyo National University of the Fine Arts and Music; but Kreutzer’s companionship couldn’t compensate for Toako’s fury or his own unhappiness, and Fritz sought affection in the arms of another woman.  But here, too, he was unsatisfied.  His thoughts drifted back to the canals of his country’s watery capital, and one morning he decided to follow them.  He boarded a ship and never came back.








